Advanced Tasking Manager for Symfony. 100% Php with high concurrency management.
Key features
- Background tasking: create jobs to be run by workers (Symfony commands)
- 100% PHP, works on any Linux Server with PHP7.2+
- High concurrency management: use jobs token to ensure task is executed by a single process.
- Multi-server compatible: tokens are stored in a central SQL Table.
- Optimized memory footprint: create a dedicated Symfony environnement to reduce memory impacts.
The first step is to tell composer that you want to download Tasking-Bundle which can be achieved by typing the following at the command prompt:
composer require splash/tasking-bundle
The bundle must be added to your AppKernel
**Step usually not necessary in Symfony Flex.
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new Splash\Tasking\SplashTaskingBundle(),
// ...
Background jobs must extend Splash\Tasking\Model\AbstractJob.
use Splash\Tasking\Model\AbstractJob;
class MyJob extends AbstractJob
/** @return bool */
public function execute() : bool
// Execute your background operations
// ...
return true;
Job Token may be defined multiple way:
use Splash\Tasking\Model\AbstractJob;
class MyJob extends AbstractJob
/** You can set it directly by overriding this constant */
protected $token = "";
* Or by writing an array of parameters to setToken()
* @param array $parameters
* @return self
public function setup(array $parameters): self
// Setup Job Token
return $this;
There are few predefined abstract job types, for different kinds of tasks:
- Splash\Tasking\Model\AbstractJob: a single simple task, executed once by job class.
- Splash\Tasking\Model\AbstractServiceJob: execute a Symfony service action with given parameters
- Splash\Tasking\Model\AbstractStaticJob: a simple task, executed & repeated every XX minutes.
- Splash\Tasking\Model\AbstractBatch: step-by-step, execute multiple tasks inside a single job.
The bundle comes with management commands to pilot workers from command line.
tasking:check Tasking Service : Check Supervisor Process is Running on Current Machines
tasking:start Tasking Service : Start All Supervisors & Workers Process on All Machines
tasking:status Tasking Service : Check Status of Tasking Services
tasking:stop Tasking Service : Stop All Supervisors & Workers Process on All Machines
tasking:supervisor Run a Supervisor Worker Process
tasking:worker Run a Tasking Worker Process
Note: Tasking processes & supervisor are activated & checked each time a new task is added to queue
Bundle configuration are stored under splash_tasking:
entity_manager: default // Name of Doctrine Entity Manager to use for Tasks & Token Storage
environement: prod // Symfony Environnement to use for workers
refresh_delay: 3 // Delay for workers status refresh
watchdog_delay: 30 // Watchdog delay for tasks execution
multiserver: false // Enable multiserver mode
multiserver_path: '' // Url for remote servers checks
force_crontab: false // Use crontab to ensure supervisor is running (Useless if you uses 3+ workers)
php_version: php // Bash comamnd for php
max_age: 3600 // Time to live of supervisor process, if reached, process will die
refresh_delay: 500 // Delay between two worker refresh
max_workers: 3 // Number of worker to use
max_memory: 100 // Max. Memory, if reached, process will die
max_tasks: 100 // Max. number of jobs to execute, if reached, process will die
max_age: 120 // Time to live of a worker process, if reached, process will die
max_memory: 200 // Max. Memory, if reached, process will die
max_age: 180 // Time to live of a finished task in database
try_count: 5 // Number of failed attemps for a task
try_delay: 120 // Delay before retry of a failed task
static: // Key => Class values for Static Jobs
myStaticJob: AppBundle\Jobs\MyStaticJob
A Docker Compose file is available to run a development server. You can start it typing the following at the command prompt:
docker-compose up -d
This bundle uses Phpunit for functional testing.
docker-compose exec app php vendor/bin/phpunit
This bundle uses Grumphp for all code quality checks (PHPMD, PhpCsFixer, PhpStan, and more...).
docker-compose exec app php vendor/bin/grumphp run
This package is available under the MIT license.