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中文版 Kodeco 官方 Swift 代码风格指南文档《Swift Style Guide》


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Kodeco 官方代码风格指南中文版[长期维护项目]




  • 2023.10.22 对翻译版本进行更新
    • 与原文 master 分支的 ca4d811 节点一致,2023.04.13
  • 2022.01.02 对翻译版本进行更新
    • 与原文 master 分支的 3b85871 节点一致, 2022.01.02
  • 2021.09.09 对翻译版本进行更新
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    • 与原文 master 分支的 1c9e796 节点一致, 2019.04.27



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Updated for Swift 5

This style guide is different from others you may see, because the focus is centered on readability for print and the web. We created this style guide to keep the code in our books, tutorials, and starter kits nice and consistent — even though we have many different authors working on the books.


Our overarching goals are clarity, consistency and brevity, in that order.


目录/Table of Contents


Strive to make your code compile without warnings. This rule informs many style decisions such as using #selector types instead of string literals.

尽量保证代码在编译的过程中不会出现任何警告。这条规则左右了其他规则的制定,例如使用 #selector 类型而不是字符串字面量。

使用 SwiftLint/Using-SwiftLint

When writing for Kodeco, you are strongly encouraged — perhaps even required, depending on your team — to use our SwiftLint configuration. See the SwiftLint Policy for more information.

在为Kodeco撰写代码时,强烈鼓励(甚至可能是必须的,根据你所在的团队)使用我们的SwiftLint配置。关于 SwiftLint 的配置详情见 SwiftLint Policy


Descriptive and consistent naming makes software easier to read and understand. Use the Swift naming conventions described in the API Design Guidelines. Some key takeaways include:

具有描述性和一致性的命名能够让软件更易于阅读和理解。遵循 API Design Guidelines 中描述的命名规范。下面展示了一些关键点:

  • striving for clarity at the call site

  • 在调用时力求意图清晰明确

  • prioritizing clarity over brevity

  • 传达清晰的意图比文字的简洁更重要

  • using camelCase (not snake_case)

  • 使用驼峰命名法(而不是蛇形命名法)

    译者注:snake case 是指使用下划线的命名方法,详情参考链接

  • using UpperCamelCase for types (and protocols), lowerCamelCase for everything else

  • 类型(和协议)使用首字母大写,其它都是首字母小写

  • including all needed words while omitting needless words

  • 包含所有需要的单词,同时省略不必要的单词

  • using names based on roles, not types

  • 基于作用命名,而不是类型

  • sometimes compensating for weak type information

  • 必要时,为无明确意义的类型补充额外信息

  • striving for fluent usage

  • 尽量保证使用上的流畅

  • beginning factory methods with make

  • 工厂方法要以 make 开头

  • naming methods for their side effects

  • 根据方法的副作用进行命名

    • verb methods follow the -ed, -ing rule for the non-mutating version

    • 动词方法名的不可变版本,使用动词的 -ed 或者 —ing 形式命名

    • noun methods follow the formX rule for the mutating version

    • 名词方法名的可变版本,使用 formX 来命名

      译者注: formX 中的 X 指代对应的名词,例如 y.formUnion() 方法,X 指代 Union。

    • boolean types should read like assertions

    • 布尔类型读起来应该像断言

    • protocols that describe what something is should read as nouns

    • 描述事物的 协议,读起来应该像名词

    • protocols that describe a capability should end in -able or -ible

    • 描述能力 的协议,应该使用后缀 -ableible

  • using terms that don't surprise experts or confuse beginners

  • 使用术语的时候,不要让专家觉得惊讶,也不要让初学者感到困惑

  • generally avoiding abbreviations

  • 通常要避免缩写

  • using precedent for names

  • 命名可以遵循先例

  • preferring methods and properties to free functions

  • 优先选择方法或属性,而非全局函数

译者注:free function 在这里翻译为全局函数,详情请点击这里

  • casing acronyms and initialisms uniformly up or down

  • 首字母缩写的单词要根据惯例,保持全大小或者全小写的方式

  • giving the same base name to methods that share the same meaning

  • 当某些方法的含义基本一致时,可以共享方法名的基础部分

  • avoiding overloads on return type

  • 避免重载返回类型

  • choosing good parameter names that serve as documentation

  • 选择具有说明作用的形参名,能够让文档注释质量更高

  • preferring to name the first parameter instead of including its name in the method name, except as mentioned under Delegates

  • 尽量为第一个参数设置参数标签,不要将此参数标签放在方法名中,代理模式下的方法可以忽略此规定

  • labeling closure and tuple parameters

  • 为闭包和元组参数设置标签

  • taking advantage of default parameters

  • 用好默认参数


When referring to methods in prose, being unambiguous is critical. To refer to a method name, use the simplest form possible.


  1. Write the method name with no parameters. Example: Next, you need to call addTarget.
  • 写一个不带参数的方法。例如:下一步,你需要调用方法 addTarget
  1. Write the method name with argument labels. Example: Next, you need to call addTarget(_:action:).
  • 写一个带参数标签的方法。例如:下一步,你需要调用方法 addTarget(_:action:)
  1. Write the full method name with argument labels and types. Example: Next, you need to call addTarget(_: Any?, action: Selector?).
  • 写一个带参数标签和参数类型的完整方法。例如:下一步, 你需要调用方法 addTarget(_: Any?, action: Selector?)

