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yomichi committed Sep 20, 2021
1 parent acea61d commit 4f751fb
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91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions tool/exact/
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# Generator of exact spectrum and Green's function

## Prerequists

- Python >= 3.6
- Python packages
- numpy
- scipy
- toml

## Usage

`--help` option shows the usage message:

``` bash
$ python3 ./ --help
usage: [-h] [-n NSAMPLES] [-q] input

To generate Gtau with white noise from a spectrum

positional arguments:
input Input TOML file

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NSAMPLES the number of samples to be generated (default=1)
-q do quietly

After preparing an input parameter file, say `input.toml`,

``` bash
python3 ./ input.toml

generates the exact spectrum `` and the Green's function `` under the output directory, `work` (the name can be changed by the input file).

When `NSAMPLES` is greater than 1, independent `NSAMPLES` Green's functions with random noise, ``, ``, and so on, are generated.

## Files

### Input file

- `[parameter]` section
- `stat`: string
- Statistics of the system
- "fermion" or "boson"
- When "boson", the anti-symmetry of the spectrum, `ρ(-ω) = -ρ(ω)`, is guaranteed.
- `beta`: float
- Inverse temperature
- `Ntau`: int
- The number of points of imaginary-time
- `omega_min`: float
- The minimum value of real-frequency
- `omega_max`: float
- The maximum value of real-frequency
- `Nomega`: int
- The number of points of real frequency
- `noise`: float
- The amplitude of the random noise in the Green's function
- `seed_base`: int
- The origin of the seed of the random number generator
- Default: 314159
- `seed_step`: int
- The step of the seed of the random number generator
- Default: 11
- `seed = seed_base + seed_step * i_sample`
- `output_dir`: string
- The name of the directory where output files are saved
- Default: "work"
- `[[peaks]]` sections
- `peak_type`: string
- Type of a peak
- "G": Gaussian
- "L": Lorentzian
- "S": Semi-circle
- `position`: float
- `width`: float
- `intensity`: float

### Output files

- ``
- The exact spectrum
- The first column means frequency, ω
- The second column means spectrum, ρ(ω)
- ``
- A Green's function with noise
- The first column means imaginary-time, τ/β
- The second column means Green's function with noise, G(τ)
- The third column means Green's function without noise, G^{exact}(τ)
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import math
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate

def gaussian(x, x0, sigma):
return 1.0 / (math.sqrt(math.pi) * sigma) * math.exp(-(((x - x0) / sigma) ** 2))

def lorentzian(x, x0, gamma):
return (1.0 / math.pi) * gamma / ((x - x0) ** 2 + gamma ** 2)

def semicircle(x, x0, width):
if abs(x - x0) >= width:
return 0
return (2.0 / math.pi / width ** 2) * (width ** 2 - (x - x0) ** 2) ** 0.5

class Spectrum:
func = {"G": gaussian, "L": lorentzian, "S": semicircle}

def __init__(self, stat="fermion"):
self.stat = stat
self.peaks = []

def add_peak(self, peak_type, position, width, intensity):
self.peaks.append([peak_type, position, width, intensity])
if self.stat == "boson":
self.peaks.append([peak_type, -position, width, -intensity])

def dos(self, w):
s = 0
for which, pos, width, A in self.peaks:
s += A * Spectrum.func[which](w, pos, width)
return s

def save(self, filename="", omega=[0.0]):
with open(filename, "w") as f:
for which, pos, width, A in self.peaks:
f"# (type, pos, width, intensity) = ({which}, {pos}, {width}, {A})",
print("# Nomega = ", len(omega), file=f)
print("# omega_max = ", omega[-1], file=f)
for w in omega:
print(w, self.dos(w), file=f)

class GreenFunction:
def __init__(self, beta, Ntau):
self.set_param(beta, Ntau)

def set_param(self, beta, Ntau):
self.beta = beta
self.Ntau = Ntau
self.tau = np.linspace(0, beta, Ntau)
self.Gtau = np.zeros(self.Ntau)
self.calculated = False

