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TGDivy committed Jan 3, 2019
1 parent f538923 commit cc20d72
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Showing 22 changed files with 583 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added Final.png
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15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions Fractals.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import Codec.Picture
import GraphicsM
import GraphicsHelperFunctions
import PythogorusTree
import LsystemTree
import Mountains
import Grass
import KochSnowFlakes

-- The simplest looking file which combines all the fractals
-- note, the order of combination is extremely important as the opacity makes a difference.
-- You could think of them as layers in an art project/ 2d game.

picture = drawPicture 3 (mountain++mountainReflection++pTree2++pTree++ground++groundTree++groundTree2++flowers++snowFlakes)
file = writePng "final2.png" $ picture
92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions GraphicsHelperFunctions.hs
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module GraphicsHelperFunctions(
rotate90, rotate270, rotateLine,
scaleLine, connectLine, midpoint,
rectangle, triangles, polygon,
Angle, Scale, Iterations, BleachFactor,
) where

import Codec.Picture
import GraphicsM

type Angle = Float
type RectangleScale = Float
type Iterations = Int
type Scale = Float
type BleachFactor = (Int,Int,Int,Int)

-- Function that changes the colors based on the values provided.
bleach :: Colour -> BleachFactor -> Colour
bleach (Colour r g b o) (r',g',b',o') = Colour (r+r') (g+g') (b+b') (o+o')

-- Rotation based functions.
rotateLine :: Line -> Float -> Line
rotateLine ly@(Line (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2)) angle
= Line (Point x1 y1) (Point (x' + x1) (y' + y1))
x0 = x2 - x1
y0 = y2 - y1
x' = x0 * cos angle - y0 * sin angle
y' = x0 * sin angle + y0 * cos angle

rotate90 :: Line -> Point
rotate90 (Line (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2))
= Point (-1 * ny + x1)
(nx + y1)
nx = x2 - x1
ny = y2 - y1

rotate270 :: Line -> Point
rotate270 (Line (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2))
= Point (ny + x1)
(-1 * nx + y1)
nx = x2 - x1
ny = y2 - y1

--Functions to scale lines, connect them and find their mid points.

scaleLine :: Float -> Line -> Line
scaleLine f (Line (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2))
= Line (Point x1 y1)
(Point (x1 + (x2 -x1) * f) (y1 + (y2 - y1) * f))

connectLine :: Line -> Line -> Line
connectLine l@(Line _ a@(Point lx2 ly2)) q@(Line (Point qx1 qy1) (Point qx2 qy2))
= Line a b
diffx = 0-qx1 + lx2
diffy = 0-qy1 + ly2
b = Point (qx2 + diffx) (qy2 + diffy)

midpoint :: Point -> Point -> Point
midpoint (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2) = Point ((x1+x2)/2) ((y1+y2)/2)

-- Shape creation functions

rectangle :: Line -> Float -> Colour -> (PictureObject, Line)
rectangle ly@(Line a b) fact color = (Polygon [a,r1,r2,b] color Solid SolidFill, Line r1 r2)
r1 = rotate270 $ scaleLine fact (Line a b)
r2 = rotate90 $ scaleLine fact (Line b a)

rightTri :: Line -> Float -> (PictureObject, Line, Line)
rightTri ly@(Line a b) angle = (Polygon [a,c,b] red Solid SolidFill, Line a c, Line c b)
mid = midpoint a b
rotate@(Line _ c) = rotateLine (Line mid a) angle

triangles :: Line -> Float -> Float -> Colour -> (PictureObject, Line, Line)
triangles ly@(Line a b) angle scale color= (Polygon [a,c,b] color Solid SolidFill, Line a c, Line c b)
(Line _ po) = scaleLine scale ly
rotate@(Line _ c) = rotateLine (Line po a) angle

polygon :: Int -> Line -> [Point]
polygon n ly@(Line a b)
| n<0 = []
|otherwise = [b]++(polygon (n-1) nex)
rotationAngle = (2 * pi) / (fromIntegral 3)
nex = rotateLine ly rotationAngle
148 changes: 148 additions & 0 deletions GraphicsM.hs
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module GraphicsM (
Colour (..),
LineStyle (..),
FillStyle (..),
white, black, blue, red, green, yellow, magenta, orange, darkGreen, brown, darkBrown
) where

