This is a basic test project for an ESP32 devkitc-wroom board to switch 3 of it's pins based on a JSON object.
- configure your Wi-Fi's SSID and password in the "Wifi configuration" menu Any errors will be asserted with ESP_ERROR_CHECK()!
- To set the 3 gpio pins, use the "GPIO configuration" menu(using menuconfig). I recommend connecting three LEDS on the according pins.
- Open your terminal and type: mosquitto_pub -h -t esp_gpio -m "{"gpio_num":25,"state":true}" / mosquitto_pub -h -t esp_gpio -m '{"gpio_num":26,"state":true}'. The project is using the most simple mqtt setup. The fields 'gpio_num' and 'state' can be modified freely. Invalid JSON request will be discarded.