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pip install HdRezkaApi

Table of Contents:

  1. Usage
  2. Film Information
  3. getStream
  4. getSeasonStreams
  5. HdRezkaStream
  6. HdRezkaStreamSubtitles
  7. HdRezkaRating
  8. Proxy
  9. Cookies
  10. HdRezkaSearch
  11. HdRezkaSession


from HdRezkaApi import *

url = "   __YOUR_URL__   .html"

rezka = HdRezkaApi(url)
print( rezka.rating.value )
print( rezka.rating.votes )
print( rezka.translators )
print( rezka.otherParts )
print( rezka.seriesInfo )

print(rezka.type == HdRezkaTVSeries == HdRezkaTVSeries() == "tv_series")

print( rezka.getStream()('720p') ) # if movie
print( rezka.getStream('1', '1')('720p') )
print( dict(rezka.getSeasonStreams('1')) )

Film Information

Attribute Description Film ID Film name
self.description Film description
self.type HdRezkaTVSeries or HdRezkaMovie
self.thumbnail Film thumbnail URL
self.thumbnailHQ Film thumbnail in high quality
self.rating Film rating (HdRezkaRating)
self.otherParts Other parts of this film [{Film_name: url}]
self.translators Translators dict {Translator_name: translator_id}
self.seriesInfo Series info by translators
self.episodesInfo All seasons and episodes


	Translator_name: {
		seasons: {1, 2},
		episodes: {
			1: {1, 2, 3},
			2: {1, 2, 3}


		season: 1, season_text,
		episodes: [
				episode: 1, episode_text,
				translations: [{translator_id, translator_name}]


getStream(season, episode, translation=None, index=0)

    translation='Дубляж' or translation='56' or index=0
)                                               ^ this is index in translators array

If type is movie then there is no need to specify season and episode.

stream = rezka.getStream() # if movie


getSeasonStreams(season, translation=None, index=0, ignore=False, progress=None)

    translation='Дубляж' or translation='56' or index=0
)                                               ^ this is index in translators array

ignore - ignore errors

progress - callback function

def progress(current, all):
	percent = round(current * 100 / all)
	print(f"{percent}%: {current}/{all}", end="\r")

print( dict(rezka.getSeasonStreams(1, ignore=True, progress=progress)) )

Output example:

{'1': <HdRezkaStream(season:1, episode:1)>, '2': <HdRezkaStream(season:1, episode:2)>, ...}

If an error occurs, an attempt will be made to repeat the request again.
But if the error occurs again, then None will be added to the final dict.
To ignore errors and retry requests until a response is received, specify the ignore=True option.

for i, stream in rezka.getSeasonStreams('1'):


Attribute Description
self.videos Dict of videos where the key is resolution and value is list of URLs Film name
self.translator_id Translator ID
self.season Season number (None if film)
self.episode Episode number (None if film)
self.subtitles HdRezkaStreamSubtitles object
HdRezkaStream(resolution) Call object with argument to get the URL of the video

Usage examples:

stream = rezka.getStream(1, 5)

print( stream('720p') )
print( stream('720') )
print( stream(1080) )
print( stream('Ultra') )
print( stream('1080p Ultra') )
print( stream.videos )
	'360p': ['', ''],
	'480p': ['', ''],
	'720p': ['', ''],


Attribute Description
self.subtitles Dict of subtitles where the key is the language code and value is the subtitle information
self.keys List of available subtitle language codes
self(id) Call object with argument to get URL of subtitles

Usage examples:

stream = rezka.getStream(1, 5)

print( stream.subtitles.subtitles )  # { 'en': {'title': 'English', 'link': 'https:/'}, ...  }
print( stream.subtitles.keys )       # ['en', 'ru']
print( stream.subtitles('en') )      # 'https:/'
print( stream.subtitles('English') ) # 'https:/'
print( stream.subtitles(0) )         # 'https:/'
#                       ^ index


Attribute Description
self.value Rating value (float)
self.votes Number of votes (int)


rezka = HdRezkaApi(url, proxy={'http': ''})


rezka = HdRezkaApi(url, cookies={"dle_user_id": user_id, "dle_password": password_hash})

If you are not sure:

rezka = HdRezkaApi(url, cookies=HdRezkaApi.make_cookies(user_id, password_hash))

Manually login:

rezka = HdRezkaApi(url)
rezka.login("[email protected]", "your_password1234")


HdRezkaSearch(origin, proxy, headers, cookies)(query)

results = HdRezkaSearch("")("film name")
		'title': 'Film name',
		'url': '',
		'rating': 7.8

Searching with session


HdRezkaSession allows you to log in once and not send login requests every time.

You can also specify origin to make requests to a same site. Origin in full urls will be ignored.
In the next example, the request will be made to the url: ""

with HdRezkaSession("") as session:
	session.login("[email protected]", "password")
	rezka = session.get("")

Also when specifying origin you can specify only url path.

with HdRezkaSession("") as session:
	rezka = session.get("__URL_PATH__.html")

You can also not specify origin and then requests will be made to the URL you specified.
But then you won't be able to use login().

with HdRezkaSession() as session:
	rezka = session.get("")
with HdRezkaSession(cookies=cookies, headers=headers, proxy=proxy) as session:
	# or inline seting up
	session.cookies = cookies
	session.headers = headers
	session.proxy = proxy

Searching with session

with HdRezkaSession("") as session:
	results ="film name")

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