- python 3.12
- pytorch
pip install -r requirements.txt
├── config/ # Configuration files
│ └── sampler_config.json # Configuration file for sampling
├── data/e
│ ├── prompts/ # prompts for generation
│ │ ├── ngram-p1.txt # prompt for ngram-based watermarking
│ │ ├── ngram-p2.txt
│ │ ├── fixkey-p1.txt # prompt for fixkey-based watermarking(Deprecated)
│ │ ├── fixkey-p2.txt
│ │ ├── 5gram-p1.txt # prompt for 5gram-prefix watermarking
│ │ └── 5gram-p2.txt
│ │ ├── api-p1.txt # prompt for api test
│ │ └── api-p2.txt
│ │
│ ├── logits/ # generated logits
│ │ └── {condition}-{p1 / p2}-logits-{model_name}.pickle
│ │
│ └── results/ # Results for sampling and experiments
│ ├── prob1/ # Sampling results for Water-Prob-V1
│ │ ├── {Watermarking_Algorithm}-prob1-p1-*.json
│ │ ├── {Watermarking_Algorithm}-prob1-p2-*.json
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── prob2/ # Sampling results for Water-Prob-V2
│ │ ├── {Watermarking_Algorithm}-prob2-p1-*.json
│ │ ├── {Watermarking_Algorithm}-prob2-p2-*.json
│ │ └── ...
│ └── csv/ # Experiment results
│ └── {Watermarking_Algorithm}-{WaterProb Method}-results/
│ └── ...
├── scripts/
│ ├── api_test/ # API test related scripts
│ └── api_test_prob2.py # API test for Water-Prob-V2(For OpenAI & Gemini)
│ ├── samplers/ # Sampling related implementations
│ ├── utils/ # Utility functions
│ ├── prompt_manager.py # Prompt manager
│ └── generation_utils.py # Generation utils
│ ├── gen_logits.py # Generate logits for each model
│ ├── sampling.py # Main sampling script
│ ├── experiment.py # Main experiment script
│ ├── Unigram_experiments_prob.py # Unigram-specific experiments
│ ├── generate_logits.sh # Shell script for generating logits
│ ├── sampling_pipeline.sh # Shell script for running all sampling tasks
│ └── experiment_pipeline.sh # Shell script for running all experiments
├── README.md # Project description file
└── requirements.txt # Python dependencies
First, generate the logits for each model to simulate real-world generation and accelerate sampling.
cd scripts
bash generate_logits.sh
- Input prompts are located in
- Generated logits will be saved as
files indata/logits/
- This step pre-computes logits for all watermarking algorithms
Run sampling for all watermarking algorithms and unwatermarked conditions:
cd scripts
bash sampling_pipeline.sh
- Set
alpha = 0.5
for unbiased watermarking sampling - Results will be saved in:
- Water-Prob-V1:
- Water-Prob-V2:
- Water-Prob-V1:
Execute experiments across all conditions:
cd scripts
bash experiment_pipeline.sh
- Results are saved as CSV files in
If you find this repository useful, please cite our paper:
title={Can Watermarked LLMs be Identified by Users via Crafted Prompts?},
author={Liu, Aiwei and Guan, Sheng and Liu, Yiming and Pan, Leyi and Zhang, Yifei and Fang, Liancheng and Wen, Lijie and Yu, Philip S and Hu, Xuming},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.03168},