This project is VERY MVP and needs a lot of work. Please understand that the idea is to get the codebase open sourced as soon as possible and continually improve it over time. The main reason for this project is to allow the creation of rules for container metadata in consul's k/v store. We felt this was important to allow for dynamic updating and to remove the need to add labels and environment variables to containers during creation. There is a good list of things to work on in the road map
##Description Small python agent to register docker containers and metadata with Consul. Customs requires you to create rules which are also stored consul defining service specific behavior. These rules define container metadata, tags, and checks. Updates to any rule will not require you to restart the customs agent and will happen with in the allotted reconciliation period.
##Installation There currently isn't a python package for Customs. There are plans in the future to supply this. Until this can be provided to work with customs you'll have to install freight-forwarder and modify the freight-forwarder.yml file. To get an understanding of what needs to be changes take a look at the examples in the freight-forwarder.yml file.
Due to the lack of documentation here is a very quick overview. Please keep in mind that all communication with the docker daemon and consul is done over tcp. If your require the Socket please submit an issue or PR.
You must create a default rule before attempting to run the agent. Run the following command:
./bin/customs rules <host> create default
When you run this command your editor will be opened. Please keep in mind you have to have your editor set in your environment.
This should live in .bashrc, .profile, .bash_profile, or an equivalent. example: export EDITOR="subl -w"
# only supports the following four properties. In addition, either httpcheck or check are able to be picked not both.
check: "(str) The path to the check script to run"
httpcheck: "(str) An URL to check every interval"
interval: "(str) The check execution interval"
ttl: "(str) The TTL for external script check pings"
# Metadata represents what will be populated in consuls k/v for a specific service or services. Docker container id will
# always be added to every services metadata.
domainname: true
exposed_ports: true
hostname: true
image: true
user: true
volumes: true
created: true
driver: true
exec_driver: true
binds: true
blkio_weight: true
cap_add: true
cap_drop: true
cpu_period: true
cpu_quota: true
cpu_shares: true
cpuset_cpus: true
cpuset_mems: true
devices: true
dns: true
dns_search: true
extra_hosts: true
group_add: true
links: true
log_config: true
memory: true
memory_swap: true
memory_swappiness: true
network_mode: true
port_bindings: true
privileged: true
publish_all_ports: true
readonly_rootfs: true
restart_policy: true
ulimits: true
volumes_from: true
id: true
mounts: true
network_settings: true
# service_regex will be used to find specific container names. If there are multiple or no matches default rules are used.
service_regex: .*
# Tags are required to be prefixed by inspect.object=property (based off of docker inspect) or just a string value.
# Tags represent what will be added to the service tags in consul. The customs tag will always be added by default.
- docker
- inspect.config.labels=com.freight-forwarder.project
- inspect.config.labels=com.freight-forwarder.type
One thing to keep in mind while editing this file is that its not well validated currently, this will be fixed in the future. In addition, when creating additional rules customs will find your service based on the define service_regex property.
Catalog allows the user to see the current data centers and services registered in consul.
The agent command is the agent that will run on each host an register containers with consul.
./bin/customs agent \
--token=yourtoken \
--agency-port=8505 \
--agency-tls=/etc/consul/certs/ \
--docker-port=2376 \
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).