PostCSS plugin to increase the specificity of our selectors.
const increaseCssSpecificity = require('@spotim/postcss-increase-specificity');
Webpack usage:
loader: 'postcss-loader',
options: {
plugins: function() {
return [
increaseCssSpecificity({id: "#conversation" }),
## Results
body {
background: #485674;
height: 100%;
.blocks {
background: #34405B;
#main-nav {
color: #ffffff;
.bar {
display: inline-block;
width: 50%;
Output (result):
body {
background: #485674;
height: 100%;
#conversation#conversation .blocks {
background: #34405B;
#conversation#conversation #main-nav {
color: #ffffff;
#conversation#conversation .foo,
#conversation#conversation .bar {
display: inline-block;
width: 50%;
After leaving iframe, we're trying to avoid css conflicts between our apps and the publiser css rules.
- repeats every class repeat times (default is 2)
: number - The number of times id is being added before each rule / classes being repeated.- Default:
- Default:
: string - if id is provided, the id is being added to each rule to increase specificitywithoutCssLoaderPrefix
: boolean - add your css-loader prefix to your id.- Default: false