BetterBatch is a Interpreter wich executes Console commands of the current OS and it also has custom commands like(# before Built-In commands)
- WaitS [time: int]: Wait a specified time (Seconds)
- WaitMS [time: int]: Wait a specified time (Milliseconds)
- var [varname] [vartext(string)]: define a Variable wich can be used by example echo $varname;
- epy [command]: executes python code
i have this in test.bbatch
^ This is a comment, it is ignored by the Interpreter
#var name Max; echo $name; ^ defines the variable name wich can be used by $name
echo The name is $name;
#waitS 3; ^ Waits 3 seconds,
#waitMS 1000; ^ Waits 1000 Milliseconds
cls; ^ clears the console (on windows)
echo finished;
execute this by typing py test.bbatch
into the console.
A full Documentation will be available soon.
Feel free to use this as base of you Interpreter or make this better but remember to put a Copyright and Credit notice publically, not only in the source code.
BetterBatch is usable for Advanced Batch and Shell scripts. To get deep into the OS.