Just a simple little ftdetect
file so vim knows what to do with all the various files used in Starsector mods which are really just JSON.
I think I got them all!
As normal with your favourite plugin manager
Using vim-plug:
Plug 'Taverius/starsector-ft.vim'
or using paq:
require("paq") {
While it is unlikely, there's a number of filetypes this covers, and it might conflict with something else using those extensions.
In that case, you'll want to only load it when needed, like in your project settings, session file, etc.
For example, with a user command :Starsector
Using vim-plug:
Plug 'Taverius/starsector-ft.vim', { 'on': [] }
and then somewhere after call plug#end()
command! Starsector call plug#load('starsector-ft.vim')
or using paq:
require("paq") {
{ "Taverius/starsector-ft.vim", opt = true };
{ bang = true }