Databreaker is a mod that makes your car faster by removing the airbags. It reduces startup time (to main menu) and heap usage by 40%, and improves FPS on memory-bound environments by reducing GC pressure. It accomplishes this by removing DataFixerUpper, which is Mojang's tools to make sure your worlds don't corrupt whenever it is updated.
DFU only runs on loaded chunks, so adding Databreaker to a world that was created before the current version and has not had "Optimize World" run will corrupt. Additionally, there are no safety nets. If you accidentally do this, Minecraft will happily try to load the broken data.
If you have the inclination to add DataBreaker to your dev env, follow these 3 5 easy steps:
- Merge this with your
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url='' }
dependencies {
classpath 'org.spongepowered:mixingradle:0.7-SNAPSHOT'
- Add this at the bottom of your
apply plugin:
apply plugin: 'org.spongepowered.mixin'
- Add this to your build script before
repositories {
maven { url = "" }
- Add this to your build script in
implementation fg.deobf('com.github.TheGlitch76:Volde-Data-Breaker-Lower:347c0d6c73')
- cry
this is a very cused mod
it makes mc load way faster (on server and client) by removing DataFixerUpper
i'm not responsible if you completely screw up your world
thanks, have a great day