spbla 1.0.0
spbla project source code for the version 1.0.0.
spbla is a sparse linear Boolean algebra for Nvidia Cuda, OpenCL and CPU computations.
Library provides C compatible API, the core of the library is written on C++ with
CUDA C/C++, CUDA Thrust and OpenCL for actual backend implementation.
Library supports CPU backend as fallback for debugging, prototyping and running on low-end PC.
pyspbla Python-package sources are shipped with the library source code.
It provides high-level safe and efficient access to the library within Python runtime.
Python-package for Linux-based OSs is published in PyPI and available at link.
- Cuda backend
- OpenCL backend
- Sequential (CPU) backend
- Sparse matrix support
- Matrix creation (empty, from data, with random data)
- Matrix-matrix operations (multiplication, element-wise addition, kronecker product)
- Matrix operations (equality, transpose, reduce to vector, extract sub-matrix)
- Matrix data extraction (as lists, as list of pairs)
- Matrix syntax sugar (pretty string printing, slicing, iterating through non-zero values)
- IO (import/export matrix from/to .mtx file format)
- GraphViz (export single matrix or set of matrices as a graph with custom color and label settings)
- Debug (matrix string debug markers, logging, operations time profiling)