For the above example using UIGestureRecognizer, 1 is unambiguous and preferred.

上面这些 UIGestureRecognizer 的例中, 1 的表述简单明了,不会造成歧义,推荐使用。

Pro Tip: You can use Xcode's jump bar to lookup methods with argument labels. If you’re particularly good at mashing lots of keys simultaneously, put the cursor in the method name and press Shift-Control-Option-Command-C (all 4 modifier keys) and Xcode will kindly put the signature on your clipboard.

小提示: 你可以使用 Xcode 的 jump bar 来查看方法的参数标签。如果你能够相对轻松的操作多个按键,那么可以尝试将光标放在方法名上,并同时按下 Shift-Control-Option-Command-C 键,此时 Xcode 会将此方法的签名复制到剪贴板上。

译者注:与复制相关的快捷操作有三种,需要注意的是在 playground 中这些方法不生效。

  • command+C :Copy(光标所在位置的单词):viewDidLoad
  • control+shift+command+C:Copy Symbol Name(光标所在位置的消息符号名称):viewDidLoad()
  • option+control+shift+command+C:Copy Qualified Symbol Name(光标所在位置的消息符号全名,带所属类名):ViewController.viewDidLoad()

Methods in Xcode jump bar

类前缀/Class Prefixes

Swift types are automatically namespaced by the module that contains them and you should not add a class prefix such as RW. If two names from different modules collide you can disambiguate by prefixing the type name with the module name. However, only specify the module name when there is possibility for confusion, which should be rare.

Swift 里各种类型被其所处的模块自动分配了命名空间。不应该再添加类似于 RW 的类前缀。如果不同模块间的两个类型命名冲突,可以在类型名前添加模块名来消除歧义。无论如何,仅在少数可能引起混淆的情况下添加模块名。

import SomeModule

let myClass = MyModule.UsefulClass()


When creating custom delegate methods, an unnamed first parameter should be the delegate source. (UIKit contains numerous examples of this.)

当创建自定义的代理方法时,第一个未命名的参数应该是代理源。(UIKit 包含很多类似的例子。)


func namePickerView(_ namePickerView: NamePickerView, didSelectName name: String)
func namePickerViewShouldReload(_ namePickerView: NamePickerView) -> Bool

不推荐(Not Preferred):

func didSelectName(namePicker: NamePickerViewController, name: String)
func namePickerShouldReload() -> Bool

使用上下文进行类型推断/Use Type Inferred Context

Use compiler inferred context to write shorter, clear code. (Also see Type Inference.)

利用编译器根据上下文进行类型推断的能力,书写更简洁明了的代码。(你也可以阅读 类型推断。)


let selector = #selector(viewDidLoad)
view.backgroundColor = .red
let toView = context.view(forKey: .to)
let view = UIView(frame: .zero)

不推荐(Not Preferred):

let selector = #selector(ViewController.viewDidLoad)
view.backgroundColor =
let toView = context.view(forKey:
let view = UIView(frame:


Generic type parameters should be descriptive, upper camel case names. When a type name doesn't have a meaningful relationship or role, use a traditional single uppercase letter such as T, U, or V.

泛型的类型参数应该遵循大写驼峰法命名规则,并且应该具有较强的描述性。当类型参数与函数或泛型之间无明显关联时,通常使用单个大写字母来命名,例如 TUV


struct Stack<Element> { ... }
func write<Target: OutputStream>(to target: inout Target)
func swap<T>(_ a: inout T, _ b: inout T)

不推荐(Not Preferred):

struct Stack<T> { ... }
func write<target: OutputStream>(to target: inout target)
func swap<Thing>(_ a: inout Thing, _ b: inout Thing)


Use US English spelling to match Apple's API.

使用美式英语拼写,和 Apple 的 API 一致。


let color = "red"

不推荐(Not Preferred):

let colour = "red"

代码组织/Code Organization

Use extensions to organize your code into logical blocks of functionality. Each extension should be set off with a // MARK: - comment to keep things well-organized.

用扩展将代码组织成各个不同的功能逻辑块。每个扩展都应该添加 // MARK: - 注释符号,以保证代码的结构清晰。

协议一致性/Protocol Conformance

In particular, when adding protocol conformance to a model, prefer adding a separate extension for the protocol methods. This keeps the related methods grouped together with the protocol and can simplify instructions to add a protocol to a class with its associated methods.



class MyViewController: UIViewController {
  // class stuff here

// MARK: - UITableViewDataSource
extension MyViewController: UITableViewDataSource {
  // table view data source methods

// MARK: - UIScrollViewDelegate
extension MyViewController: UIScrollViewDelegate {
  // scroll view delegate methods

不推荐(Not Preferred):

class MyViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UIScrollViewDelegate {
  // all methods

Since the compiler does not allow you to re-declare protocol conformance in a derived class, it is not always required to replicate the extension groups of the base class. This is especially true if the derived class is a terminal class and a small number of methods are being overridden. When to preserve the extension groups is left to the discretion of the author.


For UIKit view controllers, consider grouping lifecycle, custom accessors, and IBAction in separate class extensions.

