- Personal Website: https://sites.google.com/view/yimintang/
- From University of Southern California, Carnegie Mellon University and ShanghaiTech University
- Microsoft FTE at Azure Stack, Shanghai Zizhu
- Now: USC student
- B.E in Computer Science and Technology
- The School of Information Science and Technology(SIST)
- Undergraduate Thesis: 《使用生成对抗网络从人脸到动漫的风格转换》 (指导老师: 何旭明)
- “Convert People Face to Cartoon Using Three-Stage GAN” (Advisor: Xumin He)
- Advisor: Prof. Katia Sycara, Prof. Jiaoyang Li
- Advisor: Prof. Sven Koenig
- Multi-modal perception and transfer learning for grasping transparent and specular objects (Thomas Weng, Amith Pallankize, Yimin Tang, Oliver Kroemer, David Held, ICRA 2020, RA-L)
- 涂鸦艺术家——班克斯(Banksy) https://www.gcores.com/articles/125733
- ICLR 2022 reviewer
- Open Source (Contributed for):