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Java-CS003-Winter Live

đź“‚ Listings and Instructions

  1. Important Words are listed by both Bold and Italicized.
  2. This is for absolute beginners having 1 or more month of experience working with Java.
  3. Stay tuned with us on Youtube for quality content and explanation Antern and follow Team Antern on LinkedIn for free contents LinkedIn
  4. Go through the code very carefully and
  5. The Answers of Test Yourself is to be written in the Answers section on Server.

đź“‘ Topics Covered Here

  1. Identifiers a. Identifiers b. Rules of Identifiers
  2. Datatypes
  3. Variables

âť“ Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

  1. Even when char and short have the same size, they have different range.
  2. Why using float is not preferred when dealing with higher floating point values.

Topic 1: Identifiers

Sub-topic A : Identifiers

  1. Definition: - Identifiers are names that are given to an element that identify an element of a program uniquely

  2. What can be an Idenfier in a Java Program?

    • All constants, variables, methods, classes, interfaces, packages, interfaces, enums, etc. can be identified by assigning to them an unique name. This unique name is called Identifier.
  3. The above image ⬆️ is of an organism. We identify the organism as a Human. Hence Human is an identifier since it identifies a specific type of organism uniquely.

  4. Why do we need identifiers?

    • When it comes to real life, you must have heard about Scientific Names of organisms in Biology.
    • And you must have heard about Nomenclature, or the process of naming an organism uniquely.
    • Similarly, so as to tell our Java Virtual Machine that one element is different from another element of the same type, it is necessary to provide each element an unique name.
    • So as to avoid name-space collisions between two common elements of a program, we mainly use Identifiers.
    • Eg: Suppose that in a class of 60 students, coincidentally 3 students having the same name namely: Krish Jaiswal. So how would you identify them uniquely? When a teacher calls "Krish Jaiswal", all three stand up. Hence they all students have been allotted with Enrollment Numbers and Serial Numbers which is unique for a class. Hence the Enroll no. and Serial no. are identifiers.

Sub-Topic B: Rules of Identifiers or Nomenclature

  1. Identifiers must start with $ or '_' or A-Z or a-z. It must contain any of these characters listed above.
  2. An Identifier Name must be a legit word. Eg: A person calls his/her water bottle as "Water Bottle" and not a "Bore Well". It is possible to name the water bottle as "Bore Well" but it is not legitimate. Hence it should be a legitimate word.
  3. An Identifier can be of any length. Eg: If you have seen the Butterflow Pen Ad, you must have seen a person telling his name which would seem like the names of all persons living in his village. That kind of name is supported in Java but It is the Worst Programming Practice.
  4. An Identifier cannot be a Keyword or Reserved Word in Java Eg: -
        class static{ ... }    // Syntax Error: -
        int yield = 10;         //Syntax Error: -
        int result = 20;        //Absolutely Correct: -
  5. There should be NO WHITESPACE character in the Identifier. Eg: You cannot have an identifier named demo 1 for an element in Java.
  6. Java is case-sensitive. So if I write HELLO and hello it means a hell lot of difference.
  7. The identifier must not contain a digit (0-9). Eg: Your name does not contain a digit.
        class 123abc{ ... }    //Syntax Error
        int 3A = 10; //Syntax Error
        int A3 = 10;  //200% Correct.


  • It is not possible to remember all the rules. Generally, we just remember our Name and make out points from it.
  • Eg: Name : Krish Jaiswal : Conclusions Drawn:
    • The Name does not begin with any Number or digit.
    • The Name may contain upper or lower case alphabetical characters.
    • Considering Krish, there is no Whitespace here.
    • Name is short and sweet. It is appropriate.

Identifier Name Is It Valid? Invalid Reason
123af Valid It is Invalid It must not start with a Number
_123 Valid It is Invalid Valid since it begins with an underscore ( _ )
$a Valid It is Invalid Valid since it begins with a $ symbol
Abc Valid It is Invalid Valid since it begins with an Aplhabetical Character.
1$221a Valid It is Invalid Invalid because an identifier cannot begin with a number.
_abc Valid It is Invalid Valid since it begins with an underscore
a bc12 Valid It is Invalid Invalid because it contains a whitespace
public Valid It is Invalid Invalid because it is a reserved word in Java.

