is a python package to turn any antiland user into a fully functioning bot account similar to
For more examples and documentation read the Docs
- Log in to an account
- send messages/images/videos
- change profile settings
- Automate tedious tasks e.g banning/blocking
- It's python so go nuts
Antiland requires Python3 to run.
to install run pip3 install Antiland
Before you start you need to get the session token which will allow you to log into the account and the dialogue id of the chat you want to listen for commands in
To get the token and you use developer consoles network tab to look at any outgoing connection such as a sending a message, the session token is stored in the json payload e.g
Below is an example of a bot that prints every message it receives
import Antiland
session_token = ""
dialogue = ""
prefix = "!"
bot = Antiland.Bot(prefix, dialogue, session_token)
async def on_message(message):
# Implement your event handling logic here
print(f"Received message from {message.sender_name}: {message.text}")
Below is a very basic example for logging in and registering a hello command which when ran will send hello world into the chat and register a debug command which will send a message to the channel of your choice
from Antiland.ext import commands
session_token = ""
dialogue = ""
prefix = "!"
bot = commands.Bot(prefix, dialogue, session_token)
async def say_hello():
room = await bot.get_dialogue(dialogue, session_token)
await room.send_message("hello world", session_token, dialogue)
async def debug():
room =await bot.get_dialogue("enter dialogue id here", session_token)
await room.send_message("BOT IS WORKING", session_token, dialogue)