To install all the dependencies in package.json
npm install
To start the server run in devlopment mode
npm run dev
To start the server in deployment mode
npm run app
Base URL:
Purpose: Register a new user by signing up. If the username or email already exists, an error message will be returned. If registration is successful, a verification email will be sent.
Request Body:
: String (required)email
: String (required)password
: String (required)
- 200:
Verification email sent to {email}
- 409:
Username already taken
- 409:
Email already registered
- 201:
{ "userid": "user_id", "username": "username", "email": "email", "token": "JWT_token", "message": "User registered" }
- 500:
An unexpected error occurred
or specific error message
- 200:
Purpose: Log in an existing user by checking username and password. If valid, return user details and a JWT token.
Request Body:
: String (required)password
: String (required)
- 200:
{ "userid": "user_id", "username": "username", "email": "email", "token": "JWT_token" }
- 401:
Invalid email or password
- 500: Specific error message
- 200:
Purpose: Request a password reset by submitting the user's email. If the email exists, a verification email is sent with a reset token.
Request Body:
: String (required)
- 200:
Verification email sent to {email}
- 404:
Email not found
- 500: Specific error message
- 200:
- Endpoint:
PUT /profile
- Description: Updates the user profile, including name, bio, and profile picture.
- Authorization: Requires authentication.
- Request Body:
(optional) - New name of the
(optional) - New bio of the user.file
(optional) - Profile picture file (image).
- Success Response:
- Status Code:
200 OK
- Body:
{ "_id": "userId", "username": "username", "email": "[email protected]", "name": "New Name", "bio": "New Bio", "pfp_link": "cloudinary_url_of_the_image", "created_on": "timestamp", "updated_at": "timestamp" }
- Status Code:
- Error Responses:
- Status Code:
404 Not Found
(if the user is not found). - Status Code:
500 Internal Server Error
(server error).
- Status Code:
- Endpoint:
GET /profile
- Description: Fetches the authenticated user's profile information.
- Authorization: Requires authentication.
- Response:
- Status Code:
200 OK
- Body:
{ "_id": "userId", "username": "username", "email": "[email protected]", "name": "User Name", "bio": "User Bio", "pfp_link": "cloudinary_url_of_the_image", "created_on": "timestamp" }
- Status Code:
- Error Responses:
- Status Code:
404 Not Found
(if the user is not found). - Status Code:
500 Internal Server Error
(server error).
- Status Code:
- Endpoint:
POST /create-post
- Description: Allows an authenticated user to create a post.
- Authorization: Requires authentication.
- Request Body:
(required) - The title of the post.visibility
(optional) - Set topublic
(default ispublic
(optional) - Reference to the community where the post was made.post_hashes
(optional) - Array of tags/hashes to associate with the post.file
(optional) - Image file for the post.
- Success Response:
- Status Code:
201 Created
- Body:
{ "_id": "postId", "user_id": "userId", "post_title": "Title", "visibility": "public", "community_id": "communityId", "post_image_link": "cloudinary_url_of_the_image", "post_hashes": ["tag1", "tag2"], "created_at": "timestamp" }
- Status Code:
- Error Responses:
- Status Code:
400 Bad Request
(if required fields are missing). - Status Code:
500 Internal Server Error
(server error).
- Status Code:
Fetch all posts created by the logged-in user.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
(JWT token for authentication)
- Response:
- 200 OK: Returns a list of the user's posts.
{ "posts": [ { "_id": "post_id", "user_id": "user_id", "post_title": "Post title", "post_points": 10, "visibility": "public", "created_at": "2024-10-10T10:00:00.000Z", ... } ] }
- 404 Not Found: No posts found for the user.
{ "message": "No posts found for this user" }
- 500 Internal Server Error: If an error occurs.
{ "message": "Internal server error" }
- 200 OK: Returns a list of the user's posts.
- Endpoint:
POST /create-comment
- Description: Allows an authenticated user to add a comment to a post.
