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Creating an Issue

john edited this page Jun 3, 2020 · 2 revisions

Instructions for creating a new issue

The following are instructions for TNRIS employees to create a new issue for the website in order for work to be completed or a bug or something similar to be fixed. To request work from the dev team on, follow the instructions below:

  1. Create a new issue in the repository here
    • click the green 'New Issue' button in the top right to begin creating a new issue
  2. Provide a title for the issue that isn't too long, but describes the work
  3. Provide as much specific detail as possible in the description of the issue
    • list out in bullets or numbers each individual task if there are more than one
    • get to the point
    • if possible, provide the reasoning for the issue
      • was the issue requested or directed by someone else, such as RW or FR?
      • what is the purpose of the issue/work to be completed?
      • is the work for a new feature or to enhance an existing feature?
      • is the work to fix a bug?
    • use the @ symbol to mention/notify a GitHub user for a task in your requested work. be sure and @ mention at least one member of the dev team, plus any other TNRIS colleagues that may be involved in the issue work.
      • to mention someone, just type the @ symbol and you should see a list of members you can mention
      • select the person that you want to assign work to
    • attach any supporting/reference documents that might be needed such as images, screenshots, word documents, pdfs, etc.

If you are uncomfortable or unsure how to write the issue with Markdown, feel free to write the information in a word document of some sort, then attach/insert it to the issue

Do not worry about assigning or adding labels to the issue. That is for the dev team to do. Using the @ mention capability will notify the dev team and a member of the team will manage the issue from there.