budgetify is a project that can be used to manage you're income/outcome in your households.
The Stack is Typescript, NextJS(ReactJS), GraphQL, Nexus and Prisma.
Install all required dependencies:
npm install
Copy the example environment file and fill change it to your needs.
cp .env.example .env
Before starting for the first time you need to start the docker and migrate with prisma.
docker-compose up
npm run prisma:migrate
Finally you can either start developing.
npm run dev
Or build the project and then start it.
npm run build
npm run start
The latest push of the project is always deployed on Heroku. You can try the page there, but dont use it as your actual management as the database is cleared regularly.
The site runs under https://budgetify-bachelor.herokuapp.com//
Prisma has integrated functionality to fix this problem: https://www.prisma.io/docs/guides/performance-and-optimization/query-optimization-performance#solving-the-n1-problem