Releases: SumoLogic/sumologic-solution-templates
AWS Observability v2.11.0
CloudFormation YAML
CloudFormation YAML template can be accessed here:
AWS Observability Terraform folder in the sumologic-solution-templates GitHub Repo
New feature
- Amazon RDS app - Added support to analyze and monitor RDS Oracle CloudWatch and CloudTrail logs.
- Amazon Load Balancer apps - Added support to analyze and monitor Cloudtrail audit event logs for Application Load Balancer, Classic Load Balancer, and Network Load Balancer.
- Added out of the box monitors for RDS Oracle DB, Application Load Balancer, Classic Load Balancer, and Network Load Balancer. Solution now supports 78 out-of-box monitors.
- Added support to collect custom metrics namespaces.
- Added support to subscribe cloudWatch log groups based on AWS tags to Sumo Logic.
- Added support to filter AWS CloudWatch metrics based on AWS tags.
- Updated cloudformation helper function with Lambda Runtime to python v3.13.
- Updated SAM Lambda runtime to python v3.13 with latest library updates.
- Updated Telemetry Lambda Runtime to python v3.13 with latest library updates.
AWS Observability v2.10.0
CloudFormation YAML
CloudFormation YAML template can be accessed here:
AWS Observability Terraform folder in the sumologic-solution-templates GitHub Repo
- All Python Lambda runtimes have been updated to python3.12 along with the required libraries.
AWS Observability v2.9.0
CloudFormation YAML
CloudFormation YAML template can be accessed here:
AWS Observability Terraform folder in the sumologic-solution-templates GitHub Repo
New feature
- Amazon RDS app - Added support to analyze and monitor RDS MS SQL CloudWatch logs.
- Amazon RDS app - New monitors added for RDS MS SQL CloudWatch logs. Solution now supports 70 out-of-box monitors.
- By default, the solution now sends CloudFormation deployment telemetry to Sumo Logic. Users have the option to opt out of this telemetry.
- Reduced the installation time for the AWS Observability solution using the CloudFormation template.
- Integrated the latest SAM versions with AWSO v2.9.0 (CF + TF) to address CVEs and updated Lambda runtimes from Node.js v18.x to v20.x.
- Upgraded to Sumo Logic Terraform provider v2.31.0 for CVE fixes.
- Updated Terraform test code written in Go language from v1.18 to v1.22, addressing CVEs associated with the gRPC module.
- Enhanced log group subscriptions limit in the updated SAM app sumologic-loggroup-connector v1.0.12 .
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue where updating from versions lower than v2.8.0 to v2.8.0 was not functioning correctly. Users are now recommended to update directly to v2.9.0, bypassing v2.8.0.
AWS Observability v2.8.0
CloudFormation YAML
CloudFormation YAML template can be accessed here:
AWS Observability Terraform folder in the sumologic-solution-templates GitHub Repo
New feature
- RDS app - Added support to analyze RDS PostgreSQL cloudwatch logs.
- New monitors added for RDS PostgreSQL, RDS MySQL, DynamoDB, EC2, Lambda, and API Gateway.
- Added new dashboards for HTTP and Websocket API which covers use cases based on cloudwatch logs and metrics including enhanced metrics.
- Added support for API Gateway access logs for all three types of APIs - REST, HTTP, and WebSocket API.
- Optimized time to install AWS observability solution with cloudformation template.
- AccountID tag removed from AWS CloudWatch Metrics sources.
- CVE fixes associated with Sumologic terraform provider and terraform integration module (update >= 2.28.3, < 3.0.0).
- Updated Terraform integration module to AWS terraform provider version 5.x.
- Existing source URL of Classic Load Balancer is integrated with CloudFormation (CF) Solution.
AWS Observability v2.7.0
CloudFormation YAML
CloudFormation YAML template can be accessed here:
AWS Observability Terraform folder in the sumologic-solution-templates GitHub Repo
New feature
- Amazon RDS app - Added support to analyze RDS MySQL and AuroraMySQL Databases cloudwatch logs.
- All python lambda runtimes have been updated to python 3.11 along with the latest python libraries supported.
- All nodeJS lambda runtimes have been updated to node.js 18.x along with the latest node.js libraries supported.
- The solution is updated to use AWS terraform provider v5.x
- Updated SAM apps used in solution
- sumologic-s3-logging-auto-enable - Semantic v1.0.6
- sumologic-loggroup-connector - Semantic v1.0.9
Bug Fixes
- AWS Lambda app updated - Consistent handling of time-out error messages.