对于 UIKit 中的视图控制器,可考虑将生命周期、自定义存取器和 IBAction 分组在单独的类扩展中。

无效代码/Unused Code

Unused (dead) code, including Xcode template code and placeholder comments should be removed. An exception is when your tutorial or book instructs the user to use the commented code.

应该移除无用代码,比如 Xcode 模板工程代码和占位注释。但教程或书籍中用于指导用户的注释代码除外。

Aspirational methods not directly associated with the tutorial whose implementation simply calls the superclass should also be removed. This includes any empty/unused UIApplicationDelegate methods.

仅实现简单的调用父类,且与教程无直接关联的方法也应该被移除。包括任何空的或无用的 UIApplicationDelegate 方法。


override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
  return Database.contacts.count

不推荐(Not Preferred):

override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
  // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

override func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
  // #warning Incomplete implementation, return the number of sections
  return 1

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
  // #warning Incomplete implementation, return the number of rows
  return Database.contacts.count

简化引用/Minimal Imports

Import only the modules a source file requires. For example, don't import UIKit when importing Foundation will suffice. Likewise, don't import Foundation if you must import UIKit.

只引用必要的文件。举个例子,引用 Foundation 就足够的情况下不要再引用 UIKit。同样,需要引用 UIKit 的时候,就不要引用 Foundation


import UIKit
var view: UIView
var deviceModels: [String]


import Foundation
var deviceModels: [String]

不推荐(Not Preferred):

import UIKit
import Foundation
var view: UIView
var deviceModels: [String]

不推荐(Not Preferred):

import UIKit
var deviceModels: [String]


  • Indent using 2 spaces rather than tabs to conserve space and help prevent line wrapping. Be sure to set this preference in Xcode and in the Project settings as shown below:

  • 用两个字符缩进比用制表符(tab)缩进更节省空间,同时能防止过早换行。务必在 Xcode 和项目配置中进行设置,如下所示:

Xcode indent settings

  • Method braces and other braces (if/else/switch/while etc.) always open on the same line as the statement but close on a new line.

  • 方法的大括号和其他大括号(if / else / switch / while 等)总是在和语句相同的行写左括号,在新行写右括号。

  • Tip: You can re-indent by selecting some code (or Command-A to select all) and then Control-I (or Editor ▸ Structure ▸ Re-Indent in the menu). Some of the Xcode template code will have 4-space tabs hard coded, so this is a good way to fix that.

  • 提示:你可以选中一些代码(或按 Command-A 选中全部)然后按 Control-I(或在目录中选择Editor ▸ Structure ▸ Re-Indent)来重新缩进代码。一些 Xcode 模板代码会使用 4 个空格的制表符硬编码,这就是一个修正它的好方法。


if user.isHappy {
  // Do something
} else {
  // Do something else

不推荐(Not Preferred):

if user.isHappy
  // Do something
else {
  // Do something else
  • There should be one blank line between methods and up to one blank line between type declarations to aid in visual clarity and organization. Whitespace within methods should separate functionality, but having too many sections in a method often means you should refactor into several methods.

  • 方法之间应该有一个空行,类型声明之间最多应该保留一个空行,这样的目的是为了让代码在视觉上更清晰和更有条理。方法中的空白应该按功能分隔代码,但在一个方法中有很多段意味着你应该对其进行重构和封装。

  • There should be no blank lines after an opening brace or before a closing brace.

  • 在左括号之后或者右括号之前没有独立的空行。

  • Closing parentheses should not appear on a line by themselves.

  • 右括号不应单独出现在一行中。


let user = try await getUser(
  for: userID,
  on: connection)

不推荐(Not Preferred):

let user = try await getUser(
  for: userID,
  on: connection
  • Colons always have no space on the left and one space on the right. Exceptions are the ternary operator ? :, empty dictionary [:] and #selector syntax addTarget(_:action:).

  • 冒号左边没有空格,右边有空格。三元运算符 ? :、空字典 [:]#selector 语法里的方法名,例如 addTarget(_:action:) 不需要遵守此项规定。


class TestDatabase: Database {
  var data: [String: CGFloat] = ["A": 1.2, "B": 3.2]

不推荐(Not Preferred):

class TestDatabase : Database {
  var data :[String:CGFloat] = ["A" : 1.2, "B":3.2]
  • Long lines should be wrapped at around 70 characters. A hard limit is intentionally not specified.

  • 当一行的字符数达到 70 个左右时就应该换行,这里并非硬性限制,可自行调整。

  • Avoid trailing whitespaces at the ends of lines.

  • 避免在行尾增加空格。

  • Add a single newline character at the end of each file.

  • 在每个文件的结尾增加一个单独的换行符。


When they are needed, use comments to explain why a particular piece of code does something. Comments must be kept up-to-date or deleted.


Avoid block comments inline with code, as the code should be as self-documenting as possible. Exception: This does not apply to those comments used to generate documentation.



Avoid the use of C-style comments (/* ... */). Prefer the use of double- or triple-slash.

避免使用 C 风格的注释方式(/* ... */),尽量使用 2 个或 3 个斜杠进行注释。

类和结构体/Classes and Structures

如何选择/Which one to use?

