👋 Hi, I’m @TheShadowandwolves acc The Leo I am a student studing for my Bachelor of Computer Science. Currently third year. Enjoy, using my codes for personal use. And please do not use it to cheat for your homeworks! But I am not going to watch over you, it is your choice! Side note: I don't take any responsibility over it! Not everything here may be correctly working! A lot of the repositories are just start ups for new projects and may contain unfinished material.
👀 I’m interested in: Computers, like hardware and gaming. Love designing and programming is in my second list. I am not good at all, but want to become better! Love soccer. Watching movies and playing games. Love to code and do my own website. Side note: This was when I started studying, now I don't have time anymore for this. I still like hardware and technologies.
🌱 I’m currently learning: Bachelor for Computer Science. Yeah, you get it! I am able to learn something!!! Note 2022: Yep, that what I thought, now I just want to burst in flames. But don't think I am not able to learn! I am clever as hell. Just not for some stuff.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on: I love to collaborate with you or you want to collaborate with me. I have a lot of projects I am working with and always new ideas. Just reach me for it.
📫 How to reach me: Best to try is on my LinkedIn @leonardblam or from my Instagram: @theShadowandwolves
- see you and enjoy your live!!!!