- AWS Application Load Balancer app - Updated metric panel queries to precisely handle available dimensions.
- AWS API Gateway app - Fixed quantisation for
aggregation in metric queries.
AWS Observability v2.6.1
CloudFormation YAML
CloudFormation YAML template can be accessed here:
AWS Observability Terraform folder in the sumologic-solution-templates GitHub Rep
Security Fixes and Updates:
- Security fixes (CVE-2022-23491, CVE-2021-33503) for following
- SAM: sumologic-s3-logging-auto-enable - Semantic v1.0.5
- SAM: sumologic-loggroup-connector - Semantic v1.0.7
- Removed unused permissions (AddTags, RemoveTags) from SAM: sumologic-s3-logging-auto-enable
- Fine tuned IAM role permission to invoke lambda function in SAM: sumologic-loggroup-connector
AWS Observability v2.6.0
CloudFormation YAML
CloudFormation YAML template can be accessed here:
AWS Observability Terraform folder in the sumologic-solution-templates GitHub Repo
New feature
- Support for Amazon SQS service
- Updated “AWS Account Overview” and “AWS Region Overview” dashboards to monitor newly added Amazon SQS service and other generic updates
- AWS Lambda Service related dashboard now supports Init Duration in the REPORT log with Lambda extension’s new version, along with updates for trendline color fix and query optimization
- Introduced evaluation delay of 4 minutes for CloudWatch metrics monitors
Bug Fixes
- Bug fixes for “AWS Account Overview” and “AWS Region Overview” dashboards
- AWS Observability's Entity Inspector KPI fixes for supported services
- Updated SNS CloudTrail FER (AwsObservabilitySNSCloudTrailLogsFER)
AWS Observability v2.5.1
CloudFormation YAML
CloudFormation YAML template can be accessed here:
Terraform folder in the sumologic-solution-templates GitHub Repo
- Updated runtime of nodeJS 12.x lambdas to nodeJS 16.x.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed FER (AwsObservabilityGenericCloudWatchLogsFER) that was mapping ECS namespace aws/ecs to ecs/containerInsights.
AWS Observability v2.5.0
CloudFormation YAML
CloudFormation YAML template can be accessed here:
Terraform folder in the sumologic-solution-templates GitHub Repo
New feature
- Support for Amazon EC2 CloudWatch Metric
- Support for Amazon SNS service
- New onboarding method via script for linux and windows
- Updated “AWS Account Overview” and “AWS Region Overview” dashboards to monitor newly added Amazon SNS.
- Simplified Terraform onboarding by importing existing SumoLogic Fields and FERs to TF state file via script
- Enhanced / optimized dashboards for AWS DynamoDB, AWS API Gateway, AWS Classic Load Balancer, Amazon RDS, AWS Application
- Load Balancer, Amazon EC2 Metrics, Amazon ElastiCache, AWS Network Load Balancer
- Terraform solution will use Sumo Logic terraform provider >= v2.16.2
Bug Fixes
- Fixed lambda cloudwatch logs FER (AwsObservabilityLambdaCloudWatchLogsFER)
- Added new FER (AwsObservabilityGenericCloudWatchLogsFER) to handle generic cloudwatch logs namespace identification.
- Fixed creation of extra resources with terraform when user selects none to deployed
- Fixed issue with collection of generic aws namespace metric
- Fixed query for “Network Bytes In” panel in Amazon Elasticache dashboard
- Fixed / updated documentation for Terraform solution
- RCE Dashboards are deprecated from the AWS Observability solution.
AWS Observability v2.4.0
CloudFormation YAML
CloudFormation YAML template can be accessed here:
Terraform folder in the sumologic-solution-templates GitHub Repo
New feature
- You can now select the install location for the AWS Observability app folder “AWS Observability”. Personal is the default location.
- You can share the AWS Observability app folder “AWS Observability” with the Sumo Logic organization during installation, with “Share with Org” as default.
- Added new AWS Service - Classic Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) to the AWS Observability Solution.
- Updated “AWS Account Overview” and “AWS Region Overview” dashboards to monitor newly added AWS Classic ELB Service.
- Added a new “AWS EC2 - Events” dashboard for AWS CloudTrail audit log monitoring.
- Enhanced Lambda dashboards to monitor lambda functions cold start duration.
- Updated FERs for application load balancer access logs, ECS AWS CloudTrail logs, Elasticache CloudTrail logs and created a new EC2 related AWS CloudTrail logs FER.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved issue for upgrade / uninstallation of AWS Observability solution if a user deletes the “apps” and/or “monitor” folder prior to upgrade or deletion.