This BSP is a TechNexion release providing support NXP series processors |
This article provides step-by-step instructions for building a Ubntu Gnome image with TechNexion’s Yocto BSP, which supports the i.MX series of processors.
Building an image from source with Yocto requires a host with the following:
OS: Ubuntu 22.04
CPU: 4 Core
RAM: 8/16GB RAM (more is better)
Storage: 200 GB
SWAP space: 16GB
If less memory is used, then some additional swap space may be needed. Inadequate memory may result slow builds and random build errors.
The host must be connected to a network and have access to the Internet so that all source code and tools may be downloaded.
Update the host package list
sudo apt-get update
Install required packages
$: sudo apt-get install gawk wget git git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential \ chrpath socat cpio python python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect \ python3-git python3-jinja2 libegl1-mesa pylint3 rsync bc bison \ xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping libsdl1.2-dev xterm \ language-pack-en coreutils texi2html file docbook-utils \ python-pysqlite2 help2man desktop-file-utils \ libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev mercurial autoconf automake \ groff curl lzop asciidoc u-boot-tools libreoffice-writer \ sshpass ssh-askpass zip xz-utils zstd liblz4-tool kpartx vim screen
There are many respositories required. Google’s
tool is used to manage this.$: mkdir ~/bin $: curl > ~/bin/repo $: chmod a+x ~/bin/repo $: PATH=${PATH}:~/bin
Create the work directory
$: mkdir edm_yocto $: cd edm_yocto
Initialize the repositories based on the release you wish to build:
$: repo init -u -b scarthgap_6.6.y-stable -m imx-6.6.52-2.2.0.xml
Start to fetch source code
$: repo sync -j$(nproc)
Add firmware package in Yocto build, please add argument "WIFI_FIRMWARE=y" in build instruction.
Please refer to following explanation.
is the target of build. It usually corresponds to the name of SOM or SBC.
For more information, please check the file under
is the new way to configure for any backends.
is the disply type. This option only works on i.mx6 (i.mx6 Solo/Dual Lite/Dual/Quad) SOMs and doesn’t work for i.mx6ul, i.mx6sx and i.mx7.
is the baseboard type.
is to choose what kind of WLAN is on board.
is to choose to add WLAN firmware files in target rootfs or not.
specify the build directory.
Parameter | Available options | Description |
axon-imx93 |
Compatible with TechNexion |
edm-imx93 |
Compatible with TechNexion |
imx93-11x11-lpddr4x-evk |
Compatible with NXP |
imx95-19x19-lpddr5-evk |
Compatible with NXP |
edm-g-imx8mm |
Compatible with TechNexion |
edm-g-imx8mp |
Compatible with TechNexion |
pico-imx8mm |
Compatible with TechNexion |
axon-imx8mp |
Compatible with TechNexion |
imx8mp-lpddr4-evk |
Compatible with NXP |
imx8mp-ddr4-evk |
Compatible with NXP |
pico-imx7 |
Compatible with TechNexion |
edm-imx6 |
Compatible with TechNexion |
pico-imx6 |
Compatible with TechNexion |
pico-imx6ul |
Compatible with TechNexion |
fsl-imx-xwayland |
Wayland graphics and X11. X11 applications using EGL are not supported |
fsl-imx-wayland |
Wayland weston graphics |
fsl-imx-fb |
Framebuffer (not supported for mx8) |
BASEBOARD (It specifies the 'baseboard' variable in uEnv.txt) |
pi, nymph, dwarf, hobbit |
Compatible with TechNexion |
fairy, tc0700 |
Compatible with TechNexion |
pi-8m |
Compatible with TechNexion |
wizard |
Compatible with TechNexion |
wb |
Compatible with TechNexion |
WIFI_MODULE (It specifies the 'wifi_module' variable in uEnv.txt) |
'nxp' |
Choose what kind of WLAN is on board. |
'y' |
'y' option depends on 'WIFI_MODULE'. 'all' option will add 'nxp', 'qca' and 'ath-pci' firmware package in yocto build. Please refer to section "Prepare WIFI/BT firmware" to ensure you already put firmware files in the right place. |
lvds7 |
(i.mx6) |
lvds10 |
(i.mx6) |
lvds15 |
(i.mx6) |
hdmi720p |
(i.mx6) |
hdmi1080p |
(i.mx6) |
lcd |
(i.mx6) |
lvds7_hdmi720p |
(i.mx6) |
custom |
(i.mx6) |
mipi5 |
(i.mx8m) |
hdmi |
(i.mx8m) |
-b |
<build dir> |
Assign the name of build directory |
Please don’t add argument 'WIFI_FIRMWARE=y' if you don’t put firmware files in "sources/meta-tn-imx-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux-firmware/files". It would result in build failure. Please refer to section "Prepare WIFI/BT firmware". |
Available options | Description |
imx-image-core |
core image with basic graphics and no multimedia |
imx-image-multimedia |
image with multimedia and graphics |
imx-image-full |
image with multimedia and machine learning and Qt |
Yocto Xwayland image
$: WIFI_FIRMWARE=y DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=axon-imx93 source -b build-xwayland-axon-imx93 $: bitbake imx-image-full
Yocto Xwayland image
$: WIFI_FIRMWARE=y DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=edm-imx93 source -b build-xwayland-edm-imx93 $: bitbake imx-image-full
Yocto Xwayland image
$: WIFI_FIRMWARE=y DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=edm-g-imx8mp source -b build-xwayland-edm-g-imx8mp $: bitbake imx-image-full