-- Rasterific
import Graphics.Rasterific hiding (Point, Vector, Line, Path)
import Graphics.Rasterific.Texture
import Graphics.Rasterific.Transformations

import Codec.Picture

data Colour
= Colour
{ redC :: Int
, greenC :: Int
, blueC :: Int
, opacityC :: Int
deriving (Show, Eq)

white = Colour 255 255 255 255
black = Colour 0 0 0 255
blue = Colour 0 0 255 255
red = Colour 255 0 0 255
brown = Colour 114 53 14 200
darkBrown = Colour 43 17 0 250
green = Colour 57 175 24 235
darkGreen = Colour 22 89 3 255
yellow = Colour 255 255 0 235
magenta = Colour 153 0 153 255
orange = Colour 254 154 46 255

data Point
= Point
{ xPoint :: Float
, yPoint :: Float

data Vector
= Vector
{ xVector :: Float
, yVector :: Float

data Line
= Line
{ startLine :: Point
, endLine :: Point

data LineStyle
= Solid
| Dashed
| Dotted

data FillStyle
= NoFill
| SolidFill
deriving (Eq, Show)

data PictureObject
= Path
{ pointsPO :: [Point]
, colourPO :: Colour
, lineStylePO :: LineStyle
| Circle
{ centerPO :: Point
, radiusPO :: Float
, colourPO :: Colour
, lineStylePO :: LineStyle
, fillStylePO :: FillStyle
| Ellipse
{ centerPO :: Point
, widthPO :: Float
, heightPO :: Float
, rotationPO :: Float
, colourPO :: Colour
, lineStylePO :: LineStyle
, fillStylePO :: FillStyle
| Polygon
{ pointsPO :: [Point]
, colourPO :: Colour
, lineStylePO :: LineStyle
, fillStylePO :: FillStyle

type Picture = [PictureObject]

drawPicture linewidth picture
= renderDrawing 1920 1080 (toColour (Colour 255 255 255 150)) $ do
{ mapM drawObj picture
; return ()
style SolidFill _ = fill
style _ Solid = stroke linewidth JoinRound (CapRound, CapRound)
style _ Dashed = dashed linewidth JoinRound (CapRound, CapRound)
style _ Dotted = dotted linewidth JoinRound (CapRound, CapRound)

dotted = dashedStroke [linewidth/12, 2 * linewidth]
dashed = dashedStroke [3* linewidth, 6 * linewidth]

texture colour = withTexture (uniformTexture $ toColour colour)
textureG (x1, y1) (x2, y2)
= withTexture (linearGradientTexture
[(0, PixelRGBA8 255 0 0 255), (1, PixelRGBA8 255 255 255 255)]
(V2 x1 y1)(V2 x2 y2))
drawObj (Path points colour lineStyle) =
texture colour
$ style NoFill lineStyle
$ polyline
$ map (\((Point x y)) -> V2 x y) points
drawObj (Circle (Point px py) radius colour lineStyle fillStyle) =
texture colour
$ style fillStyle lineStyle
$ circle (V2 px py) radius
drawObj (Ellipse (Point px py) h w r colour lineStyle fillStyle) =
texture colour
$ style fillStyle lineStyle
. transform (applyTransformation
$ rotateCenter r (V2 px py))
$ ellipse (V2 px py) h w
drawObj (Polygon points colour lineStyle fillStyle) =
texture colour
$ style fillStyle lineStyle
$ polygon
$ map (\((Point x y)) -> V2 x y) points

toColour (Colour a b c d)
= PixelRGBA8 (fromIntegral a) (fromIntegral b) (fromIntegral c) (fromIntegral d)
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions Grass.hs
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{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Grass (flowers) where

import Codec.Picture
import GraphicsM
import GraphicsHelperFunctions
import PythogorusTree
import LsystemTree
import System.Random
import Data.Text.Unsafe

-- This functions takes a horizontal line. From the line's midpoint it generates a L-system tree. Between the new L-tree and the other two points,
-- it generates two more L-system base trees, reursively...

grass :: Line -> Float -> Angle -> (Scale, Scale) -> (Colour, Colour) -> (BleachFactor, BleachFactor) -> (Float, Float) -> Iterations -> Iterations -> Picture
grass ly@(Line a b) stemHeight angle (leftBranchScale, rightBranchScale) (colorL@(Colour rl gl bl ol), colorR@(Colour rr gr br oR)) (bleachL, bleachR) (angleScaleBrLeft, angleScaleBrRight) iter2 iter
| iter<=0 = []
| otherwise
=(grass (Line a mid) (inlinePerformIO stemHeight') (inlinePerformIO angle') (inlinePerformIO leftBranchScale', inlinePerformIO rightBranchScale') (colorL', colorR') (bleachL, bleachR) (angleScaleBrLeft, angleScaleBrRight) (iter2) (iter-1)) ++
(lSystemTree midLine (angle) (leftBranchScale, rightBranchScale) (colorL, colorR) (bleachL, bleachR) (angleScaleBrLeft, angleScaleBrRight) iter2) ++
(grass (Line mid b) (inlinePerformIO stemHeight') (inlinePerformIO angle') (inlinePerformIO leftBranchScale', inlinePerformIO rightBranchScale') (colorL', colorR') (bleachL, bleachR) (angleScaleBrLeft, angleScaleBrRight) (iter2) (iter-1))
(Line _ mid@(Point xmid ymid)) = scaleLine scaleFactor ly
midLine = Line (Point (xmid) (ymid)) (Point (xmid) (ymid-stemHeight))

