The code isn't ready for use yet, please wait until v.1.0.0 is out!
PCFW is a framework that can be used to easily write powerful and featureful scripts for the music sharing website
PCFW is currently being developed by @TATDK and @Colgate.
You may know them from Plug.Pony, plug³ and SweetieBOT from the Friendship is Magic room on
If you have any changes to PCFW, simply fork the project, commit to your fork and send a pull request with the changes.
To test your changes, simply build it to get the PCFW.min.js file.
If you are making any changings and want to test it, simply run _build.bat to make the PCFW.min.js file.
It's using Closure Compiler (included) to build.
If you make another file in the src folder, add it to the build file. (Please note that the list is in execution order)
SET FILE_LIST=(core console commands events instance)