A plugin for LiveSplit allowing for managing Twitch Predictions based on Splits. The plugin uses Beta API endpoint - it may not work correctly in the future (see https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/product-lifecycle)
Download "Components/LiveSplit.TwitchPredictions.dll" and place it into the subdirectory "Components" of your LiveSplit folder. You can then add it to your layout (category "Control").
- Obtaining oauth - 100%
- Storing loging information outside of LiveSplit (to prevent data leaking out when a user decides to share layout files) - 100%
- Connecting to chat - 80%
- Storing split-event information per game/category - 95%
- Split-prediction event editor - 90%
- Verification of split-events list - 70%
- Running predictions based on split-event list - 95%
- Editor is really junky with refreshing preview (colors)
- Events get delayed by request thread sleep.
- Editor currently doesn't check whatever a duration of prediction is longer than a combined personal PB split seperating it from the next event.