Remember, structs have value semantics. Use structs for things that do not have an identity. An array that contains [a, b, c] is really the same as another array that contains [a, b, c] and they are completely interchangeable. It doesn't matter whether you use the first array or the second, because they represent the exact same thing. That's why arrays are structs.

请记住,结构体有 值语义。对没有身份标识的事物使用结构体类型。一个包含 [a, b, c] 的数组和另一个包含 [a, b, c] 的数组是完全一样的。它们完全可以互换。使用第一个数组还是第二个数组都无所谓,因为它们代表着完全相同的事物。这就是为什么数组是结构体。

Classes have reference semantics. Use classes for things that do have an identity or a specific life cycle. You would model a person as a class because two person objects are two different things. Just because two people have the same name and birthdate, doesn't mean they are the same person. But the person's birthdate would be a struct because a date of 3 March 1950 is the same as any other date object for 3 March 1950. The date itself doesn't have an identity.

类有 引用语义。对有身份标识或有具体生命周期的事物使用类类型。你需要将人建模为一个类,因为不同的两个人是两个不同的事物。只是因为两个人拥有相同的名字和生日不意味着他们是同一个人。但是人的生日应该是一个结构体,因为 1950 年 3 月 3 日和任何其它的 1950 年 3 月 3 日日期对象是相同的。日期本身没有标识。

Sometimes, things should be structs but need to conform to AnyObject or are historically modeled as classes already (NSDate, NSSet). Try to follow these guidelines as closely as possible.

有时,事物本应该是结构体,但需要遵循 AnyObject,或由于历史原因已经被建模为类(NSDateNSSet)。不管怎样,都请尽可能遵循前面提到的原则。

示例/Example definition

Here's an example of a well-styled class definition:


class Circle: Shape {
  var x: Int, y: Int
  var radius: Double
  var diameter: Double {
    get {
      return radius * 2
    set {
      radius = newValue / 2

  init(x: Int, y: Int, radius: Double) {
    self.x = x
    self.y = y
    self.radius = radius

  convenience init(x: Int, y: Int, diameter: Double) {
    self.init(x: x, y: y, radius: diameter / 2)

  override func area() -> Double {
    return Double.pi * radius * radius

extension Circle: CustomStringConvertible {
  var description: String {
    return "center = \(centerString) area = \(area())"
  private var centerString: String {
    return "(\(x),\(y))"

The example above demonstrates the following style guidelines:


  • Specify types for properties, variables, constants, argument declarations and other statements with a space after the colon but not before, e.g. x: Int, and Circle: Shape.

  • 遵循冒号前无空格,冒号后有空格的规则,并应用在属性、变量、常量、参数声明和其它类型的语句中,例如:x: IntCircle: Shape

  • Define multiple variables and structures on a single line if they share a common purpose / context.

  • 如果多个变量和结构体遵循同一目的 / 上下文,则可以在同一行中定义。

  • Indent getter and setter definitions and property observers.

  • 缩进 getter、setter 的定义和属性观察器。

  • Don't add modifiers such as internal when they're already the default. Similarly, don't repeat the access modifier when overriding a method.

  • 不要将默认的修饰符重复添加到代码中,例如 internal 关键字。类似的,当重写一个方法时,不要再重复添加与访问权限相关的修饰符。

  • Organize extra functionality (e.g. printing) in extensions.

  • 在扩展中组织额外功能(例如打印相关的代码)。

  • Hide non-shared, implementation details such as centerString inside the extension using private access control.

  • 利用隐藏非共享的实现细节,例如在扩展中实现 centerString 方法并设置 private 级别的访问控制权限。

Self 的使用/Use of Self

For conciseness, avoid using self since Swift does not require it to access an object's properties or invoke its methods.

为了简洁,请避免使用 self 关键词,Swift 不需要用它来访问一个对象属性或调用它的方法。

Use self only when required by the compiler (in @escaping closures, or in initializers to disambiguate properties from arguments). In other words, if it compiles without self then omit it.

仅在编译器需要时(在 @escaping 闭包或初始化函数中消除参数与属性的歧义)才使用 self。换句话说,如果不需要 self 就能编译通过,可以忽略它。

计算属性/Computed Properties

For conciseness, if a computed property is read-only, omit the get clause. The get clause is required only when a set clause is provided.

为了简洁,如果一个计算属性是只读的,可以忽略 get 子句。仅在 set 子句存在的情况下才需要 get 子句。


var diameter: Double {
  return radius * 2

不推荐(Not Preferred):

var diameter: Double {
  get {
    return radius * 2

Final 关键字/Final

Marking classes or members as final in tutorials can distract from the main topic and is not required. Nevertheless, use of final can sometimes clarify your intent and is worth the cost. In the below example, Box has a particular purpose and customization in a derived class is not intended. Marking it final makes that clear.

在教程中将类或成员标记为 final 会偏离主题,且不是必需的。不过有时 final 的使用可以明确你的意图,也值得你这样做。在下面的例子中,Box 有特定的用途,且不打算在派生类中进行自定义。标记为 final 可以使它更清晰。

// Turn any generic type into a reference type using this Box class.
final class Box<T> {
  let value: T
  init(_ value: T) {
    self.value = value

函数声明/Function Declarations

Keep short function declarations on one line including the opening brace:


func reticulateSplines(spline: [Double]) -> Bool {
  // reticulate code goes here

For functions with long signatures, put each parameter on a new line and add an extra indent on subsequent lines:


func reticulateSplines(
  spline: [Double],
  adjustmentFactor: Double,
  translateConstant: Int, 
  comment: String
) -> Bool {
  // reticulate code goes here

Don't use (Void) to represent the lack of an input; simply use (). Use Void instead of () for closure and function outputs.

