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Mongo-TS Struct

About :

Mongoose Documents, by default, are not covered by there schema type.
The common solution For type-cover Document object, is an interface for each schema, which lead to redundancy (define the schema once as a schema definition object and once as an interface) and may take more code maintenance.

By defining a class that represent your Mongoose schema, and using Typescript decorators around the class's members, your schema definitions are being stored behind the scene and a type-cover 'native' Mongoose schema is created.

Using mongo-ts your schema need to be written once as a class - and a typed cover schema will be created for you.

References :

Features :

  • Generate class definition to a native mongoose schema.
  • Support OOP writing style by enabling schema class extending.
  • Support class method & static implementation and invoking them through a document and Model.
  • Reduce redundancies by inferring the property type (using reflection).
  • Cover created and fetched documents with the schema class type definition.

Table Of Content :


npm i mongo-ts-struct -S

Quick Setup and Usage

  1. Assuming you got an existing typescript node app, install the module with npm i mongo-ts-struct -S.

    Make sure the setting on your tsconfig.json file allowing decorators :

        "compilerOptions": {
            "experimentalDecorators": true,
            "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
  2. Moving on to the code,
    The common mongoose schema setup with typescript on the background is looking something like :

    // on file - blog.interface.ts
    export interface IBlog {
            title:  string;
            author: string,
            body:   string,
            comments: { body: string, date: Date }[], 
            date: Date
            hidden: boolean,
            meta: {
                votes: number,
                favs:  number
    // on file - blog.schema.ts
    import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';
    import { IBlog } from './blog.interface';
    export const blogSchema = new mongoose.Schema<IBlog>({
        title:  { 
            type: String, 
            required: true 
        author: String,
        body:   String,
        comments: { 
            type: [{ body: String, date: Date }], 
            default: [] 
        date: { type: Date, default: },
        hidden: Boolean,
        meta: {
            votes: Number,
            favs:  Number
    // on file - blog.model.ts
    import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';
    import { blogSchema } from './blog.schema';
    blogSchema.methods.recentComments = function(amount: number = 5) {
        const blog = this;
        return blog.comments.sort((a, b) => a - b > 0 ? 1 : -1 ).slice(0, amount);
    export const Blog =  mongoose.Model('blogs', blogSchema);

    The down falls on this approach :

    • You got three files for a single schema, you can place it all in one file, but that might be consider a bad practice.
    • The redundancy and duplicate definition of your schema are very match noticeable.
      Maintaining two definitions located in separate files in sync can cause some hide-of-sight bugs.
    • A method defined with schema.methods will not be type covered, meaning, the calling of the method will not be supported by typescript compiler.

    This approach can be reduce now to the following, while avoiding all the mentioned fall becks.

    The interface definition, mongoose-schema and schema-functions are all located under the same roof of a single class, just like the familiar OOP coding style.

    // on file - blog.ts  / a single file will suffice
    import { TypedSchema, Prop, Property, ArrayOf, Method ,toModel } from 'mongo-ts-struct';
    @TypedSchema() class BlogComments {
        @Prop() body: string;
        @Prop() date: Date;
    @TypedSchema() class Blog extends ExtendableMongooseDoc {
        @Prop({ required: true }) title: string;
        @Prop() author: string;
        @Prop() body: string;
        // can use @Property instead of creating comments schema.
        @ArrayOf(BlogComments, { default: [] }) comments: BlogComments[];  
        @Prop({ default: }) date: Date;
        @Prop() hidden: boolean;
        @Property(votes: Number, favs:  Number}) 
            meta: {
                votes: number,
                favs:  number
        @Method() recentComments(amount: number = 5) {
            return this.comments.sort((a, b) => a - b > 0 ? 1 : -1 ).slice(0, amount);
    export const BlogModel = toModel<Blog, typeof Blog>(Blog, 'blogs');
  3. The data queries are all remain the same, the returned documents are cover with the schema-class type, and the schema-class method can be invoked by the returned documents as well;

    async function getBlog(id: string): Promise<{ blog: Blog, recentComments: Array<BlogComments> }> {
        const blogDoc = await BlogModel.findById(id); // blogDoc of Blog type
        const recentComments = blog.recentComments(); // recentComments of BlogComments[] type 
        return { blog: blogDoc, recentComments };

Api Reference

Schema Class Decorator

Every schema class must be decorate with @TypedSchema. With that, the schema definitions can be collected (using field decorators) from the class, and the schema-class extending can be supported and work properly.
Class decorated with @TypedSchema supports multiple function-hooks (stages) in the schema creation, using those hooks you can make your custom changes the schema creation process as you please.

