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A lightweight, object-oriented (Model-View-Handler) framework for modern web development in .NET.


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Simple.Web is a REST-focused, object-oriented Web Framework for .NET 4. More information on it's background can be found here.


You can build Simple.Web using the command-line options outlined below, or simply through MS Visual Studio or MonoDevelop. It is recommended that anyone planning to contribute to the project familiarise themselves with the command-line as it will be the successful completion of this build process that will stand your pull-request in good stead.



The command-line process uses RAKE, a Ruby build system. It will therefore be necessary to have Ruby >= 1.9.2 installed. Dependent on your operating system there are several options to accomplish this but we first recommend you can check current installation by typing ruby -v from console prompt.

For example:

> ruby -v
ruby 1.9.2p290 (2011-07-09 revision 32553) [x86_64-darwin11.1.0]

If you do not yet have Ruby installed on your system check out RubyInstaller (for Windows) or RVM (for *nix). You can also use RVM to install and manage multiple versions of Ruby in a *nix environment.


RubyGems are Ruby's own managed packages and it's through this system we need to install some build dependencies. To simplify their installation simply type the following at the console prompt:


> .\InstallGems.bat  


> ./

Using Ruby's gem utility it should install the Bundler, RAKE, and Albacore gems. You can check currently installed gems at any time by typing gem list --local from a console prompt.


From the root of the repository you can see all available build tasks by typing:

> rake -T

rake build     # Build
rake clean     # Remove any temporary products.
rake clobber   # Remove any generated file.
rake full      # Build + Tests + Specs
rake publish   # Build + Tests + Specs + Publish (remote)
rake publocal  # Build + Tests + Specs + Publish (local)
rake quick     # Build + Unit tests
rake test      # Build + Tests (default)

You can specify any of these tasks when building Simple.Web, or simply just type rake for it's configured default.

Task: Build + ...

The variation available is to faciliate faster repetitive build times depending on your current workflow. For example if you are regularly compiling mid-development you may choose rake quick which confines it's boundary to unit tests. If you are looking for greater assurance rake test (the default) will run both unit and integration tests. Finally you can choose rake full to run all tests and specifications.

Task: Clean

This will remove all intermediate files creating during the build process, but leave build artifacts and results intact.

Task: Clobber

This will remove all build-time generated files, effectively restoring your repository to that in source control. This should be the same as performing git clean -xfd.

Task: Publish / Publocal

Allows you to package Simple.Web's nuget packages and publish to either using rake publish, or an alternative nuget server using rake publocal.

To enable publishing you will need to set the appropriate environment variables:

rake publish
  apiurl_local -- NuGet server url (e.g. "")
  apikey_local -- ServerAPI key that authenticates your publish

rake publocal
  apiurl_remote -- NuGet server url (e.g. "http://nuget.local")
  apikey_remote -- Server API key that authenticates your publish


Mono 2.10.x

Due to a [variance validity bug] 1 in Mono 2.10.x you will require version 3.x (MDK Installer recommended). We continue to petition Xamarin to make another 2.x STABLE release to address this. In the meantime our continuous integration setup will continue to run against 2.x STABLE and 3.x BETA releases of Mono.

NuGet.exe on *nix with Mono

If you are running on *nix or OS X Darwin (before Mountain Lion) you may need to tell Mono which certificate authorities to trust when performing NuGet operations over https:

> sudo mozroots --import --sync 

Mozilla Roots Importer - version
Download and import trusted root certificates from Mozilla's MXR.
Copyright 2002, 2003 Motus Technologies. Copyright 2004-2008 Novell. BSD licensed.

Downloading from ''...
Importing certificates into user store...
140 new root certificates were added to your trust store.
Import process completed.


Contributions to Simple.Web are gratefully received but we do ask you to follow certain conditions:

  • Fork the main markrendle/Simple.Web
  • Use a branch when developing in your own forked repository, DO NOT work against master
  • Write a unit test to validate new logic, ideally using TDD
  • Ensure all projects build and tests pass, use the command-line option rake full
  • Make a pull request from your-fork/your-branch to Simple.Web/master
  • Provide a description of the motivation behind the changes

.. but all that said, don't be afraid :-)


Versioning is of assemblies and nuget packages is dictated by that specified through VERSION.txt. The main contributors to the project will manage releases and SemVer-compliant version numbers. We ask you do not include VERSION.txt in any of your pull-requests, just indicate in it's accompanying description any thoughts in this direction.


Any problems raise an issue or shout and will get straight on it.


A lightweight, object-oriented (Model-View-Handler) framework for modern web development in .NET.







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