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TGR Purchase Script for Telegram Bots

This PHP script enables the integration of's payment gateway for purchasing TGR tokens in Telegram bots. It's designed for easy implementation into any PHP-based Telegram bot management script.

Table of Contents

About the Project

The TGR purchase script is a PHP-based solution that facilitates the buying of TGR tokens using fiat or cryptocurrency through the payment gateway. This script is designed to be seamlessly integrated into any PHP script managing Telegram bots.

Built With

  • PHP 7.0 or higher

Getting Started

Download the files from the repository and open them in your code editor.


  1. Fill in the details at the beginning of the tobot.php file:

    $tegromoney_shopid = "YourShopID"; // Shop ID on
    $tegromoney_secretkey = "YourSecretKey"; // Secret key of the shop on
    $minlimit = 150000; // Minimum TGR purchase limit
    $maxlimit = 850000; // Maximum TGR purchase limit
  2. Enter the API TOKEN of your bot at the beginning of the postback.php file:

    define('TOKEN', 'YourBotApiToken');
  3. Fill in the MySQL database connection details in the global.php file:

    $hostName = "YourHostName";
    $userName = "YourUserName";
    $password = "YourPassword";
    $databaseName = "YourDatabaseName";
  4. In the shop settings on, set the "Notification URL" to point to your postback.php file. For example: https://yourdomain/bot/postback.php

  5. If necessary, create the required tables in your MySQL database:

    CREATE TABLE paylinks (...);
    CREATE TABLE users (...);
  6. Optionally, fill in the body of functions:

    function getTGRrate() { ... }
    function saveTransaction($sum, $asset, $network, $type, $address) { ... }
  7. Include the tobot.php file in the main code of your bot management script using include.

  8. In the appropriate part of your code, call the function buyTGRProcessSum($data);. When properly set up, this function will display a message to the user with a button to purchase TGR.


This project is distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