Sub Topic C: Test Yourself

  1. How many identifiers are present in the below given program. Eg: String is an identifier. Hence count it only once.
    public class Hello{
         public static void main(String[] args){
             String melody = "Why is Melody so Chocolatey";
             String answer = "Eat Melody! And that itself will give you the answer.";
  2. Predict the first line where the error may originate(if any) and explain the reason. : -
        public class Demo1{
            public static void main(String[] args){
                int 3_ide = 20.0;    //1
                double d1 = 22_00_3__.323;    //2
                String str = "@Auth Krish";    //3
  3. Can we have a deprecated reserved word as an identifier? State the reason for the same.
  4. Which is/are a correct identifier/s?
    • ___dent
    • _:__dent
    • dent___
    • _$
    • _transient
    • goto
  5. Explain about Identifiers in your own words.


  1. Identifier is a name given to identify each element in a program uniquely to avoid name-space collisions.
  2. So as to declare a word as Identifier in your program, you need to follow the Nomenclature of Elements/Rules of using Identifiers.
  3. Identifiers must not be a reserved word, shouldn't begin with a digit.
  4. Using the special character $ and _ is allowed.
  5. There must not be any WHITESPACE in the identifier.
  6. Suitable Identifier must be between 3 to 10 characters long and should define the use by its name itself. Eg: When writing a program that prints Hello World, the class name should be Hello.

Topic 2: Datatypes

What are Datatypes?

Datatypes: The type of data a variable can hold is called a Datatype.

  • Datatypes allow variables to act as a container of a specific type which can store the values of the same specific type. Eg: To store liquids, you will use a container or vessel. That vessel may store different volumes of water. But all those vessel will store only liquids.
    • Hence Liquid is a type of data a vessel(variable) can hold and the volume of the vessel is the range/capacity to which the variable can hold the type of data. - Vessel = Variable - Volume of Vessel = Range of Datatype - Liquid = Type of Data.

Why do we need a Datatype?

  • For Example: Let's consider the same example given above. When you know the type of data, it becomes easier for you to choose a vessel. Similarly, when we consider this in Technological Terms, it becomes easier for the Compiler to choose a variable of convenient size and range.
  • But in the next case, we would see that the Compiler would detect the datatype automatically and would choose the required vessel.
  • It increases the Efficiency of the Program during Runtime. It is because the Compiler knows how much memory is to be allocated for each variable of the given type.
  • It would make a program robust and error free by preventing any kind of incompatible type error.

Case Study : Local Variable Type Inferencing

  • An Interesting thing is to know that with JDK 10, you can use variables without even using datatypes.

  • We will very soon learn that So as to use variables, we Must declare the variable prior to its use and it must be initialized with a value and its initializer type.

  • But, in this case, the Compiler would automatically detect the type of initializer.

  • This reduces code redundancy and helps in situations where deciding the type is difficult to make out or cannot be denoted.

  • Definition: Local Variable Type Inferencing is a concept where the Compiler automatically identifies/recognizes the type of data that is to be stored in the variables.

  • It is achieved by using a context-specific identifier namely: var.

  • var is context-specific since it depends on the place of the usage in a Java Program.

  • Eg: Let's Consider the Given Example: -

        public class Foo{
            public static void main(String[] args){
                var i = 10;        //var is an context specific identifier here.
                int var = 10;     //var is an context-indefinite/user-defined identifier here.
  • In the above picture, ⬆️ its visible that var acts as a context-specific identifier.

  • Definition: Context-Specific Identifier means an identifier(not a reserved word) having different functionalities when used at different places in a Java program.

  • Eg: of a program where var is an user-defined identifier.

        public class Demo2{
            public static void main(String[] args){
                int var[] = {1,23,34,2,2,1,2,3};  //Here var is an user defined identifier.
  • This Program shown above would not show any error.

  • Syntax of User-Defined var named Identifier.

  • We would learn more about Local Variable Type Inferencing very soon in another Notes.

Is Java Statically Typed Language?