不要使用 (Void) 来表示入参为空的情况,用 () 即可。在闭包和函数的输出参数为空的情况时,推荐使用 Void, 而不是 ()


func updateConstraints() -> Void {
  // magic happens here

typealias CompletionHandler = (result) -> Void

不推荐(Not Preferred):

func updateConstraints() -> () {
  // magic happens here

typealias CompletionHandler = (result) -> ()

函数调用/Function Calls

Mirror the style of function declarations at call sites. Calls that fit on a single line should be written as such:


let success = reticulateSplines(splines)

If the call site must be wrapped, put each parameter on a new line, indented one additional level:


let success = reticulateSplines(
  spline: splines,
  adjustmentFactor: 1.3,
  translateConstant: 2,
  comment: "normalize the display")

闭包表达式/Closure Expressions

Use trailing closure syntax only if there's a single closure expression parameter at the end of the argument list. Give the closure parameters descriptive names.



UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.0) {
  self.myView.alpha = 0

UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.0, animations: {
  self.myView.alpha = 0
}, completion: { finished in

不推荐(Not Preferred):

UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.0, animations: {
  self.myView.alpha = 0

UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.0, animations: {
  self.myView.alpha = 0
}) { f in

For single-expression closures where the context is clear, use implicit returns:


attendeeList.sort { a, b in
  a > b

Chained methods using trailing closures should be clear and easy to read in context. Decisions on spacing, line breaks, and when to use named versus anonymous arguments is left to the discretion of the author. Examples:


let value = { $0 * 2 }.filter { $0 % 3 == 0 }.index(of: 90)

let value = numbers
  .map {$0 * 2}
  .filter {$0 > 50}
  .map {$0 + 10}


Always use Swift's native types and expressions when available. Swift offers bridging to Objective-C so you can still use the full set of methods as needed.

请尽可能多的使用 Swift 原生类型。 Swift 提供了 Objective-C 桥接,所以当你需要时仍然可以使用对应的方法。


let width = 120.0                                    // Double
let widthString = "\(width)"                         // String

可接受(Less Preferred):

let width = 120.0                                    // Double
let widthString = (width as NSNumber).stringValue    // String

不推荐(Not Preferred):

let width: NSNumber = 120.0                          // NSNumber
let widthString: NSString = width.stringValue        // NSString

In drawing code, use CGFloat if it makes the code more succinct by avoiding too many conversions.

在绘图相关的代码中,使用 CGFloat 可以避免代码频繁的转换,从而让你的代码更加简洁。


Constants are defined using the let keyword and variables with the var keyword. Always use let instead of var if the value of the variable will not change.

使用 let 关键字来定义常量,使用 var 关键字来定义变量。如果变量的值不会改变,则要使用 let 来代替 var

Tip: A good technique is to define everything using let and only change it to var if the compiler complains!

提示: 一个比较好的技巧是所有东西都使用 let 定义, 当编译器警告时再改为 var

You can define constants on a type rather than on an instance of that type using type properties. To declare a type property as a constant simply use static let. Type properties declared in this way are generally preferred over global constants because they are easier to distinguish from instance properties. Example:

你可以在类型上定义常量,而不是在实例上通过属性来定义常量。使用 static let 把一个类型属性声明为常量。相比于全局变量声明常量的方式,更推荐用这种方式,因为这种方式更能和实例属性区分开。举例:


enum Math {
  static let e = 2.718281828459045235360287
  static let root2 = 1.41421356237309504880168872

let hypotenuse = side * Math.root2

Note: The advantage of using a case-less enumeration is that it can't accidentally be instantiated and works as a pure namespace.

注意: 使用无枚举值的枚举类型时,它的一大优势就是不会被意外的实例化,只是一个单纯的命名空间。

不推荐(Not Preferred):

let e = 2.718281828459045235360287  // pollutes global namespace
let root2 = 1.41421356237309504880168872

let hypotenuse = side * root2 // what is root2?

静态方法和可变类型属性/Static Methods and Variable Type Properties

Static methods and type properties work similarly to global functions and global variables and should be used sparingly. They are useful when functionality is scoped to a particular type or when Objective-C interoperability is required.

静态方法和类型属性跟全局函数和全局变量的工作原理类似,应当谨慎使用。当功能的作用域是一个特定类型,或需要与 Objective-C 交互时,它们非常有用。


Declare variables and function return types as optional with ? where a nil value is acceptable.

在可接受 nil 值的情况下,使用 ? 声明变量和函数返回类型为可选类型。

Use implicitly unwrapped types declared with ! only for instance variables that you know will be initialized later before use, such as subviews that will be set up in viewDidLoad(). Prefer optional binding to implicitly unwrapped optionals in most other cases.

