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2024-03 - SysML v2 Release

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@seidewitz seidewitz released this 15 Apr 06:09
· 12 commits to master since this release

Pilot Implementation

This is an incremental installation release of the pilot implementation of the SysML v2 language, API and services. Release notes for the language pilot implementation are available at

The API and Services implementation is still unchanged from 2024-02.

The release also includes both textual notation and XMI versions of the standard model libraries, in the sysml.library and sysml.library.xmi directories. Note, however, that the XMI files use an Eclipse XMI representation (.kermlx and .sysmlx representations) that is not fully normative OMG XMI. The XMI has been exported without derived property values or implied relationships.

To install, download and decompress one of the files below and follow the instructions in the README file.

NOTE. Even though the files below are labeled "Source code", they simply contain the entire compressed contents of this repository. They do not actually include the pilot implementation source code, which is maintained in separate development repositories.

Issue Resolutions

This release includes the Beta 2 specification documents updated for all issue resolutions approved by the KerML, SysML v2 and Systems Modeling API and Services Finalization Task Forces (FTFs). These versions of the specifications have been approved by the OMG Architecture Board and authorized for release by the OMG Platform Technology Committee (PTC). However, the PTC also voted to charter second FTFs for all the specifications, to continue working on additional issue resolutions for another six months, with the Beta 2 version as the new baseline. As for the first set of FTFs, subsequent pilot implementation releases will include incremental updates implementing issue resolutions as they are voted on by the second set of FTFs. Change tracking will be relative to the Beta 2 baseline.