  1. The Answer is Yes.

  2. Reasons: -

    • A variable must be declared with a datatype before its use.
    • It must be initialized with an initializer before use.
  3. Definition: Statically Typed Language is a Programming Language in which the Programmer needs to specify the type of data a variable can hold EXPLICITLY so that the Compiler can detect the common type errors long before the program actually executes.

Question: Do you think that Java is still statically typed after the introduction of Local Variable Type Inferencing in JDK 10.?

Fooling around with Java Datatypes.

  1. View the Type Dissociation into Primitive and Non-Primitive

  2. In the image shown above, it is clear that there are two forms of Datatypes namely: Primitive and Non-Primitive.

Primitive Datatypes

  • Signed Numbers --> Signed Numbers are numbers whose range is from a negative to a positive number and these numbers contain the Most Significant Bit which denotes whether the number is negative or positive.
  • Datatypes having a fixed range and a predefined size built for just improving the efficiency of the program that cannot be instantiated, are called Primitive Datatypes.
  • But what is Instantiation?
  • Instantiation means creating the objects so that its properties(variables) like hair color, skin color, etc. and behavior(methods) like eating, sleeping, etc. can be accessed. We will learn more about Instantiation in the subsequent notes of Object Oriented Programming.
  • There are some special characteristics of these types: -
    • They have a fixed size. Eg: Visit this Link You have measuring cylinders which consumes some area when placed on a table.
    • They have a fixed range. Eg: For a measuring cylinder, they can store only a fixed volume. If we try to fill more, an overflow happens. In Java, overflow of range in case of Primitive types results in a syntax error namely integer number too large.
    • They store a specific datatype Eg: You store water in an overhead tank and not fruit juice. In case of Java, if there is a type mismatch, then a syntax error namely incompatible types.
    • You cannot create the object of Primitive types EG:
        int a = new int(20);        //Results in an error.
        int a = 20;         //Works Successfully
  • Its important to see the division of Java Datatypes in the Primitive and Non-Primitive Hierarchy. If you not yet seen it, its important to see it...
Why there are Primitive types at all in Java?
  1. Answer to this, it is just for increasing the efficiency of a Java Program both by Memory and Time.
  2. As already mentioned, its easier for you to choose a vessel prior to filling up the liquid in the vessel.
  3. Now watch this dramatic conversation between a Compiler and a Programmer on the program given below.
    public class Demo3{
        public static void main(String args[]){
            int a = 20;
            double b = 90.4543;
            char ch = 'a';

Programmer: Hey Compiler, please compile this source code and create a bytecode file. Compiler: Okay dude, there are no syntax errors and everything seems fine. I am compiling the code...Please wait a moment. Compiler: Hey Pal, I have compiled the code and have mentioned how many bytes of memory should be allocated for the Primitive types you initialized in the ByteCode.(Bytecode or intermediate code is the highly optimized, platform independent set of instructions that is passed to the JVM to be converted to Machine Native Code.) Programmer: Why do you need to tell the JVM that how much size is to be required? Compiler: It is necessary Pal. If I dont inform JVM about the size, it would have to search it by himself and that would take a lot of time. Compiler: Moreover, I cannot let you and JVM struggle for time and space. Programmer: Greatful to you, my friend.

  1. So, this is the dramatic reason why Primitive types have a fixed range and size.

Time to know about the Primitive Datatypes one by one.

Integral Datatypes


  1. Size --> 1 Byte or 8 bits.
  2. Range --> -128 to 127.
  3. Generally used in case of transferring Strings across Networks and writing files with Character and Byte Streams.
  4. MAX_VALUE : 127
  5. MIN_VALUE : -128
  6. The MSD stands for Most Significant Bit. This stores either 0(negative) or 1(positive). In Signed Integers, this MSD signifies whether the number stored is positive(zero or more than zero) or negative(less than zero).
  7. If you add 2^6 + 2^5 + 2^4 + 2^3 + 2^2 + 2^1 + 2^0, you would get the sum as 127.