! 声明的隐式解包类型,适用于在使用前一定能被正确初始化的实例变量,比如在 viewDidLoad 中设置子视图。大多数场景下,倾向使用可选绑定而不是隐式解包。

When accessing an optional value, use optional chaining if the value is only accessed once or if there are many optionals in the chain:



Use optional binding when it's more convenient to unwrap once and perform multiple operations:


if let textContainer = textContainer {
  // do many things with textContainer

Notes: Swift 5.7 introduced new shorthand syntax for unwrapping optionals into shadowed variables:

注意: Swift 5.7 引入了一种新的简写语法,用于将可选项解包到阴影变量(shadowed variables)中:

if let textContainer {
  // do many things with textContainer

When naming optional variables and properties, avoid naming them like optionalString or maybeView since their optional-ness is already in the type declaration.

在命名可选变量和属性时,避免类似 optionalStringmaybeView 这样的命名,因为它们的可选性已经体现在类型声明中。

For optional binding, shadow the original name whenever possible rather than using names like unwrappedView or actualLabel.

对于可选绑定,适当时使用原始名称,而不是使用像 unwrappedViewactualLabel 这样的名称。


var subview: UIView?
var volume: Double?

// later on...
if let subview = subview, let volume = volume {
  // do something with unwrapped subview and volume

// another example
resource.request().onComplete { [weak self] response in
  guard let self = self else { return }
  let model = self.updateModel(response)

不推荐(Not Preferred):

var optionalSubview: UIView?
var volume: Double?

if let unwrappedSubview = optionalSubview {
  if let realVolume = volume {
    // do something with unwrappedSubview and realVolume

// another example
UIView.animate(withDuration: 2.0) { [weak self] in
  guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
  strongSelf.alpha = 1.0

延迟初始化/Lazy Initialization

Consider using lazy initialization for finer grained control over object lifetime. This is especially true for UIViewController that loads views lazily. You can either use a closure that is immediately called { }() or call a private factory method. Example:

在更细粒度地控制对象声明周期时,可以考虑使用延迟初始化。对于 UIViewController,延迟初始化视图是非常正确的。你可以使用立即调用的闭包(比如 { }())或调用私有工厂方法。例如:

lazy var locationManager = makeLocationManager()

private func makeLocationManager() -> CLLocationManager {
  let manager = CLLocationManager()
  manager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest
  manager.delegate = self
  return manager


  • [unowned self] is not required here. A retain cycle is not created.

  • 因为没有发生循环引用,所以这里不需要 [unowned self]

  • Location manager has a side-effect for popping up UI to ask the user for permission so fine grain control makes sense here.

  • 位置管理器向用户申请权限时,有弹出 UI 界面的副作用,所以细颗粒地控制在这里是有意义的。

类型推断/Type Inference

Prefer compact code and let the compiler infer the type for constants or variables of single instances. Type inference is also appropriate for small, non-empty arrays and dictionaries. When required, specify the specific type such as CGFloat or Int16.

优先选择简洁紧凑的代码,让编译器对单个实例的常量或变量进行推断类型。类型推断也适合于小型的,非空的数组和字典。当数据是一些特殊类型,如 CGFloatInt16时,请指明此特定类型。


let message = "Click the button"
let currentBounds = computeViewBounds()
var names = ["Mic", "Sam", "Christine"]
let maximumWidth: CGFloat = 106.5

不推荐(Not Preferred):

let message: String = "Click the button"
let currentBounds: CGRect = computeViewBounds()
var names = [String]()

空数组和空字典的类型注释/Type Annotation for Empty Arrays and Dictionaries

For empty arrays and dictionaries, use type annotation. (For an array or dictionary assigned to a large, multi-line literal, use type annotation.)



var names: [String] = []
var lookup: [String: Int] = [:]

不推荐(Not Preferred):

var names = [String]()
var lookup = [String: Int]()

NOTE: Following this guideline means picking descriptive names is even more important than before.


语法糖/Syntactic Sugar

Prefer the shortcut versions of type declarations over the full generics syntax.



var deviceModels: [String]
var employees: [Int: String]
var faxNumber: Int?

不推荐(Not Preferred):

var deviceModels: Array<String>
var employees: Dictionary<Int, String>
var faxNumber: Optional<Int>

函数 vs 方法/Functions vs Methods

Free functions, which aren't attached to a class or type, should be used sparingly. When possible, prefer to use a method instead of a free function. This aids in readability and discoverability.


Free functions are most appropriate when they aren't associated with any particular type or instance.



let sorted = items.mergeSorted()  // easily discoverable
rocket.launch()  // acts on the model

不推荐(Not Preferred):

let sorted = mergeSort(items)  // hard to discover

适合全局函数的场景/Free Function Exceptions

let tuples = zip(a, b)  // feels natural as a free function (symmetry)
let value = max(x, y, z)  // another free function that feels natural

内存管理/Memory Management

Code (even non-production, tutorial demo code) should not create reference cycles. Analyze your object graph and prevent strong cycles with weak and unowned references. Alternatively, use value types (struct, enum) to prevent cycles altogether.

代码(即使是非生产环境、教程演示的代码)都不应该出现循环引用。分析你的对象关系图并用 weakunowned 来防止循环引用。或者使用值类型(structenum)来杜绝循环引用。

延长对象的生命周期/Extending object lifetime

Extend object lifetime using the [weak self] and guard let self = self else { return } idiom. [weak self] is preferred to [unowned self] where it is not immediately obvious that self outlives the closure. Explicitly extending lifetime is preferred to optional chaining.

