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Agency Website for TECVITY

Table of Contents


TECVITY is a tech-focused agency established in 2022, specializing in providing solutions related to information security and compliance, web and mobile design, web development, branding, and logo design.


The agency provides a variety of specialized services, including:

  • Branding and Logo Design: Crafting unique and memorable brand identities to help businesses stand out.
  • Web Development: Developing high-quality, responsive, and scalable websites using modern web technologies.
  • Desktop Application Development: Building efficient and reliable desktop applications tailored to client needs.
  • Information Security and Compliance: Ensuring systems are secure and compliant with industry standards.
  • Product Design: Designing user-friendly and aesthetically appealing digital products.

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: Next.js (App Router)
  • Backend: API routes in Next.js
  • Database: AWS DynamoDB
  • Email Service: AWS SES
  • Hosting: Netlify

Setup and Installation

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd tecvity-nextjs
    1. Install dependencies:
    npm install
    1. Run the development server:
    npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.js. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

Environment Variables

Create a .env.local file in the root directory and add the following variables:




Ensure these variables are set correctly to use AWS services, and set them in configuration.

Project Structurre

components/: Reusable UI components.

app/: Next.js pages.

app/api/: API route handlers for backend functionality.

styles/: Stylesheets (global and module-specific).

data/: static data

public/: Static assets.

utils/: Utility functions and helpers.

Email Configuration

The website uses AWS SES for email notifications. Make sure you have verified your email domain in the AWS SES console and properly configured the environment variables in .env.local.


AWS DynamoDB is utilized for storing dynamic content, including blog posts comments. Ensure your AWS permissions are configured to access and manage DynamoDB tables as required.

Disabled Features

Following feautres/pages exist in the codebase but have been disabled for now (can be considered in future):

  • Pricing
  • Search (both global and blog-based)
  • Awards

Blog Post Contribution Guide

Welcome to the Blog Post Contribution Guide! This guide provides step-by-step instructions for adding a new blog post to this project using .mdx files.

Table of Contents

  1. Steps for Adding a New Blog Post
  2. Metadata Reference
  3. Example Blog File

Steps for Adding a New Blog Post

1. Create a New MDX File

Navigate to the data/blogs directory and create a new .mdx file. The filename should match the title of your blog post (in kebab-case), for example:


Ensure the title is unique and descriptive.

2. Add Blog Metadata

At the top of your .mdx file, add metadata as a front matter block using YAML. This metadata is required for dynamic rendering.

Add an ID

The id (required) is the unique numeric identifier for a blog post. It should be incremented by one from the last blog post ID. Example:

id: 1

Add a Title

The title (required) is the name of the blog post and is also included in the route for that blog. Use a descriptive title. Example:

title: "Unveiling Tecvity: The Future of Tech Innovation"

Add the Post Date

The date (required) specifies when the blog was published. Use the format Month DD, YYYY. Example:

date: "November 1, 2024"

Assign a Category

The category (required) groups blogs into categories for filtering. Select an existing category from the pre-defined list in the project. If you want to create a new category, you must first add it to the categories file (data/categories-tags.js or similar location). Use descriptive and concise category names. Example:

category: "Company"

Adding a New Category:

  1. Open the categories list file (usually data/categories-tags.js).
  2. Add a new category to the array.
  3. Use the new category in the blog metadata.

Add Tags

The tags (required) highlight the topics covered in the blog. Provide at least one tag. Tags should be descriptive and relevant to the content. Example:

tags: ["Agency", "Technology", "Business"]

Adding a New Tag:

  1. Open the tags list file (usually data/categories-tags.js).
  2. Add the new tag to the array.
  3. Use the new tag in the blog metadata.

Note: Tags help with searchability and categorization, so choose terms that reflect the content of the blog.

Add the Author's Name

The author (required) displays the name of the blog writer. The author can be from the founders' team or a someone else. Example:

author: "Najam Ul Saqib"

Add the Author's Quote

The authorQuote (required) is a bold quote or tagline by the author. Example:

authorQuote: "Technology + Creativity = Tecvity!"

