🌱 I’m currently learning Machine Learning🧠
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Open-Source Projects based on web-dev
🤝 I’m looking for help with Data Structures & Algorithms
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact 🐐Visca el Barça🥅
Project Name | Description |
MESSI_MANIA | A fan made web-page of LIONEL MESSI🧡 |
To-Do-List | A simple to-do-list webpage using HTML,CSS and JavaScript |
Word Scramble Game | Over the past few years ,The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has put out a ton of great entertainment. Thus , we wanted to build a game that will create a twist on the classic word game ' Scramble' , based on MARVEL FILMS. We all love the MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE |
FOOD WEBSITE | A food ordering website(frontend) using HTML,CSS and JS |
BloodSphere | Blood Donation and Searching during contingency Imagine being in a critical situation where someone in need requires an urgent blood transfusion. Instead of panicking and rushing to distant blood banks, people can open our blood donation and searching website and try our ‘BloodSphere Bot’. With just a few clicks, you can easily find nearby blood banks/ hospitals with the compatible blood type. Our platform with its user-friendly interface, ensures you're always aware of compatible blood availability during emergencies, saving precious time and potentially saving lives. |