Yocto Xwayland image
$: WIFI_FIRMWARE=y DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=axon-imx8mp source -b build-xwayland-axon-imx8mp $: bitbake imx-image-full
Yocto Xwayland image
$: WIFI_FIRMWARE=y DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=edm-g-imx8mm source -b build-xwayland-edm-g-imx8mm $: bitbake imx-image-full
Yocto Xwayland image
$: WIFI_FIRMWARE=y DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=pico-imx8mm source -b build-xwayland-pico-imx8mm $: bitbake imx-image-full
Yocto Xwayland image
$: DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=imx8mp-lpddr4-evk source -b build-xwayland-imx8mp-lpddr4-evk $: bitbake imx-image-full
Yocto Xwayland image
$: DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=imx8mp-ddr4-evk source -b build-xwayland-imx8mp-ddr4-evk $: bitbake imx-image-full
Yocto Xwayland image
$: DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=imx93-11x11-lpddr4x-evk source -b build-xwayland-imx93-11x11-lpddr4x-evk $: bitbake imx-image-full
PI baseboard, Yocto wayland image for 7 inch/5 inch TTL-LCD panel
For PICO-IMX7 with QCA WLAN$: WIFI_FIRMWARE=y WIFI_MODULE=qca DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=pico-imx7 BASEBOARD=pi source -b build-wayland-pico-imx7 $: bitbake imx-image-full
FAIRY baseboard, Yocto wayland image for 7 inch LVDS panel:
For EDM-IMX6 with QCA WLAN$: DISPLAY=lvds7 WIFI_FIRMWARE=y WIFI_MODULE=qca DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=edm-imx6 BASEBOARD=fairy source -b build-wayland-edm-imx6 $: bitbake imx-image-full
TC-0700/TC0710 baseboard, Yocto wayland image for 7 inch LVDS panel:
For EDM-IMX6 with QCA WLAN$: DISPLAY=lvds7 WIFI_FIRMWARE=y WIFI_MODULE=qca DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=edm-imx6 BASEBOARD=tc0700 source -b build-wayland-edm-imx6 $: bitbake imx-image-full
NYMPH baseboard, Yocto wayland image for HDMI output:
For PICO-IMX6 with QCA WLAN$: WIFI_FIRMWARE=y WIFI_MODULE=qca DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=pico-imx6 BASEBOARD=nymph source -b build-wayland-pico-imx6 $: bitbake imx-image-full
Add Chromium package in
For XWayland or Wayland, add Chromium into your imageCORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += "chromium-ozone-wayland rng-tools"
QtWebengine will only work on SoC with GPU graphics hardware on i.MX 6, i.MX 7 and i.MX 8. |
There are four Qt 6 browsers available. QtWebEngine browsers can be found in:
/usr/share/qt6/examples/webenginewidgets/StyleSheetbrowser /usr/share/qt6/examples/webenginewidgets/Simplebrowser /usr/share/qt6/examples/webenginewidgets/Cookiebrowser /usr/share/qt6/examples/webengine/quicknanobrowser
To include Qtwebengine in the image put the following in local.conf or in the image recipe.
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = "packagegroup-qt6-webengine"
All three browsers can be run by going to the directory above and running the executable found there.
Touchscreen can be enabled by adding the parameters
-plugin evdevtouch:/dev/input/event0
to the executable.
Qt is not supported on i.MX 6UltraLite and i.MX 7Dual. It works on X11 backend only but is not a supported feature. |
Note that Qt has both a commercial and open source license options.
Make the decision about which license to use before starting work on custom Qt applications.
Once custom Qt applications are started with an open source Qt license the work can not be used with a commercial Qt license.
Work with a legal representative to understand the differences between each license.
The meta-ml layer is the integration of NXP eIQ machine learning, which was formerly released as a separate meta-imx-machinelearning layer and is now integrated into the standard BSP image (imx-image-full).
Note that many of the features require Qt 5. -
In case of using other configuration than imx-image-full, put the following in local.conf:
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = "packagegroup-imx-ml"
When build completes, the generated release image is under directory <build_dir>/tmp/deploy/images/[MACHINE]
Ex. PICO-IMX8MMbuild-desktop-pico-imx8mm/tmp/deploy/images/pico-imx8mm
To decompress the .bz2:
$: bzip2 -fdk imx-image-full-XXX.rootfs.wic.bz2 imx-image-full-XXX.rootfs.wic
To deploy the image to your board, please follow the instructions for loading software into the flash or microSD card of your development kit.
to flash imx-image-full-XXX.rootfs.wic.bz2 directly.
Ex. flash image of PICO-IMX8MM to /dev/sdj$: bmaptool copy --bmap imx-image-full-pico-imx8mm.rootfs.wic.bmap imx-image-full-pico-imx8mm.rootfs.wic.bz2 /dev/sdj
to flash imx-image-full-XXX.rootfs.wic.bz2 directly.
NOTE: This will take a long time to flash image.bmaptool copy --nobmap imx-image-full-pico-imx8mm.rootfs.wic.bz2 /dev/sdj
For i.mx6/i.mx6ul/i.mx7
Please refer to the link below to flash the image into eMMC on the target board: <platform>
For i.MX6UL/i.MX6ULL/i.MX6DL/i.MX6Q/i.MX7D/i.MX8MM/i.MX8MQ/i.MX8MP image deploy by "UUU"
Please refer to the link as below to get more detail informations