This script attempts to convert a pull request from the fa repo into a sim mod. The purpose of this is to allow potential contributers to test and show off their ideas while not requiring it to be remade in PR form if the idea is accpeted.
Install Python or
sudo apt install python3
Install Github Dependancy
pip install PyGithub
Generate a Personal Access Token access token from
and put it into the Token field in the Token.yml file
Hit enter to automatically fill your token
Input your target pull request ID
- Copy the generated mod out of the script directory and into your FAF mod directory or upload it to the vault
This system entirly overwrites any file it modifies, this means that you cannot overwrite a file twice or play on a diffrent branch than the mod was intended for. For example you cannot play with a PR for FAFBeta on FAFDevelop. Also you cannot play with 2 diffrent PRToMods that work with the same file.
While this script entirly overwrites any bp file it modifies, it is still merging the new file with the old. This means that if you remove a value from a BP file it will default back to the old value. This causes PRs like to not work in mod form. It sees the removal of
Prerequisite = 'Shield',
and defaults to the current base game value of Prerequisite
which is of course 'Shield'
, thus the mod does not work.