@TypedSchema(config?: TypedSchemaConfig)



class Profile extends ExtendableMongooseDoc {
    @Prop() firstName: string;
    @Prop() lastName: string;
    @Prop() address: string;
    @Prop() age: number;
    @Prop() img: string;

@TypedSchema({ options: { timestamps: true } })
class User extends ExtendableMongooseDoc {
    @Prop({ required: true }) username: string;
    @Prop({ unique: true, required: true }) email: string;
    @Prop() profile: Profile;
    @Prop() hash: string;

    @Method() getEmail() {

const enumKeys = (eType => (Object.values(eType).filter(e => typeof e == 'string')));
enum Permission { 'delete' ,'update', 'insert' }

class Admin extends User {
    @Prop({ default: 2, max: 4 }) role: number;
    @Enum(enumKeys(Permission), {default: ['update', 'insert']}) 
        permissions: string[];
/*  Will be mapped to :  */

Admin = {
    username : { 
        type: Schema.Types.String,
        required: true, 
    email: { 
        type: Schema.Types.String,
        unique: true, 
        required: true, 
    profile: { 
        type: {
            firstName: { type: Schema.Types.String },
            lastName: { type: Schema.Types.String },
            address: { type: Schema.Types.String },
            age: { type: Schema.Types.Number },
            img: { type: Schema.Types.String }
    hash: { type: Schema.Types.String },
    role: {  
        type: Schema.Types.Number,
        default: 2, 
        max: 4, 
    permissions: { 
        type: [Schema.Types.String],
        enum: ['delete' ,'update', 'insert'],
        default: ['insert', 'update']

interface TypedSchemaConfig



toModel<M, T extends Ctor<M>>(class: T, modelName: string, transform: PreModelCreationFunc<T>)

Function that process your schema-class object to a type cover mongoose Model.
Querying documents using the Model created with toModel<M, T extends Ctor<M>> will return documents of type M,
where M will be the schema-class object.


import { ExtendableMongooseDoc, Method } from 'mongo-ts-struct'
import { TypedSchema, toModel, Prop } from 'mongo-ts-struct'

@TypedSchema({ options: { timestamps: true } })
class User extends ExtendableMongooseDoc {
    @Prop({ required: true, unique: true}) email: string;
    @Prop() password: string;

    @Method() getEmailAccountProvider() {
        const email =;
        return email.replace(/.+\@(.+)\.[a-z]+$/, '$1');

const UserModel = toModel<User, typeof User>(User, 'users', (schema) => {
    schema.set('toJSON', { 
        transform: function (doc, ret, option) { 
            return ret; 
    schema.pre('save', /*  some password hashing action ...  */);

export { UserModel, User }

Schema Creation Hooks

The process of generating a 'native' schema from schema-class, is divided to stages :

  • first there is a checkup, if a 'native' schema has been generated from that class, if so, its cached and the hook onSchemaCreated is called, else,

  • the schema definition is being constructed from the metadata of the class and the hook onConstructDefinitions is called.

  • after the schema definitions are determent, the 'native' schema is created and the hook onSchemaCreated is called,

  • then the 'native' schema object is bound to any static / class method, that was decorated in the schema-class, and the hook onSchemaBound is called.


An interface the schema-class can implement and apply the hook onConstructDefinitions.
onConstructDefinitions function executed after the schema definition has been constructed from the schema-class metadata, the schema definition object and decorated static / class methods object is provided as an argument.


interface OnConstructDefinitions {
    onConstructDefinitions(schemaDefinitions: object, functions?: object): void


An interface the schema-class can implement and apply the hook onSchemaCreated.
onSchemaCreated function executed after the 'native' schema as created, the new schema object is provided as an argument.


interface OnSchemaCreated {
    onSchemaCreated(schema: Schema): void


An interface the schema-class can implement and apply the hook onSchemaBound.
onSchemaBound function executed after static / class method, had been bound to the 'native' schema, the bound schema object is provided as an argument.


