- This projects detects lane in the video and then calculates the steering angle needed for following the lane.
- Author : Suyash Verma ([email protected])
- The input file was sourced from here -> (https://youtu.be/6q5_A5wOwDM)
- No advanced concepts were used like ML, DL, AI etc.
- This pipeline uses Image Processing techniques like Image-Thresholding, Morphological Transformations, Histogram analysis, Hough-Line Transform, Masking etc.
- It also applies some mathematical and statistical functions to generalize the output.
- Then it computes the center of the lane and finding the angle that needs to be steered. (Note: This is not absolute reading, but a intermediary value that can be used in control algorithms like PID.
- This all is built using Python Libraries namely: OpenCV, Numpy, statistics, math, etc.