* zf3 support (#241)
* Update Renderer.php
* Update PrepareData.php
* - unittests update, removed deprecated method `getMock` (#238)
- also removed deprecated method setExpectedException
- run cs fix
- update composer for cs-fix
* - run cs fix
- update composer doctrine
- datagrid should now work with zf2 and zf3
* added unit tests for nightly
* dropped PHP 5.5 (#242)
* dropped PHP 5.5
* travis allow_failures fix
* doctrine-orm-module composer update (#246)
* composer.json
phpunit changed to min 5.6
doctrine/doctrine-orm-module min 1.1.0
changed autoloader to PSR-4
* cs fixxes
* PHP 7.1 in travis (#247)
* added PHP 7.1 in travis for tests
* coverage check only with PHP 7.0