interface OnSchemaBound {
    onSchemaBound(schema: Schema): void


An interface the schema-class can implement and apply the hook onSchemaCached.
onSchemaCached function executed only if a 'native' schema has been created from the schema-class (and can be cached), in case the schema can be cached non of the other hooks will ran.
The cached schema object is provided as an argument.


interface OnSchemaCached {
    onSchemaCached(schema: Schema): void

Class Members Decorators

Mongo-TS uses field decorators to collect data regard the decorated class members, with that data the member's schema definition is created and mapped to relevant property on the generated schema.

@Prop(definition?: Partial<PropertyDefinition>)

Decorator that infer the type's constructor of the decorated property using reflection, mapped it as the type value of the property schema definition.


@Prop({ required: true, unique: true, match: /[a-z0-9]+@[a-z]+\.[a-z]+/ })
    email: string;

/*  Will be mapped to :  */

email: { 
    type: Schema.Types.String,
    required: true, 
    unique: true, 
    match: /[a-z0-9]+@[a-z]+\.[a-z]+/ 

@Ref(modelName: string, definition?: Partial<PropertyDefinition>)

Decorator that define a ref type property by a provided modal name.


    territory: Territory | ObjectId; // assume 'Territory' in a defined type / class

/*  Will be mapped to :  */

territory: { 
    ref: 'territory'
    type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,

@ArrayRef(modelName: string, definition?: Partial<PropertyDefinition>)

Decorator that define an array ref type property by a provided modal name.


@ArrayRef('post', { default: [] }); 
    posts: Post[] | ObjectId[]; // assume 'Post' in a defined type / class

/*  Will be mapped to :  */

posts: {
    type: [{ ref: 'post' type: Schema.Types.ObjectId }],
    default: []

@ArrayOf(type: SupportedTypes | Function, definition: Partial<PropertyDefinition>)

Decorator that get SupportedTypes (one of the string values string | number | boolean | any) as a type indicator, or a constructor type function of a schema-class (decorated with @TypedSchema), and define an array of that type.
An array type field can be inferred using reflection but currently the type of that array can't be detect.


@ArrayOf('string', { default: [] }); 
    tokens: string[],

/*  Will be mapped to :  */

tokens: {
    type: [Schema.Types.String],
    default: []

@Enum(enumKeys: Array<string>, definition?: Partial<PropertyDefinition>)

Decorator that define an Enum type property by a provided enum keys array (an array of string).
The property type can be the enum type or an array of that enum, the @Enum will infer and map the property type accordingly.


// helper, take enum type and return his keys as an array.
const enumKeys = (eType => Object.values(eType));
enum Permission { DELETE = 'delete' , update = 'update', INSERT = 'insert' }

@Enum(enumKeys(Permission), { default: [Permission.INSERT] }); 
    permissions: Permission[];

/*  Will be mapped to :  */

permissions: {
    type: [Schema.Types.String],
    enum: ['delete' ,'update', 'insert'],
    default: ['insert']

enum Gender { 'female' ,'male', 'other' }

@Enum(enumKeys(Gender), { required: true }); 
    gender: Gender;

/*  Will be mapped to :  */

gender: {
    type: Schema.Types.String,
    enum: ['female' ,'male', 'other'],
    required: true

@Property(type: any, definition?: Partial<PropertyDefinition>)

Decorator that allows a free / custom definition of of the decorated property.
Useful in any case that not supported by an out-of-the-box decorator.
In must cases the @Property decorator will be used, a duplication of the field type definition will be made, there for a more elegant approach will be to create a separate schema-class of for that field and decorate it with @Prop.


@Property({ firstName: String; lastName: String; address: String; age: Number; img: String; }) 
    profile: { firstName: string; lastName: string; address: string; age: number; img: string; }

/*  Will be mapped to :  */
profile: {
    type: {
        firstName: String, 
        lastName: String, 
        address: String,
        age: Number, 
        img: String


Decorators by nature can be compose on top of each other, with decorator that set a specific definition attribute it can make more sense to utilize that behaviors.
An option for setting a class member's definition can be by composing specific-attribute decorators.