Add a High-Quality Blog Image

The image (required) is displayed at the top of the blog post. Upload an image (dimensions: 1080x600) to the public/assets/img/blog directory. Name it as blog_post_<id>_<serial number>.jpg, where <id> is the blog ID and <serial number> is a unique number. Example:

image: "/assets/img/blog/blog_post_1_1.jpg"

Add the Author's Image

The authorImage (optional) is the author's display picture. Upload it to public/assets/img/team or a placeholder is set by default team.png. Example:

authorImage: "/assets/img/team/njm.png"

Add the Author's Profile

The authorProfile (optional) links to the author's profile if they are a founder. If not applicable, set it to null or skip it. Example:

authorProfile: "/founders/Najam-Ul-Saqib"

3. Add Blog Content

Write the blog content below the metadata using Markdown. Include headings, paragraphs, and images. Example:

![Unveiling Tecvity](/assets/img/blog/blog_post_1_1.jpg)

### Unveiling Tecvity: The Future of Tech Innovation

We believe that the key to our success is our team. We are a team of passionate and dedicated professionals committed to delivering the highest quality software solutions.


### Our Vision

To be a global leader in software development, providing cutting-edge solutions that empower our clients to achieve their goals and stay ahead of the competition.

To add an image in the blog content:

![Image Description](/assets/img/blog/blog_post_1_2.jpg)

Metadata Reference

Each blog must include the following metadata:

  • id: A unique numeric identifier for the blog.
  • title: The title of the blog post (must be unique).
  • date: The publication date in Month DD, YYYY format.
  • category: The category for filtering posts.
  • tags: An array of tags for the topics covered.
  • author: The name of the author (must be from the founders' team).
  • image: Path to the feature image.
  • authorQuote: A tagline or quote from the author.
  • authorImage: Path to the author's image.
  • authorProfile: Link to the author's profile or null.

Example Blog File

Here’s a complete .mdx file example:

id: 1
title: "Unveiling Tecvity: The Future of Tech Innovation"
date: "November 1, 2024"
category: "Company"
tags: ["Agency", "Technology", "Business"]
author: "Najam Ul Saqib"
image: "/assets/img/blog/blog_post_1_1.jpg"
authorQuote: "Technology + Creativity = Tecvity!"
authorImage: "/assets/img/team/njm.png"
authorProfile: "/founders/Najam-Ul-Saqib"

![Unveiling Tecvity](/assets/img/blog/blog_post_1_1.jpg)

### Unveiling Tecvity: The Future of Tech Innovation

Technology + Creativity = Tecvity!


We believe that the key to our success is our team. We are a team of passionate and dedicated professionals who are committed to delivering the highest quality software solutions.

### Our Vision

To be a global leader in software development, providing cutting-edge solutions that empower our clients to achieve their goals and stay ahead of the competition.

### Core Values
- **Innovation**: Delivering cutting-edge solutions.
- **Collaboration**: Working together with clients for mutual success.
- **Ownership**: Taking accountability and initiative.

### Conclusion

Tecvity is your trusted partner for innovative software solutions.

Follow this guide to create and publish new blog posts using .mdx files.

Service Addition Guide

Welcome to the Service Addition Guide! This guide will walk you through the necessary steps for adding a new service to the project.

Table of Contents

  1. Project Setup
  2. Steps for Adding a New Service
  3. Final Example Service Object

Steps for Adding a New Service

You need to modify the list ourServices in data/features.js, add the final object to list ourServices to add new services.

1. Choose an Icon

The iconSrc is used to as a visual only. Select one of the icons from public/assets/img/icon to add to the service preview card, as shown below:

iconSrc: "/path/to/feature-icon1-1.svg",

Icons available:

  • "feature-icon1-1.svg"
  • "feature-icon1-2.svg"
  • "feature-icon1-3.svg"
  • "feature-icon1-4.svg"
  • "feature-icon1-5.svg"
  • "feature-icon1-6.svg"

2. Upload Service Images

The imageSrc1 and imageSrc2 (required) are displayed in the respective service page, one at the top and other at the middle. Upload an image (dimensions: 1080x600) to the directory public/assets/img/service. Ensure the image is named s<id>_<serial number>.jpg, where <id> needs to be replaced by service id how to add service id and <serial number> needs to be replaced by serial numbers of your choice. Add the image path as shown:

imageSrc1: "/assets/img/service/s20_1.jpg",
imageSrc2: "/assets/img/service/s20_1.jpg",