Operations on a byte datatype

  1.      public class Demo4{
             public static void main(String[] args){
                 double a = 20.52;
                 byte b = a; //Possible Loss of Precision.
         public class Demo5{
             public static void main(String[] args){
                 String str = "Krish Jaiswal";
                 byte b = str;    // Incompatible Types. found: java.lang.String ; required: byte
    Infamous Error in case of Datatypes are :-
    1. Possible Loss of Precision: It is caused due to possible loss of some value during assignment to a variable having a different type.
    2. Incompatible Types: It is caused when two datatypes, which are not compatible and hold no relation with each other are assigned or explicitly casted.


  1. Size --> 2 Byte or 16 bits.
  2. Range --> -32768 to 32767.
  3. Was previously used for Intel 8086 16 bit Processors which existed during late 1990s and early 2000s since it provided efficiency there too.
  4. MAX_VALUE : 32767
  5. MIN_VALUE : -32768
  6. The MSD stands for Most Significant Bit. This stores either 0(negative) or 1(positive). In Signed Integers, this MSD signifies whether the number stored is positive(zero or more than zero) or negative(less than zero).
  7. If you add 2^15 + 2^14 + 2^13 + 2^12 + 2^11 + 2^10 + 2^9 + ..., you would get the sum as 32767.

Operations on a short datatype

  1.      public class Demo6{
             public static void main(String[] args){
                 double a = 20.52;
                 short b = a; //Possible Loss of Precision.
         public class Demo7{
             public static void main(String[] args){
                 String str = "Krish Jaiswal";
                 short b = str;    // Incompatible Types. found: java.lang.String ; required: short


  1. Size --> 4 Bytes or 32 bits.
  2. Range --> -2147483648 to 2147483647.
  3. It is the default integral datatype. It is frequently used. It has a wide range of uses.
  4. MAX_VALUE : 2147483647
  5. MIN_VALUE : -2147483648
  6. If you add 2^31 + 2^30 + 2^29 + 2^28 + 2^27 + 2^26 + 2^25 + ..., you would get the sum as 2147483647.

Operations on a int datatype

  1.      public class Demo8{
             public static void main(String[] args){
                 int b = 10l; //Possible Loss of Precision since "l" denotes a long datatype.
         public class Demo9{
             public static void main(String[] args){
                 String str = "Krish Jaiswal";
                 int b = str;    // Incompatible Types. found: java.lang.String ; required: int
         public class Demo10{
             public static void main(String[] args){
                 int a = 20;
                 int b = a*4+1;


  1. Size --> 8 Bytes or 64 bits.
  2. Range --> -9_223_372_036_854_775_808 to 9_223_372_036_854_775_807.
  3. It is a signed 64 bit type used for storing excessive large or small numbers that may surpass the range of int datatype.
  4. MAX_VALUE : 9_223_372_036_854_775_807
  5. MIN_VALUE : -9_223_372_036_854_775_808
  6. If you add 2^63 + 2^62 + 2^61 + 2^60 + 2^59 + 2^58 + 2^57 + ..., you would get the sum as 9_223_372_036_854_775_807.

Operations on long datatype.

         public class Demo11{
             public static void main(String[] args){
                 String str = "Krish Jaiswal";
                 long b = str;    // Incompatible Types. found: java.lang.String ; required: int
  2.      public class Demo12{
             public static void main(String[] args){
                 long var1 = 104 * 203 ;
                 long var2 = 2147483648 ; //Gives a compile time error: integer number too large.
                 * A long datatype has a default value as 0l. 
                 * Here 'l' denotes that the number is of long type. 
                 * Since all numbers are by default of 'int' type, Compiler gives an error if it finds that the range is exceeded.
                 long var3 = 2147483648l ; // No Error.

Floating-Point Types

  1. Java implements the standards of IEEE 754 set of floating point types and operators.
  2. Floating Point means real numbers. Eg: There are 2 consecutive numbers. Let's say 20 and 21. So the number between 20 and 21 can be 20.302, 20.1, 20.2, etc.


  1. Size --> 4 Bytes or 32 bits.
  2. Range --> 1.4e-045 to 3.4e+38.
  3. It specifies a single-precision value that uses 32 bits of storage. Single precision are useful on some processors and hence is used in storing floating point values.

