Tested with LEDE v23.05.2 for arm_cortext_a9
Built from latest git version 0.8.2 from TDFKAOlli fork.
Be advised that the upstream project is more or less unmaintained. This does not mean you can't use knockd in production, but to think about it carefully. But if other, modern portknocking solutions feel too cumbersome for you, knockd may exactly be what you need.
This is an updates package source for building the latest stable version of knockd for OpenWrt/LEDE.
Initscript and logbuffer compatible config are included.
No precompiled packages available for the TDFKAOlli fork. Older ones are available here
Install prerequisites (for Debian):
apt-get install build-essential libncurses5-dev gawk git subversion libssl-dev gettext unzip zlib1g-dev file python curl
Get the LEDE source and checkout the latest revision:
git clone https://git.lede-project.org/source.git lede
cd lede
git checkout v23.05.2
Get package for knockd:
git clone https://github.com/TDFKAOlli/openwrt_knockd.git package/knockd
Move to the branch which will fetch the latest knockd from TDFKAOlli repository:
cd package/knockd
git checkout fetch_knockd_from_tdfkaolli
Build toolchain:
When initially building select your target system and make sure Network
-> Firewall
-> knockd
is selected.
make tools/install
make toolchain/install
In case you didn't built the whole tree before you need to compile libpcap (Note: Dependency should be detected and libpcap built automatically):
make package/libs/libpcap/configure
make package/libs/libpcap/compile
Build the package:
make package/knockd/clean
make package/knockd/download
make package/knockd/compile
Get the built ipk for your target:
Example for arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3-d16:
Install the ipk:
Scp the ipk to /tmp
on your LEDE machine and issue a
opkg install /tmp/knockd_0.8.2-3_<VERSION>.ipk
Change the default configuration:
Start and enable the deamon:
/etc/init.d/knockd start
/etc/init.d/knockd enable