@Default(value: boolean = true)

Decorator that set the default definition attribute to the provided value.


class User extends ExtendableMongooseDoc {  
        subscribed: boolean;

@Required(value: (boolean | string) = true)

Decorator that set the required definition attribute to the provided value.


    email: string;

@Unique(value: boolean = true)

Decorator that set the unique definition attribute to the provided value.


    email: string;

@Match(value: RegExp | string)

Decorator that set the match definition attribute to the provided value.


        email: string;

Static & Class Method Decorators

Mongo-TS uses method decorators to reference and apply the decorated method (class method or static method) to the document and Model.


Decorator that define a class method as a schema method for any document to use.


@TypedSchema({ options: { timestamps: true } })
class User extends ExtendableMongooseDoc {
    @Prop({ required: true }) first: string;
    @Prop({ required: true }) last: string;

    @Method() getFullName() {
        const caps = (s) => s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);
        return `${caps(this.first)} ${caps(this.last)}`; 

const UserModel = toModel<User, typeof User>(User, 'users');

UserModel.findById(id).then((user) => {
    console.log(user.getFullName()); // will print the user full name 


Decorator that define a static method as a schema method for any model to use.


@TypedSchema({ options: { timestamps: true } })
class User extends ExtendableMongooseDoc {
    @Prop({ required: true }) first: string;
    @Prop({ required: true }) last: string;

    @Static() static async searchByName(searchValue: string) {
        const _this = UserModel;

        const fieldsForSearch = ['first', 'last'];
        const toPipeLine = ( 
            (s: string) => 
       => ({ [f]: { $regex: searchValue, $options: 'i' } })) 
        const searchResult = await _this.aggregate([ { 
            $or: [
                { $text:  {  $search: new RegExp(searchValue) } },
                ... toPipeLine(searchValue)
        } ]).exec();

        return searchResult;

const UserModel = toModel<User, typeof User>(User, 'users');

// calling this method in a static like syntax - will be supported in compile time as well as run time!
UserModel.searchByName('bob').then((users) => {
    } catch(e) {

Important !
Document object that been 'leaned' will not be able to invoke any of his bounded class methods, altho, in compile time, the method under the document's type can be access.

import { TypedSchema, Prop, Method, ExtendableMongooseDoc, toModel } from 'mongo-ts';

@TypedSchema({ options: { timestamps: true } })
class User extends ExtendableMongooseDoc {
    @Prop({ required: true }) username: string;
    @Prop({ unique: true, required: true }) email: string;

    @Method() getEmailAccountProvider() {
        const email =;
        return email.replace(/.+\@(.+)\.[a-z]+$/, '$1');

const UserModel = toModel<User, typeof User>(User, 'users');

UserModel.findById(id).lean().then((user) => {
        console.log(user.getEmailAccountProvider()); // will throw as error.
    } catch(e) {
        console.log(e); // log : "user.getEmailAccountProvider is not a function"

If .lean() was not chained before the .then(), then the method user.getEmailAccountProvider() would have been called as expected.

Custom Default Schema Definition


Usage Patterns

Schema Class Extension

Schema Class Composition


This module works best with flat schemas (zero redundancies).
The solution for multilayered schema, is to cover each complex (let say, more then three members) layer with a class and use it in the parent layer.

E.g, you could write your class like :

class BaseUser extends ExtendableMongooseDoc {
    @Prop({ required: true }) name: string;
    @Prop({ unique: true, required: true }) email: string;
    @Prop() hash: string;
    @Property({ firstName: String; lastName: String; address: String; age: Number; img: String; }) 
    profile: { firstName: string; lastName: string; address: string; age: number; img: string; }

    @Method() getEmail() {

You can see that there is a repeating definition of the member profile - that is the redundancy we aim to loos.
So by separating this class in to two layers, you can elegantly write it like :

class Profile extends ExtendableMongooseDoc {
    @Prop() firstName: string;
    @Prop() lastName: string;
    @Prop() address: string;
    @Prop() age: number;
    @Prop() img: string;

class BaseUser extends ExtendableMongooseDoc {
    @Prop({ required: true }) name: string;
    @Prop({ unique: true, required: true }) email: string;
    @Prop() profile: Profile;
    @Prop() hash: string;

    @Method() getEmail() {








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