This was coded by Legend in Python 3.8.
This bot is a small bot that generates colours in decimal and in hex format for most uses. It's primary use was to be for my Discord embed tool but I decided to make it usable for discord owners therefore the hex format of the colour to directly paste into the role colour box.
- Make sure to run the update.bat to install the requirements for the bot.
- Make sure to put your token, prefix, owner id in config.json otherwise the bot may not work correctly.
- To get your owner ID go to
Discord > User Settings > Appearance > Developer Mode
with this enabled right click your username in a chat or role list and click copy ID. - To get your token you need to go here and create an application then create bot account. From there copy your bot token, Easy.
- Then you run the
this should load the bot with all needed information like; Bot Username, Bot ID, Bot Token, Bot Invite Link that is easy to copy. - If you get an error about not having Python 3.8 but you have installed it, google how to set python 3.8 to PATH.