-- Some additional parameters, which based on the random function make the plants produced look organic.
-- Note, the unwrapping of the IO takes place when the function is called, as we want different random value for both left and right branch of the tree.
scaleFactor = inlinePerformIO $ getStdRandom (randomR (0.3,0.7))
angle' = getStdRandom (randomR (pi*0.05 , pi*0.10))
leftBranchScale' = getStdRandom (randomR (0.7, 0.9))
rightBranchScale' = getStdRandom (randomR (0.7, 0.9))
stemHeight' = getStdRandom (randomR (60 , 100))
colorL' = Colour rl gl bl (ol-100)
colorR' = Colour rr gr br (oR-100)
-- angleScaleBrLeft' = getStdRandom (randomR (,))
-- angleScaleBrRight' = getStdRandom (randomR (,))

-- Inputs for the function to generate multiple L-trees
inLine = Line (Point 0 (1080+90)) (Point 1920 (1080+90))
inAngle = pi*0.15
inLeftBranchScale = 0.8
inRightBranchScale = 0.6
inColorL = Colour 82 0 55 255
inColorR = Colour 82 0 55 150
inbleachFactL = (-3,0,-2,-8)
inbleachFactR = (3,0,2,0)
inAngleScaleBrLeft = 0.8
inAngleScaleBrRight = 1.1

-- Output
flowers = grass inLine 90 inAngle (inLeftBranchScale,inRightBranchScale) (inColorL,inColorR) (inbleachFactL,inbleachFactR) (inAngleScaleBrLeft,inAngleScaleBrRight) 7 5

-- Displaying the output to a file stream.
picture = drawPicture 3 flowers
file = writePng "Test1.png" $ picture
Binary file added Images Generated/Base1.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images Generated/Base2.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images Generated/Flowers.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images Generated/LSystemtree.png
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Binary file added Images Generated/Mountains.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images Generated/Ptrees.png
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Binary file added Images Generated/Test10.png
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Binary file added Images Generated/Test1tree.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images Generated/Test6.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images Generated/final2.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images Generated/landscape.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images Generated/snowFlake.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Images Generated/snowFlakes.png
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63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions KochSnowFlakes.hs
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{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module KochSnowFlakes(snowFlakes
) where

import Codec.Picture
import GraphicsM
import GraphicsHelperFunctions
import System.Random
import Data.Text.Unsafe

-- Use t create a Line which is based on the recursion pattern of KochSnowflakes
kochLine :: Int -> Point -> Point -> [Point]
kochLine n pS pE
| n <= 0 = []
| otherwise
= [pS] ++ kochLine (n - 1) pS p1
++ kochLine (n - 1) p1 p2
++ kochLine (n - 1) p2 p3
++ kochLine (n - 1) p3 pE
++ [pE]
l1@(Line _ p1) = scaleLine (1 / 3) (Line pS pE)
l2@(Line _ p3) = connectLine l1 l1
(Line _ p2) = rotateLine l2 (5 / 3 * pi)

-- This combines multiple KochSnowflake based lines, by forming a polygon out of them.
kochFlake :: Int -> Line -> [Point]
kochFlake n line
| n<= 0 = []
| otherwise = kochLine n p1 p2 ++ kochLine n p2 p3 ++ kochLine n p3 p1
[p1, p2, p3, _] = polygon 3 line

--Function that combines multiple KochFlakes into a picture

flakes :: Int -> Colour -> BleachFactor -> Picture
flakes n color bleachFact| n<=0 = []
| otherwise = [Polygon (kochFlake 7 (Line a b)) (bleach color bleachFact) Solid SolidFill] ++
flakes (n-1) color bleachFact
midx = inlinePerformIO $ getStdRandom (randomR (20, 1900))
midy = inlinePerformIO $ getStdRandom (randomR (20, 1060))
size = inlinePerformIO $ getStdRandom (randomR (5, 8))
orientaion = inlinePerformIO $ getStdRandom (randomR (0, 10))
a = Point (midx - size) (midy+orientaion)
b = Point (midx + size) (midy)

--These are values used for testing
x = kochFlake 5 (Line (Point 765 540) (Point 1250 540))
y = Polygon x blue Solid SolidFill

snowFlakes = flakes 30 inColour inBleachFact

inColour = Colour 85 215 170 200
inBleachFact = (7, 2, 3, 0)

-- To display the output
picture = drawPicture 1 [y]
file = writePng "snowFlake.png" $ picture

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