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David Iwatsuki edited this page Dec 19, 2023 · 2 revisions

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Break-Before-Make Switching

  • Ensures that in a multiplexer, two multiplexer paths are never electrically connected when the signal path is changed by the select input

Pin Termination

  • It is important that all inputs are fed by something so that all data reads correctly. If inputs are left floating, the previous state will carry to those floating channels. It seems that the charged common circuit bleeds off previous data from other channels. ie. channel 0 is 2.35VDC. channel 1 is floating but reports 2.23VDC, channel 2 is floating but reports 2.15vdc. Unless told to do otherwise, successive charge gets bled off via 70 ohms of internal resistance.
  • Either ground unused channels or connect them to something meaningful.
  • Outputs can be ganged together on a single Analog input as long as only 1 channel is selected and read at a time.
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