def calc_Gtau(self, spectrum, omega_min, omega_max, stat="fermion"):
if stat == "fermion":
self.kernel = self.kernel_f
elif stat == "boson":
self.kernel = self.kernel_b
raise RuntimeError(
f"Unknown statistics type: {stat} (fermion or boson is available)"

def integrand(w, t):
r = spectrum.dos(w)
if r == 0.0:
return 0.0
return r * self.kernel(t, w)

for i, t in enumerate(self.tau):
self.Gtau[i] = scipy.integrate.quad(
integrand, omega_min, omega_max, args=t
if stat == "fermion":
self.Gtau *= -1.0
self.calculated = True
self.omega_max = omega_max
self.omega_min = omega_min

def kernel_f(self, tau, omega):
if omega >= 0:
return math.exp(-tau * omega) / (1.0 + math.exp(-self.beta * omega))
return math.exp((self.beta - tau) * omega) / (
1.0 + math.exp(self.beta * omega)

def kernel_b(self, tau, omega):
bw = self.beta * omega
if omega > 0:
return -np.exp(-tau * omega) / np.expm1(-bw)
return np.exp((self.beta - tau) * omega) / np.expm1(bw)

def save(self, filename="", noise=0.0):
if not self.calculated:
print("Gtau is not calculated")

noised = np.random.normal(loc=self.Gtau, scale=noise)

with open(filename, "w") as f:
print(f"#beta={self.beta}", file=f)
print(f"#omega_max={self.omega_max}", file=f)
print(f"#omega_min={self.omega_min}", file=f)
print(f"#noise_sigma={noise}", file=f)
print(f"#tau/beta, w/ noise, w/o noise", file=f)
for t, Gn, G in zip(self.tau, noised, self.Gtau):
print(t / self.beta, Gn, G, file=f)

if __name__ == "__main__":
import os
import argparse
import toml

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="To generate Gtau with white noise from a spectrum", add_help=True

parser.add_argument("input", type=argparse.FileType("r"), help="Input TOML file")

help="the number of samples to be generated (default=%(default)s)",

parser.add_argument("-q", action="store_true", help="do quietly")

args = parser.parse_args()

VERBOSE = not args.q

param = toml.load(args.input)

print("parameter file is successfully loaded")

outdir = param["parameter"].get("outputdir", "work")
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
print(f"make output directory ({outdir})")

if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
raise RuntimeError(f"{outdir} is not a directory.")

nsamples = args.nsamples

beta = param["parameter"]["beta"]
Ntau = param["parameter"]["Ntau"]
omega_min = param["parameter"]["omega_min"]
omega_max = param["parameter"]["omega_max"]
Nomega = param["parameter"]["Nomega"]
noise = param["parameter"]["noise"]
stat = param["parameter"].get("stat", "fermion")

print(f"stat = {stat}")
print(f"beta = {beta}")
print(f"Ntau = {Ntau}")
print(f"Nomega = {Nomega}")
print(f"omega_min = {omega_min}")
print(f"omega_max = {omega_max}")
print(f"noise = {noise}")

seed_base = param["parameter"].get("seed_base", 314159)
seed_step = param["parameter"].get("seed_step", 11)

spectrum = Spectrum(stat)
for peak in param["peaks"]:

omega = np.linspace(omega_min, omega_max, num=Nomega)
dosfilename = os.path.join(outdir, ""), omega)
print(f"Spectrum is saved ({dosfilename})")

gf = GreenFunction(beta, Ntau)
gf.calc_Gtau(spectrum, omega_min, omega_max, stat=stat)
print("Exact Green's function is calculated")

if nsamples == 1:
gtaufilename = os.path.join(outdir, "")
np.random.seed(seed_base), noise)
print(f"Green's function is saved ({gtaufilename})")
for i in range(nsamples):
gtaufilename = os.path.join(outdir, f"Gtau_{i}.in")
np.random.seed(seed_base + i * seed_step), noise)
print(f"{i+1}/{nsamples} Green's function is saved ({gtaufilename})")

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