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A simple player permission provider for velocity

Permission files: plugins/velocitysimplepermission/permission.yml

Tested with velocity 3.2.0

Permission file

The top-level yaml object is a string to object map, defining a series of permission assignments

Here's an example of the permission file, that allows everyone to use the /glist command, and allow specified admins to use all velocity commands:

velocity.command.glist: '*'
- NameOfAdmin1
- NameOfAdmin2
- 8e99eeb6-204e-4bde-9764-87e122c272ed  # uuid of the admin3


The key defines what the permission assignment will be applied on. It can be one of the following things:

  1. A complete permission key (e.g., which matches the given key exactly
  2. A wildcard permission key ends with * (e.g. example.command.*), which matches all sub-keys under the given wildcard key (e.g. example.command.oof,, but not example.action)

The matching priority is:

  1. Complete key (e.g.
  2. Longest wildcard key to the shortest wildcard key (e.g.*, example.command.*, example.*, *)

If any candidate key has a valid value, and the value returns a known query result (i.e. not Tristate.UNDEFINED), then the result will be returned immediately, no more further query attempts will be made


The value is the assignment of the permission. It can be one of the following things:

  1. A "*", means all players have this permission (Tristate.TRUE)


    velocity.command.glist: '*'
  2. A list of strings. The string values are player names or player uuids (with dash character). Players inside the list have the permission (Tristate.TRUE)


    - Steve
    - Alex
  3. A string to object map, containing 2 entries, "allow" and "deny"

    The value of the 2 entries can be a "*", or a list of strings. The meaning of the value is consistent with the definitions in 1. and 2. above. Players in the allow list will have the permission (Tristate.TRUE). Players in the deny list will be denied (Tristate.FALSE)


      - Steve
      - Alex 
      - Mallory

If the queried permission is unknown, or the player is not included in the list, the plugin will simply return the undefined permission Tristate.UNDEFINED to velocity, which is also the default behavior when there's no permission provider plugin installed


To keep it simple, VelocitySimplePermission does not provide commands to modify the permission assignments

If you want to modify the permission configuration, you need edit the permission file manually, then use command to perform a reload

Require permission velocitysimplepermission.command

Command list:

  • /vsp reload: reload the permission file