使用惯用语法 [weak self]guard let self = self else { return } 来延长对象的生命周期。 在 self 超出闭包生命周期不明确的情况下,优先使用 [weak self] 而不是 [unowned self]。利用固定代码明确延长对象的生命周期优于可选链的书写方式。


resource.request().onComplete { [weak self] response in
  guard let self = self else {
  let model = self.updateModel(response)

不推荐(Not Preferred):

// might crash if self is released before response returns
resource.request().onComplete { [unowned self] response in
  let model = self.updateModel(response)

不推荐(Not Preferred):

// deallocate could happen between updating the model and updating UI
resource.request().onComplete { [weak self] response in
  let model = self?.updateModel(response)

访问控制/Access Control

Full access control annotation in tutorials can distract from the main topic and is not required. Using private and fileprivate appropriately, however, adds clarity and promotes encapsulation. Prefer private to fileprivate; use fileprivate only when the compiler insists.

在教程中,完整的访问控制注释会偏离主题且是不必要的。然而,适时地使用 privatefileprivate 会使代码更加清晰,也会有助于封装。 在合理情况下,private 要优于 fileprivate。 只有编译器强制的情况下使用 fileprivate

Only explicitly use open, public, and internal when you require a full access control specification.

只有需要完整的访问控制格式时,才显式地使用 openpublicinternal

Use access control as the leading property specifier. The only things that should come before access control are the static specifier or attributes such as @IBAction, @IBOutlet and @discardableResult.

把访问控制相关的关键字用作前置属性说明符。仅有 static 说明符或诸如 @IBAction@IBOutlet@discardableResult 标志应该放在访问控制符前面。


private let message = "Great Scott!"

class TimeMachine {  
  private dynamic lazy var fluxCapacitor = FluxCapacitor()

不推荐(Not Preferred):

fileprivate let message = "Great Scott!"

class TimeMachine {  
  lazy dynamic private var fluxCapacitor = FluxCapacitor()

控制流/Control Flow

Prefer the for-in style of for loop over the while-condition-increment style.

优先选择 for 循环的 for-in 格式而不是 while-condition-increment 风格的循环。


for _ in 0..<3 {
  print("Hello three times")

for (index, person) in attendeeList.enumerated() {
  print("\(person) is at position #\(index)")

for index in stride(from: 0, to: items.count, by: 2) {

for index in (0...3).reversed() {

不推荐(Not Preferred):

var i = 0
while i < 3 {
  print("Hello three times")
  i += 1

var i = 0
while i < attendeeList.count {
  let person = attendeeList[i]
  print("\(person) is at position #\(i)")
  i += 1

三元条件表达式/Ternary Operator

The Ternary operator, ?: , should only be used when it increases clarity or code neatness. A single condition is usually all that should be evaluated. Evaluating multiple conditions is usually more understandable as an if statement or refactored into instance variables. In general, the best use of the ternary operator is during assignment of a variable and deciding which value to use.

仅当三元条件表达式能够让代码更清晰或者更整洁时才使用它。即使是单个条件分支也需要进行判断。而在存在多个条件分支时,利用 if 语句的方式或者将相关代码重构为实例变量的方式,能够降低整体的理解难度。总体而言,使用三元条件表达式的最佳场景,就是赋值变量并为变量选择值的时候。


let value = 5
result = value != 0 ? x : y

let isHorizontal = true
result = isHorizontal ? x : y

不推荐(Not Preferred):

result = a > b ? x = c > d ? c : d : y

黄金路径/Golden Path

When coding with conditionals, the left-hand margin of the code should be the "golden" or "happy" path. That is, don't nest if statements. Multiple return statements are OK. The guard statement is built for this.

当使用条件语句编码时,代码的左边距应该是“黄金”或“快乐”的路径。换句话说,不要嵌套 if 语句。多个返回语句是可以的。guard 语句就是因为避免这个问题而生的。


func computeFFT(context: Context?, inputData: InputData?) throws -> Frequencies {
  guard let context = context else {
    throw FFTError.noContext
  guard let inputData = inputData else {
    throw FFTError.noInputData

  // use context and input to compute the frequencies
  return frequencies

不推荐(Not Preferred):

func computeFFT(context: Context?, inputData: InputData?) throws -> Frequencies {
  if let context = context {
    if let inputData = inputData {
      // use context and input to compute the frequencies

      return frequencies
    } else {
      throw FFTError.noInputData
  } else {
    throw FFTError.noContext

When multiple optionals are unwrapped either with guard or if let, minimize nesting by using the compound version when possible. In the compound version, place the guard on its own line, then indent each condition on its own line. The else clause is indented to match the conditions and the code is indented one additional level, as shown below. Example:

guardif let 解包多个可选值时,在条件允许的状态下,尽量使用混合的方式来简化嵌套。在混合的方式中,将 guard 关键字放在句子的最开始处,并缩进与此相关的条件分支。elseguard 字句的缩进匹配。就像下面的示例一样:


  let number1 = number1,
  let number2 = number2,
  let number3 = number3
else {
// do something with numbers

不推荐(Not Preferred):

if let number1 = number1 {
  if let number2 = number2 {
    if let number3 = number3 {
      // do something with numbers
    } else {
  } else {
} else {

失败防护/Failing Guards

Guard statements are required to exit in some way. Generally, this should be simple one line statement such as return, throw, break, continue, and fatalError(). Large code blocks should be avoided. If cleanup code is required for multiple exit points, consider using a defer block to avoid cleanup code duplication.