- Authorization: Requires authentication.
- Request Body:
(required) - The ID of the post to comment on.comment_text
(required) - The content of the comment.
- Success Response:
- Status Code:
201 Created
- Body:
{ "message": "Comment added successfully", "comment": { "_id": "commentId", "user_id": "userId", "post_id": "postId", "comment_text": "This is a comment", "created_at": "timestamp" } }
- Status Code:
- Error Responses:
- Status Code:
404 Not Found
(if the post is not found). - Status Code:
500 Internal Server Error
(server error).
- Status Code:
Fetch all comments made by the logged-in user.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
(JWT token for authentication)
- Response:
- 200 OK: Returns a list of the user's comments.
{ "comments": [ { "_id": "comment_id", "user_id": "user_id", "post_id": "post_id", "comment_text": "This is a comment", "created_at": "2024-10-10T11:00:00.000Z", ... } ] }
- 404 Not Found: No comments found for the user.
{ "message": "No comments found for this user" }
- 500 Internal Server Error: If an error occurs.
{ "message": "Internal server error" }
- 200 OK: Returns a list of the user's comments.
Create a connection request between two users.
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
(JWT token for authentication)
- Body:
{ "user1": "user_id_1", "user2": "user_id_2" }
- Response:
- 201 Created: Connection request created.
{ "message": "Connection request sent", "connection": { "user1": "user_id_1", "user2": "user_id_2", "status": "pending", "created_at": "2024-10-10T12:00:00.000Z" } }
- 400 Bad Request: Missing required fields.
{ "message": "Both user1 and user2 are required" }
- 404 Not Found: One or both users not found.
{ "message": "One or both users not found" }
- 409 Conflict: Connection already exists.
{ "message": "Connection already exists" }
- 500 Internal Server Error: If an error occurs.
{ "message": "Internal server error" }
- 201 Created: Connection request created.
Fetch all accepted connections for the logged-in user.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
(JWT token for authentication)
- Response:
- 200 OK: Returns a list of the user's accepted connections.
{ "connections": [ { "_id": "connection_id", "user1": { "_id": "user1_id", "name": "User One", "email": "[email protected]" }, "user2": { "_id": "user2_id", "name": "User Two", "email": "[email protected]" }, "status": "accepted", "created_at": "2024-10-10T12:00:00.000Z" } ] }
- 404 Not Found: User not found.
{ "message": "User not found" }
- 500 Internal Server Error: If an error occurs.
{ "message": "Internal server error" }
- 200 OK: Returns a list of the user's accepted connections.
Fetch the total number of accepted connections for the logged-in user.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
(JWT token for authentication)
- Response:
- 200 OK: Returns the count of the user's accepted connections.
{ "connectionCount": 10 }
- 404 Not Found: User not found.
{ "message": "User not found" }
- 500 Internal Server Error: If an error occurs.
{ "message": "Internal server error" }
- 200 OK: Returns the count of the user's accepted connections.
- All endpoints require authentication via JWT token passed in the
- 500 Internal Server Error: Indicates a problem on the server.
Purpose: Verify the user's email using the token provided via the query parameter. (must be used outside of the app. onyl for email verification)
Request Query Parameters:
: String (required)
- 200: On successful verification, an HTML file is sent to confirm email verification.
- 400: On invalid or expired token, an HTML file is sent indicating email verification failure.
Purpose: Display the reset password form when a valid token is provided.
Request Query Parameters:
: String (required)
- 200: HTML form for password reset is displayed if the token is valid.
- 400:
Token is required
- 400:
Invalid token or token expired
- 400:
Token verification error
- 400:
Token has expired
Purpose: Reset the user's password using the provided token and new password.
Request Body:
: String (required)password
: String (required)
- 200:
Password has been reset successfully
- 400:
Token and new password are required
- 401:
Token has expired
- 401:
Invalid token
- 404:
User not found
- 500:
An error occurred while resetting the password
- 200: