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StyledStrike edited this page Jan 7, 2025 · 2 revisions

Glide comes with a custom notification system. This page will show you how to use it and provide some examples.

Notification shown when entering a car


The simplest way to show a notification is by calling CLIENTGlide.Notify like this:

Glide.Notify( { text = "Hello world!" } )

Notification example


If you want to change properties of the notification, like icon, duration or the sound, you can do this:

Glide.Notify( {
    text = "Heeeey brotherrr, There's an endless road to rediscoverrr...",
    icon = "icon16/music.png",
    sound = "glide/ui/phone_notify.wav",
    lifetime = 5 -- Stay on screen for 5 seconds
} )

Notification example

Property Type Description
text string The body of the notification. Supports some formatting options, see below.
icon string Path to a .png or .jpg file for the icon.
sound string Path to a sound file or a sound script
lifetime number How long the notification stays on screen. If not set, it will be calculated based on the text length.
immediate boolean Notifications are shown one at a time, but if this is true, shows the notification immediately.

Text formatting

Because Glide notifications use CLIENTmarkup.Parse, you can use a few HTML-like formatting options.

-- Multiline string
local text = [[<font=ChatFont>Heeeey brotherrr,</font>
There's an endless road to rediscoverrr...

<color=255,0,255,255>Heeeey sisterrr,</color>
Know that water's sweet, but blood is thicker...]]

Glide.Notify( {
    icon = "icon16/music.png",
    text = text
} )

Notification example

Sending notifications from the server

You can use SERVERGlide.SendNotification to send notifications to one or more players from the server.