在某些退出的场景下,防护语句是必不可少的。一般来说,它应该是一行简洁的语句,比如:returnthrowbreakcontinuefatalError()。应该避免大量的代码块。如果与清理相关的代码被用在多个退出点,则可以考虑用 defer 块来避免代码的重复。


Swift does not require a semicolon after each statement in your code. They are only required if you wish to combine multiple statements on a single line.

在 Swift 中,每条代码语句后面不需要加分号。只有在一行中拼接多条语句时,才需要加分号。

Do not write multiple statements on a single line separated with semicolons.



let swift = "not a scripting language"

不推荐(Not Preferred):

let swift = "not a scripting language";

NOTE: Swift is very different from JavaScript, where omitting semicolons is generally considered unsafe

注:Swift 非常不同于 JavaScript。在 JavaScript 中忽略分号 一般被认为是不安全的


Parentheses around conditionals are not required and should be omitted.



if name == "Hello" {

不推荐(Not Preferred):

if (name == "Hello") {

In larger expressions, optional parentheses can sometimes make code read more clearly.



let playerMark = (player == current ? "X" : "O")

多行字符串字面量/Multi-line String Literals

When building a long string literal, you're encouraged to use the multi-line string literal syntax. Open the literal on the same line as the assignment but do not include text on that line. Indent the text block one additional level.



let message = """
  You cannot charge the flux \
  capacitor with a 9V battery.
  You must use a super-charger \
  which costs 10 credits. You currently \
  have \(credits) credits available.

不推荐(Not Preferred):

let message = """You cannot charge the flux \
  capacitor with a 9V battery.
  You must use a super-charger \
  which costs 10 credits. You currently \
  have \(credits) credits available.

不推荐(Not Preferred):

let message = "You cannot charge the flux " +
  "capacitor with a 9V battery.\n" +
  "You must use a super-charger " +
  "which costs 10 credits. You currently " +
  "have \(credits) credits available."

不要使用 Emoji/No Emoji

Do not use emoji in your projects. For those readers who actually type in their code, it's an unnecessary source of friction. While it may be cute, it doesn't add to the learning and it interrupts the coding flow for these readers.

不要在工程里使用 Emoji。对于读者而言,输入这一类型的代码意义并不大。虽然看起来十分可爱,但它对于学习的帮助不大且会打乱输入代码的节奏。

不要使用 #imageLiteral 和 #colorLiteral/No #imageLiteral or #colorLiteral

Likewise, do not use Xcode's ability to drag a color or an image into a source statement. These turn into #colorLiteral and #imageLiteral, respectively, and present unpleasant challenges for a reader trying to enter them based on tutorial text. Instead, use UIColor(red:green:blue) and UIImage(imageLiteralResourceName:).

同样地,不要使用 Xcode 提供的 #colorLiteral 和# imageLiteral 来设置颜色或图像,这会给读者带来学习不好的体验。因此,推荐使用UIColor(red:green:blue)UIImage(imageLiteralResourceName:)

组织名称和包标识/Organization and Bundle Identifier

Where an Xcode project is involved, the organization should be set to Kodeco and the Bundle Identifier set to com.yourcompany.TutorialName where TutorialName is the name of the tutorial project.

涉及到 Xcode 项目的地方,组织应该被设置为 Kodeco 并且包标识符应该被设置为 com.yourcompany.TutorialName,其中 TutorialName 是教程的名字。

Xcode Project settings

版权声明/Copyright Statement

The following copyright statement should be included at the top of every source file:


/// Copyright (c) 2023 Kodeco Inc.
/// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
/// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
/// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
/// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
/// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
/// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
/// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
/// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
/// Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may not use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
/// distribute, sublicense, create a derivative work, and/or sell copies of the
/// Software in any work that is designed, intended, or marketed for pedagogical or
/// instructional purposes related to programming, coding, application development,
/// or information technology.  Permission for such use, copying, modification,
/// merger, publication, distribution, sublicensing, creation of derivative works,
/// or sale is expressly withheld.
/// This project and source code may use libraries or frameworks that are
/// released under various Open-Source licenses. Use of those libraries and
/// frameworks are governed by their own individual licenses.

笑脸/Smiley Face

Smiley faces are a very prominent style feature of the Kodeco site! It is very important to have the correct smile signifying the immense amount of happiness and excitement for the coding topic. The closing square bracket ] is used because it represents the largest smile able to be captured using ASCII art. A closing parenthesis ) creates a half-hearted smile, and thus is not preferred.

笑脸是 Kodeco 网站非常显著的风格特点!拥有正确的笑容能传达出对编程主题的极度幸福和兴奋之情非常重要。闭合方括号 ] 被用来表示能通过 ASCII 艺术表达的最大笑容。而闭合括号 ) 则只能形成一个半喜悦的笑容,因此并不理想。



不推荐(Not Preferred):




中文版 Kodeco 官方 Swift 代码风格指南文档《Swift Style Guide》







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