Vagrant experiment with Tomee, PostgreSQL, Ruby, RoR
- Download and install Virtualbox
- Vagrant is compatible with VirtualBox versions 4.0.x, 4.1.x, 4.2.x, and 4.3.x. Any other version is unsupported and the provider will display an error message.
- Download and install Vagrant
- You must download the latest version from site. Your vagrant version (
vagrant -v
) have to be >= 1.4 - Ubuntu users: The package in Ubuntu Software Center or in apt is OLD. Download the new version from site.
- You must download the latest version from site. Your vagrant version (
- Download and unzip this repository. It contains all Vagrant configurations to build VM.
- Move with your command line to unzipped directory
- Run
vagrant up
- Test your webserver here
There is a software which is listening the port 5432 - have you Postgresql installed in your host? To fix it, open Vagrantfile with a text editor and change the 8th line: :forwarded_port, guest: 5432, host: 5432 #postgresql
with :forwarded_port, guest: 5432, host: 5431 #postgresql`
For linux/mac users: $ sed -i "s/host: 5432/host: 5431/g" Vagrantfile
Your virtualized PostgreSQL will be reacheable as localhost:5431
There is a software which is listening the port 8080. To fix it, open Vagrantfile with a text editor and change the 6th line: :forwarded_port, guest: 8080, host: 8080 #tomee
with :forwarded_port, guest: 8080, host: 8800 #tomee`
For linux/mac users: $ sed -i "s/host: 8080/host: 8800/g" Vagrantfile
Now you can see the webserver as localhost:8800
Try restarting web server:
For linux/mac users:
$ vagrant ssh # Get access to virtual server's shell
For windows users:
Open ssh.bat
then, for all:
$ sudo /opt/tomee/bin/ # take down a possible blocked process - it can return an error
$ sudo /opt/tomee/bin/ # start the webserver - it can't return errors
$ exit # back to host's shell
This error is caused by virtual machine which is not responding to Vagrant. To fix it, open Virtualbox and force shutdown of VM:
This problem is solved with the new version of project. To fix it without downloading again the project, you have to make a directory called lib near www.
From command line - for all platforms: mkdir lib
This IS NOT an error. It will appear everytime you start a VM after the first because it means you have already launched installation scripts successfully and if you want re-launch it intentionally run vagrant provision
Like above: this IS NOT an error. Don't care about it.