ThemeKit is the Shopify CLI that allows you to interact with themes through the command line.
To set it up, install through Homebrew
brew tap shopify/shopify
brew install themekit
Go to the themes page, find the live theme, then click "Actions" and "Duplicate". The duplication will take up to a minute. Once the new duplicate is completed, rename it to something like myname-dev
Before creating a private app, the store owner must enable private apps for their store.
Once private apps are enabled, create one. If Tanooki already has one, you should use that same one instead of creating a second private app.
First, get the private app's password at the private app's page.
Then, get your theme's ID (replacing MY_APP_PASSWORD with the result from above):
theme get --list -p=MY_APP_PASSWORD -s=
This will get you a list of numbers in brackets followed by the theme name. That number is your theme ID.
You can now use that theme ID to download the application for local development. This step may take up to 10 minutes.
theme get -p=MY_APP_PASSWORD --themeid=MY_THEME_ID
After the download, the command above will alse configure a local config.yml
file which should look something like:
theme_id: MY_THEME_ID
In order to automatically update your theme whenever a change is made locally, you must start a watcher process.
To start watcher, run:
theme deploy -e=development
You can access the live preview in one of two ways
- Go to
- Run
theme open -e=development
If you see your changes, you're all set for local development!