A browser extension for Web Learning of Tsinghua University.
- Harry-Chen
- current maintainer
- developer from v4.0.0
- xxr3376
- original author
- developer till v3.3.1
This project is licensed under the terms of MIT License from version 4.0.3 for any condition EXCLUDING:
- You are working / have worked for Computer and Information Manage Center, Tsinghua University.
- Your project is financially supported by any institute in relation to Tsinghua University.
If any of these criteria is met, any usage of code, without explicit authorization from the authors, from this project will be considered as infringement of copyright. The word ‘usage’ may refer to making copies of, modifying, redistributing of the source code or derivatives (such as browser extension) of this project, for either commercial or non-commercial use. However you can still install and run the browser extension released by the author without being constrained by this exception.
本项目从 4.0.3 版本起,依照 MIT License 开源,但__不包含__下列情况:
- 您过去或者目前为清华大学信息化技术中心工作
- 您的项目受到任何与清华大学有关的机构的经济资助
- provide a Evernote-like materialized UI
- collect all data of Web Learning
- Homework
- Notification
- File
- Discussion
- Question
- provide new message reminder and highlight messages
- provide a
Priority Inbox
like Gmail - provide a off-line mode, cache all message that you have already read
Chrome Store, Firefox Add-ons, Edge Addons
Or you can install the unpacked version from releases
Learn Helper is built using yarn
yarn --frozen-lockfile
yarn dev-build # for development build
yarn dev-watch # for development build with watching
yarn format # run prettier
yarn build # for release build
You may need to run build commands more than once to get the correct output.
The compiled Chrome plugin is in dist/