StampieExtra provides an event-based extension point for Stampie. It uses the Symfony EventDispatcher component.
The Stampie Extra mailer wraps your Stampie mailer to provides extension points in the sending process.
// include the Composer autoloading
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$httpClient = new Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client();
$innerMailer = new Stampie\Mailer\SendGrid($httpClient, 'username:password');
$dispatcher = new Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher();
$mailer = new Stampie\Extra\Mailer($innerMailer, $dispatcher);
$message = // Create your Stampie message
The mailer will then dispatch the stampie.pre_send
event before sending
the message, allowing you to apply some changes.
The ImpersonateListener allows you to replace the recipient of the mail during
development to send all messages to a single email address. It will add a
header containing the original recipient.
$dispatcher->addEventSubscriber(new Stampie\Extra\EventListener\ImpersonateListener('[email protected]'));
The LoggerListener allows you to log sent emails. It expects a logger implementing the PSR-3 LoggerInterface.
// create a listener and configure it
$logger = new Monolog\Logger('stampie');
// ...
$dispatcher->addEventSubscriber(new Stampie\Extra\EventListener\LoggerListener($logger));
Stampie Extra also provides a SpoolMailer storing the messages in memory and sending them when flushing the queue.
$mailer = // Create your mailer...
$spoolMailer = new Stampie\Extra\SpoolMailer($mailer);
$message = // Create your Stampie message...
// Do some logic, for instance flushing the response to the user
// Flush the queue, sending the message with the inner mailer
Stampie Extra is Continuous Integration tested with Travis and aims for a high coverage percentage.