Operations on float datatype

  1.      public class Demo13{
             public static void main(String[] args){
                 float f = 2.13421f;
                 * Since all the floating point numbers have 'double' type as default type, we need to explicitly specify that our number is a float type.
                 * This is done by adding 'f' to the number.               
                 float f2 = 32.3212123 ; //Compile Time Error occurs: Possible Loss of Precision.


  1. Size --> 8 Bytes or 64 bits.
  2. Range --> 4.9e-324 to 1.8e+308 .
  3. It specifies a Double Precision that uses 64 bit of storage. It is the default datatype for all floating datatypes.

Operations on double datatype

  1.      public class Demo14{
             public static void main(String[] args){
                 double d = 2.48213121;



  1. This datatype is used to store characters.
  2. It uses Unicode standard that is a fully international character set of 2^16 characters containing Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, etc. totalling to 65,535 characters.
  3. It is not a signed datatype. It means that it cannot have a negative value.
  4. Unicode system is combination of other smaller character sets like ISO-Latin1 and ASCII.
  5. Characters are internally represented as integral numbers. Eg: Try executing this code:-
        public class Demo15{
            public static void main(String[] args){
                char ch = 'a';
                int asc = ch;    //Compiler internally represents a character as an integer number and hence assigning a character to an integer type variable gives no errors at all.
                System.out.println("Integer Value of "+ch+" is : "+asc);
    Output: -
        Integer Value of a is : 97
  6. We would be understanding Implicit Type Casting in some other lectures.



  1. Does your toothpaste have salt in it?
  2. Are you 54 years old?
  3. boolean is a datatype which helps us to classify a condition in true and false .
  4. So, imagine this situation:-
    • Person 1: Is it sunny Outside?
    • Person 2: No (false).
    • Person 2: Should we carry umbrella?
    • Person 1: No (false).
  5. These things are represented by boolean datatype.
  6. All Relational and Logical conditions are either in true or in false, which means they have boolean as the only type.
  7. Interestingly, it cannot be type casted (either implicitly or explicitly) to any other datatype. Doing that would give a Compile Time Error : incompatible types.

Operations on boolean datatype

  1.      public class Demo16{
             public static void main(String[] args){
                 boolean b = true;
                 boolean x = false;
                 int a = 20;
                 boolean result = (a>20)?true:false;    //Ternary Operations would be covered in subsequent lectures.
                 int val = 1;
                 boolean wrong = val; //Compile Time Error. Incompatible types.

How Prepared you Are?

  1. What would be the first line to generate an error in this program.: -
        public class Test2{
            public static void main(String[] args){
                int a = 10.34;         // 1
                double b = 45.302f;    //2
                char ch = 97;        //3;
  2. Why Java makes use of primitive datatypes?
  3. Predict the Output:-
        public class Test3{
            public static void main(String[] args){
                int g = 'a';
  4. Predict the Output: -
        public class Test4{
            public static void main(String[] args){
                double 2ft = 50.32f;   


  1. Definition: Variables are just like vessels which store some specific thing. In tech terms, Variables are user-allocated memory locations which store some value and their value can be changed during the execution of a program.
  2. user-allocated since user tells the compiler to reserve the memory location for a vessel of x type.
  3. All variables are identifiers so they follow all the naming conventions of identifiers.

Identifier VS Variable

Identifier Variable
Identifier is a unique name given to each and every entity of a program for its unique identification in the whole program. Variables are user allocated memory locations that hold some value which can be changed during the execution of the program.
They are used for identification purposes. They are used for storing values of a given type

Frequently Asked Questions

Even when char and short have the same size, they have different range.

Answer: char is not a integer or floating point datatype. It means that it cannot have any negative value. Hence the Most Significant Bit would be free since it need not store any 0 or 1 for denoting a positive or negative number.But short is a integral datatype used for storing integers. So, the Compiler should be made aware that the number stored in a variable of type short is positive or negative. Hence the Most Significant Bit stores 0 or 1 denoting the number as positive or negative. Hence, char being of 2 bytes has a max range of 65,535 and short being of 2 bytes has a max range of 32767

Why using float is not preferred when dealing with higher floating point values.

Answer: float results in loss of precision at higher values. Hence it is not safe to use float with higher floating point values.


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