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2024-09 - SysML v2 Pilot Implementation

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@seidewitz seidewitz released this 15 Oct 03:10
· 5 commits to master since this release

Pilot Implementation

This is an incremental installation release of the pilot implementation of the SysML v2 language, API and services. This SysML v2 Release actually covers two releases of the Language Pilot Implementation:

The API and Services Pilot Implementation and API Cookbook are unchanged from previous releases:

The release also includes both textual notation and XMI versions of the standard model libraries, in the sysml.library and sysml.library.xmi directories. Note, however, that the XMI files use an Eclipse XMI representation (.kermlx and .sysmlx representations) that is not fully normative OMG XMI. The XMI has been exported without derived property values or implied relationships.

To install, download and decompress one of the files below and follow the instructions in the README file.

NOTE. Even though the files below are labeled "Source code", they simply contain the entire compressed contents of this repository. They do not actually include the pilot implementation source code, which is maintained in separate development repositories.

Issue Resolutions

This release includes Beta 2.2 versions of the specification documents, which update the published Beta 2 versions with issue resolutions approved in the recent ballots of the second SysML v2 and System Modeling API & Services Finalization Task Forces (FTFs). Note, however, that these resolutions must be considered preliminary until the FTFs complete and their reports are approved by the OMG. The KerML specification has not been updated in this release.

Resolutions to the following issues are included in this release. The subclauses of each document affected by a resolution are tagged in the document with the corresponding issue key and title. In addition, the doc/changes directory includes PDF cumulative comparison documents between the Beta 2.2 and published Beta 2 versions of the specification documents.

KerML Specification


SysML Specification, Part 1: Language

SYSML2_-25 Source and target on binary ConnectionDefinition symbol missing
SYSML2_-197 Inconsistent use of guillemets in graphical notation for metamodel aspects
SYSML2_-200 Structured actions not properly covered by GBNF and notation tables
SYSML2_-227 Name expressions in GBNF are too constraining
SYSML2_-230 Inconsistent graphical notation for view frame
SYSML2_-272 Typos in graphical metadata representative notation

SysML Specification, Part 2: SysML v1 to v2 Transformation

SYSML2_-136 Transformation of UML4SysML::State does not consider entry, do, and exit behavior
SYSML2_-199 InterfaceBlock mapped to PortDefinition, but ConjugatedPortDefinition is not generated
SYSML2_-203 InitialState is mapped to StateUsage, but should be an empty ActionUsage
SYSML2_-214 Mapping of State does not consider orthogonal states
SYSML2_-249 RICOAOutputPin_Mapping should specialized Pin_Mapping

Systems Modeling API and Services Specification

SYSMOAS_-20 Description of deletion in createCommit row seems wrong
SYSMOAS_-78 DataVersion.identity multiplicity