3. Add Service Title

The title (required) is used to name a service and is also included in the route of that specific service. Use a descriptive title and avoid symbols or random characters, as the title will be used for routing, as shown below:

title: "Sample Service",

4. Assign an id

The id (required) is the unique identifier for a service. Adding duplicates can lead to unexpected data in other services. You need to assign an id that is one value greater than the previous service post to maintain order. If the previous service id is 19 use 20, Example:

id: 20,

5. Add Service Description

The text (required) is used as a brief description in the preview card of the service. Add your own description for the service, as shown below:

text: "Short description of the service.",

6. Add Service Paragraphs and Headings

The para1 (required) and para2 (required) are plain text displayed imediately after the image imageSrc1 and title of service title, next is heading heading1 (optional) followed by a plain text para3 (optional), next is displayed the second image imageSrc2 followed by plain text para4 (optional), followed by heading heading2 (optional), followed by plain tests para5 (optional), para6 (optional). At last plain text para7 (optional) is displayed after service cards Add Cards for Service. Include all required paragraphs and headings for your service:

para1: "Short description of service.",
para2: "Brief detail of the service.",
heading1: "Why It Matters",
para3: "Reason for importance.",
heading2: "Our Approach",
para4: "How we deliver it.",
para5: "Key benefits.",
para6: "Expected results.",
para7: "Call to action.",

7. Add Cards for Service

The cards (optional) are used to display the key features of your service, The title (required) and description (required) are the details of key feature. At the end of the service, include cards to display additional information:

cards: [
  { title: "Card Title 1", description: "Description 1" },
  { title: "Card Title 2", description: "Description 2" }

Final Example Service Object

  iconSrc: "/path/to/feature-icon1-1.svg",
  imageSrc1: "/assets/img/service/s20_1.jpg",
  imageSrc2: "/assets/img/service/s20_1.jpg",
  title: "Sample Service",
  id: 20,
  text: "Short description of the service.",
  para1: "Short description of service.",
  para2: "Brief detail of the service.",
  heading1: "Why It Matters",
  para3: "Reason for importance.",
  heading2: "Our Approach",
  para4: "How we deliver it.",
  para5: "Key benefits.",
  para6: "Expected results.",
  para7: "Call to action.",
  cards: [
  { title: "Card Title 1", description: "Description 1" },
  { title: "Card Title 2", description: "Description 2" }

Portfolio Project Contribution Guide

Welcome to the Portfolio Project Contribution Guide! This guide provides step-by-step instructions for adding a new portfolio project to this repository.

Table of Contents

  1. Project Setup
  2. Steps for Adding a New Portfolio Project
  3. Final Example Portfolio Object

Steps for Adding a New Portfolio Project

You need to modify the VAPTPortfolio or PDPortfolio list in data/portfolio.js and add the final object to the respective list to upload a new portfolio project.

1. Add an ID

The id (required) is the unique identifier for a portfolio project. Adding duplicates can lead to unexpected issues in other projects. You need to assign an id that is one value greater than the previous project's id to maintain order. For example, if the previous project's id is 101, use 102, as shown below:

id: 102,

2. Add a Preview Image

The imageSrc (required) is used as the display picture for the project. Upload an image (dimensions: 1130x1420) to the respective folder based on the project type:

  • For type pd (Product Design): public/assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-pd
  • For type vapt (Penetration Testing & Vulnerability Assessment): public/assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-vapt

Ensure the image is named as portfolio<id>_<serial number>.jpg, where <id> is replaced with the portfolio id and <serial number> is replaced with a serial number of your choice.

For type pd, update the imageSrc property as shown:

imageSrc: "/assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-pd/portfolio102_1.jpg",

3. Add Slider Images

The itemsImages (required, at least one) is a list of images used to showcase the project in a slider view at the top of the project display page. Upload images (dimensions: 1600x830) to the appropriate directory based on the project type:

  • For type pd (Product Design): public/assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-pd
  • For type vapt (Penetration Testing & Vulnerability Assessment): public/assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-vapt

Ensure each image is named as portfolio<id>_<serial number>.jpg, where <id> is replaced with the portfolio id and <serial number> is replaced with serial numbers of your choice.

