Domino Pieces for OpenAI api operations.
- TextGeneratorPiece - A Piece that allows you to create a custom prompt with your own arguments and send it to OpenAI API for text generation.
- TextSummarizerPiece - A piece that summarizes long texts using the OpenAI API.
- AudioTranscriptionPiece - A piece that transcribes audio using the OpenAI Whisper API.
- ImageGeneratorPiece - A piece that utilizes DALL-E, an OpenAI model that generates images based on a prompt.
- InformationExtractorPiece - A piece that extracts user-requested information from a source text using the OpenAI API.
- PromptCreatorForImageGeneratorPiece - A piece that creates a prompt to pass to an image generator AI.
- FileInformationExtractionPiece - A piece that extract information as JSON from a file content. The content can be a list of strings or a single string