WARDEN is a server watchdog, that ensures operation and connectivity of source-based servers. It uses the source query protocol to check whether or not a server is reachable. If it isn't reachable, after a specified timeout, it will end the server task and restart it with the supplied parameters.
- Team Fortress 2
- Garry's Mod
- Synergy
- Half-Life 2 Deathmatch
- Counter Strike: Source
- Most source-based games.
Config.wa should be in the same directory as the WARDEN executable.
The format of config.wa must be EXACTLY as follows.
There is no space between the = and the value, all configuration keys are case sensitive.
the path or name to the server's executable.
the parameters of which to execute the server's exe with.
QuickRestart protects against startup loops that use constant resources. Basically, if the server crashes X amount of times in Y seconds, then it will wait a time period before restarting the server.
This controls how fast is considered a "fast restart". Meaning the server didn't start successfully, and crashed too soon.
The amount of times the server can restart before waiting for QuickRestartWait time
The amount of seconds to wait after restarting too fast too many times.
Attempts to FreeConsole on the SRCDS window and redirect stdout / stderr to the WARDEN window. Only works if you're using SrcdsConRedirect.
ProtoWatch periodically querys your server to see if it will respond to a challenge request. If it does, this means that it's likely running correctly, and accepting players. If the server consecutively fails a specified number of challenge requests, ProtoWatch will force WARDEN to restart the server.
Enables or disables ProtoWatch
The IP of which ProtoWatch looks for, this should be the public IP of your server.
The port of which your game server is running on, usually 27015, it's different if you specify it.
The time in between challenges in seconds.
How long the game server has to respond to the challenge in seconds.
How many times the server can fail the challenges (consecutively) before it is forcibly restarted.
Time it takes for your server to start up to its map -- this controls delayed activation of ProtoWatch.
The maximum amount of downtime this will have your server can be calculated by.
StartupDelay + ((PingTimeout + PingDelay) * MaxFailedPings) + 2
Check the 'examples' folder in the repo :)
WARDEN is provided with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, express or implied. I am not responsible for any damages or sufferage that may be caused by the use or misuse of WARDEN.