Add these image file paths to the itemsImages array.

itemsImages: ["/assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-pd/portfolio102_2.jpg", "/assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-pd/portfolio102_3.jpg"],

4. Add Category Links

The category (required, at least one) is an array of categories used to identify the type of project. Feel free to use any relevant categories and add them to the array, as shown below:

categoryLinks: ["Web Design", "UI/UX Design"],

5. Add Title

The title (required) is used as the name of the project on the preview card and the project display page after the slider. Provide a descriptive title for the project, as shown below:

title: "Sample Landing Page Design",

6. Add Category

The category (required) is used to identify the category of the project. At this point, we don't have a specific list of categories, so feel free to use a relevant name, or set the category to either Grey Box Penetration Test or Product Design, as shown below:

category: "Product Design",

7. Add Project Type

The type (required) is important as it will be used for routing purposes. Set the type to either pd (Product Design) or vapt (Penetration Testing & Vulnerability Assessment). You may check the list of available types in portfolioType within data/categories-tags.js, and add the type as shown below:

type: "pd",

8. Add Client Name

The client (required) is the name of the client for whom the project was completed. This can be a company name or the name of an individual. Add the client name as shown below:

client: "Sample Client",

9. Add Date

The date (required) is the time when the project started. If the project started in December, use the format Month, Year and add it as shown below:

date: "December, 2024",

10. Add a Brief Description

The para1 (required) is where you describe the project briefly, and it will be visible directly after the title on the project display page. Provide a short description of the project in plain text and add it as shown below:

para1: "This is a brief description of the project.",

11. Add the Challenge Client Faced

The challenge (required) is where you describe the reason or challenge that led the client to seek your services. Write it in plain text and add it as shown below:

challenge: "This was the client's challenge.",

12. Add Final Results

The finalResult (required) is where you write about the results you delivered to the client. Write it in plain text and add it as shown below:

finalResult: "These are the final results delivered.",

13. Add a New Type of Portfolio Project

Alternatively, if you want to add a new type of portfolio, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a New Object:

  2. Add a New Array:

    • In data/portfolio.js, create a new array.
    • The name of the array should follow the format <Capital_Initials_of_Type>Portfolio to maintain consistency. For example, for a new type, the array name would be NTPortfolio.
    • Add the object created in the previous step to the NTPortfolio array in data/portfolio.js.
export const NTPortfolio = [
  // Your final object here
  1. Update the portfolioData Array:
    • Add the newly created array (for this example, it is NTPortfolio) to the portfolioData array within the same file.
export const portfolioData = [
  // Other portfolios
  ...NTPortfolio, // Add the new portfolio type here
  1. Add a Directory for the New Portfolio Type:
    • Navigate to app/(portfolio)/our-portfolio/(projects) in your project, copy one of the directories (e.g., app/(portfolio)/our-portfolio/(projects)/pd), and rename it according to your project type in lowercase (e.g., nt for this example).
    • Navigate to the directory you just copied (app/(portfolio)/our-portfolio/(projects)/<type> or app/(portfolio)/our-portfolio/(projects)/nt) (for this example) and modify the app/(portfolio)/our-portfolio/(projects)/<type>/page.jsx file as shown below:
// Rest of the file
import { <type>Portfolio } from "@/data/portfolio";

export const metadata = {
  title: "<type> Portfolio",

export default function Projects<type>Page() {
  return (
      // Rest of the items
      <PortfolioSub projectsList={<type>Portfolio} />
      // Rest of the items
// Make sure to replace <type> with the actual type.
  • Next, modify the app/(portfolio)/our-portfolio/(projects)/<type>/[title]/page.jsx file:
// Rest of the file
import { <type>Portfolio } from "@/data/portfolio";

// Rest of the file

export default function ProjectPageDetails({ params }) {
  return (
      <Header />
      <DetailBreadcrumb portfolioTitle={params.title} />
      <ProjectDetails portfolioTitle={params.title} blogList={<type>Portfolio} />
      <MarqueeComponent />
      <Footer />
// Make sure to replace <type> with the actual type.
  1. Add new type to category array:
    • Add the newly created type to the array portfolioType in data/categories-tags.js, replace <type> with nt for this example:
export const portfolioType = [
  { id: 1, text: "vapt" },
  { id: 2, text: "pd" },
  { id: 3, text: "<type>" },

Final Example Portfolio Object

  id: 102,
  imageSrc: "/assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-pd/portfolio102_1.jpg",
  itemsImages: ["/assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-pd/portfolio102_2.jpg", "/assets/img/portfolio/portfolio-pd/portfolio102_3.jpg"],
  categoryLinks: ["Web Design", "UI/UX Design"],
  title: "Sample Landing Page Design",
  category: "Product Design",
  type: "pd",
  client: "Sample Client",
  date: "December, 2024",
  para1: "This is a brief description of the project.",
  challenge: "This was the client's challenge.",
  finalResult: "These are the final results delivered."


This project is proprietary and is not intended for public distribution or reuse. All rights are reserved by TECVITY.


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published
