A very lightweight ruby library without an http client to communicate with Teamweek API
When integrating with more than one remote API (e.g. Teamweek and Basecamp) you can share one http client class between the multiple API clients, which enables unified error and access handling.
The HTTP client is responsible for authorization, user agent and HTTP caching headers and whatever else you need. The HTTP client that is passed to the Teamweek::Api::Client must implement the following methods, that this gem uses:
post(full_path, data)
- HTTP POST request, which gets the full request uri and request body data as hash and returns the response body as JSON
require 'teamweek-ruby'
require 'httparty'
class CustomHttpClient
attr_accessor :headers
def initialize(access_token)
@headers = { "Authorization" => "Bearer #{access_token}", "User-Agent" => "Teamweek Ruby" }
#method required by teamweek-ruby
def post(path, params)
#response and error handling can be done here
HTTParty.post(path, { headers: headers, body: params })
workspace_id = 123
access_token = 'some_users_access_token'
http_client = CustomHttpClient.new(access_token)
teamweek_ruby = Teamweek::Api::Client.new(http_client, workspace_id)
projects = teamweek_ruby.import_projects([{name:"My Project"}, {name: "Another project"}])
If you want to test your changes, build and install the gem in your machine (see more at http://guides.rubygems.org/make-your-own-gem/).
% gem build teamweek-ruby.gemspec
Successfully built RubyGem
Name: teamweek-ruby
Version: 0.1.0
File: teamweek-ruby-0.1.0.gem
% gem install teamweek-ruby-0.1.0.gem
% irb
>> require 'teamweek-ruby'
=> true