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Battery Evaluation and Early Prediction (BEEP)

BEEP is a set of tools designed to support Battery Evaluation and Early Prediction of cycle life corresponding to the research of the d3batt program and the Toyota Research Institute.

BEEP enables parsing and handing of electrochemical battery cycling data via data objects reflecting cycling run data, experimental protocols, featurization, and modeling of cycle life. Currently beep supports arbin, maccor and biologic cyclers.

We are currently looking for experienced python developers to help us improve this package and implement new features. Please contact any of the maintainers for more information.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Environment
  3. Testing
  4. Using scripts
  5. Data requirements
  6. How to cite


Use pip install beep to install.

If you want to develop BEEP, clone the repo via git and use pip (or python develop) for an editable install:

git clone [email protected]:ToyotaResearchInstitute/BEEP.git
pip install -e .[tests]


To configure the use of AWS resources its necessary to set the environment variable BEEP_ENV. For most users 'dev' is the appropriate choice since it assumes that no AWS resources are available.

export BEEP_ENV='dev'

For processing file locally its necessary to configure the folder structure

export BEEP_PROCESSING_DIR='/path/to/beep/data/'


You can use pytest for running unittests. In order to run tests the environment variable needs to be set (i.e. export BEEP_ENV='dev')

pytest beep

Using scripts

The standard installation procedure above should install and link console scripts with currently available BEEP functionality. Each BEEP script takes a JSON string as input in order to provide flexibility and more facile automation. They are documented below:


The collate script takes no input, and operates by assuming the BEEP_PROCESSING_DIR (default /) has subdirectories /data-share/raw_cycler_files and data-share/renamed_cycler_files/FastCharge.

The script moves files from the /data-share/raw_cycler_files directory, parses the metadata, and renames them according to a combination of protocol, channel number, and date, placing them in /data-share/renamed_cycler_files.

The script output is a json string that contains the following fields:

  • fid - The file id used internally for renaming
  • filename - full paths for raw cycler filenames
  • strname - the string name associated with the file (i. e. scrubbed of csv)
  • file_list - full paths for the new, renamed, cycler files
  • protocol - the cycling protocol corresponding to each file
  • channel_no - the channel number corresponding to each file
  • date - the date corresponding to each file


$ collate
    "mode": "events_off",
    "fid": [0, 
    "strname": ["2017-05-09_test-TC-contact", 
    "file_list": ["/data-share/renamed_cycler_files/FastCharge/FastCharge_0_CH33.csv", 
    "protocol": [null, 
    "date": ["2017-05-09", 
    "channel_no": ["CH33", 
    "filename": ["/data-share/raw_cycler_files/2017-05-09_test-TC-contact_CH33.csv", 


The validation script, validate, runs the validation procedure contained in beep.validate on renamed files according to the output of rename above. It also updates a general json validation record in /data-share/validation/validation.json.

The input json must contain the following fields

  • file_list - the list of filenames to be validated
  • mode - mode for events i.e. 'test' or 'run'
  • run_list - list of run_ids for each of the files, used by the database for linking data

The output json will have the following fields:

  • validity - a list of validation results, e. g. ["valid", "valid", "invalid"]
  • file_list - a list of full path filenames which have been processed


$ validate '{
    "mode": "events_off",
    "run_list": [1, 20, 34],
    "strname": ["2017-05-09_test-TC-contact", 
    "file_list": ["/data-share/renamed_cycler_files/FastCharge/FastCharge_0_CH33.csv", 
    "protocol": [null, 
    "date": ["2017-05-09", 
    "channel_no": ["CH33", 
    "filename": ["/data-share/raw_cycler_files/2017-05-09_test-TC-contact_CH33.csv", 
{"validity": ["invalid",
 "file_list": ["/data-share/renamed_cycler_files/FastCharge/FastCharge_0_CH33.csv", 


The structure script will run the data structuring on specified filenames corresponding to validated raw cycler files. It places the structured datafiles in /data-share/structure.

The input json must contain the following fields:

  • file_list - a list of full path filenames which have been processed
  • validity - a list of boolean validation results, e. g. [True, True, False]
  • mode - mode for events i.e. 'test' or 'run'
  • run_list - list of run_ids for each of the files, used by the database for linking data

The output json contains the following fields:

  • invalid_file_list - a list of invalid files according to the validity
  • file_list - a list of files which have been structured into processed_cycler_runs


$ structure '{
    "mode": "events_off",
    "run_list": [1, 20, 34],
    "validity": ["invalid", "invalid", "valid"], 
    "file_list": ["/data-share/renamed_cycler_files/FastCharge/FastCharge_0_CH33.csv", 
  "invalid_file_list": ["/data-share/renamed_cycler_files/FastCharge/FastCharge_0_CH33.csv", 
  "file_list": ["/data-share/structure/FastCharge_2_CH29_structure.json"],


The featurize script will generate features according to the methods contained in beep.generate_features. It places output files corresponding to features in /data-share/features/.

The input json must contain the following fields

  • file_list - a list of processed cycler runs for which to generate features
  • mode - mode for events i.e. 'test' or 'run'
  • run_list - list of run_ids for each of the files, used by the database for linking data

The output json file will contain the following:

  • file_list - a list of filenames corresponding to the locations of the features


$ featurize '{
    "mode": "events_off",
    "run_list": [1, 20, 34],
    "invalid_file_list": ["/data-share/renamed_cycler_files/FastCharge/FastCharge_0_CH33.csv", 
    "file_list": ["/data-share/structure/FastCharge_2_CH29_structure.json"]
  "file_list": ["/data-share/features/FastCharge_2_CH29_full_model_features.json"]}


The run_model script will generate a model and create predictions based on the features previously generated by the generate_features. It stores its outputs in /data-share/predictions/

The input json must contain the following fields

  • file_list - list of files corresponding to model features
  • mode - mode for events i.e. 'test' or 'run'
  • run_list - list of run_ids for each of the files, used by the database for linking data

The output json will contain the following fields

  • file_list - list of files corresponding to model predictions


$ run_model '{
    "mode": "events_off",
    "run_list": [34],
    "file_list": ["/data-share/features/FastCharge_2_CH29_full_model_features.json"]
  "file_list": ["/data-share/predictions/FastCharge_2_CH29_full_model_predictions.json"],

Data requirements

BEEP automatically parses and structures data based on specific outputs from various battery cyclers. The following column headers marked "required" are required for downstream processing of each cycler. BEEP currently supports five brands of battery cyclers:


Arbin data files are of the form name_of_file_CHXX.csv with an associated metadata file name_of_file_CHXX_Metadata.csv

Cycler Data
Column name (case insensitive) Required Explanation Unit Data Type
data_point index of this data point int32
test_time time of data point relative to start seconds float32
datetime time of data point relative to epoch time seconds float32
step_time elapsed time counted from the starting point of present active step seconds float32
step_index currently running step number in the active schedule int16
cycle_index currently active test cycle number int32
current measured value of present channel current Amps float32
voltage measured value of present channel voltage Volts float32
charge_capacity cumulative value of present channel charge capacity Amp-hr float64
discharge_capacity cumulative value of present channel discharge capacity Amp-hr float64
charge_energy cumulative value of present channel charge energy Watt-hr float64
discharge_energy cumulative value of present channel discharge energy Watt-hr float64
dv/dt the first-order change rate of voltage Volts/seconds float32
internal_resistance calculated internal resistance Ohms float32
temperature cell temperature °Celsius float32
Field name Required


Maccor files are single tabular text files matching the regex pattern ".*\\d{5,6}.*\\d{3}".

Column name (case insensitive) Required Explanation Unit Data Type
rec# data point number (index) int32
cyc# cycle number int32
step step number int16
test (sec) total time elapsed seconds float32
step (sec) time within this step seconds float32
amp-hr charge capacity Amp-hr float64
watt-hr charge energy Watt-hr float64
amps channel current Amps float32
volts channel voltage Volts float32
state charging/discharging/etc. state of the battery category
es category
dpt time date and time of data point Date-Time str
acimp/ohms AC impedance of circuit Ohm float32
dcir/ohms DC internal resistance Ohm float32
wf chg cap charge capacity (based on waveform, if available) Amp-hh float32
wf dis cap discharge capacity (based on waveform, if available) Amp-hr float32
wf chg e charge energy (based on waveform, if available) Watt-hr float32
wf dis e discharge energy (based on waveform, if available) Watt-hr float32
range uint8
var1 float16
var2 float16
var3 float16
var4 float16
var5 float16
var6 float16
var7 float16
var8 float16
var9 float16
var10 float16
var11 float16
var12 float16
var13 float16
var14 float16
var15 float16


Indigo files are single hierarchical data files (*.h5) with the mandatory group store field "time_series_data".

Column name (case insensitive) Required Explanation Unit Data Type
cell_coulomb_count_c instantaneous cell charge Coulombs
cell_current_a A
cell_energy_j cell energy Joules
cell_id identifier of the cell
cell_power_w instantaneous cell power Watts
cell_temperature_c temperature of the cell °Celsius
cell_voltage_v voltage of the cell Volts
cycle_count index of the cycle
experiment_count index of the experiment
system_time_us test time of data point relative to epoch microseconds
time_s time elapsed since test beginning seconds


BioLogic files are ASCII text files of the form *.mpt with matching *.mpl log/metadata files.

BioLogic cycler data is currently only supported for raw operations (e.g., ingestion via RawCyclerRun analysis) and is not supported for downstream processing.

Column name Required Explanation Unit Data Type
cycle number index of this cycle int
half cycle int
Ecell/V cell potential Volts float
I/mA cell current mAmps float
Q discharge/mA.h discharge capacity mAmp-hr float
Q charge/mA.h charge capacty mAmp-hr float
Energy charge/W.h charge energy Watt-hr float
Energy discharge/W.h discharge energy Watt-hr float

Various other fields in BioLogic data or metadata files are not required.


Neware files are singular *.csv files.

Note: Neware files use non-standard csv formatting; some fields may require further processing or structuring before input to beep.

Column name Required Explanation Unit Data Type
Record ID index of this data point int32
Realtime date-time format for this point
Time( recorded time for this point seconds float32
Step ID index of this step int16
Cycle ID index of this cycle int32
Current(mA) cell current mAmps float32
Voltage(V) cell voltage Volts float32
Capacitance_Chg(mAh) charge capacity mAmp-hr float64
Capacitance_DChg(mAh) discharge capacity mAmp-hr float64
Engy_Chg(mWh) charge energy mWatt-hr float64
Engy_DChg(mWh) discharge energy mWatt-hr float64
DCIR(O) DC internal resistance float32
Capacity(mAh) mAmp-hr
Capacity Density(mAh/g) mAmp-hr/gram
Energy(mWh) mWatt-hr
CmpEng(mWh/g) mWatt-hr/gram
Min-T(C) mimumum cell temperature °Celsius
Max-T(C) max cell temperature °Celsius
Avg-T(C) average cell temperature °Celsius
Power(mW) instantaneous power mWatt
dQ/dV(mAh/V) differential capacity mAmp-hr/Volt
dQm/dV(mAh/V.g) differential capacity density mAmp-hr/Volt-gram
Temperature(C) temperature (alternate sensor) °Celsius float32

How to cite

If you use BEEP, please cite this article:

P. Herring, C. Balaji Gopal, M. Aykol, J.H. Montoya, A. Anapolsky, P.M. Attia, W. Gent, J.S. Hummelshøj, L. Hung, H.-K. Kwon, P. Moore, D. Schweigert, K.A. Severson, S. Suram, Z. Yang, R.D. Braatz, B.D. Storey, SoftwareX 11 (2020) 100506.