Releases: TheXtremeLabs/TheLab
Releases · TheXtremeLabs/TheLab
TheLab 12.16.0
- Migrate youtube to compose
- Link splashscreen activites to datastore settings
TheLab 12.13.1
Video streaming feature with ExoPlayer
TheLab 12.12
Weather widget :
- Weather widget created
- Fetch icons and weather data
Theaters :
- use of TMDB Api to fetch movies and tv shows
- display videos
TheLab 12.10.4
TheLab is stabilized and up-to-date, it integrates:
- download file using Android Download Manager
- Bluetooth fetching
- Network state updates through dynamic island
TheLab 12.9
TheLab integrates:
- new UI with Compose in most of the screens
- login and sign up with Room
TheLab 10.12
TheLab version integrating CoroutineWorker for background long-time running processes, few bug fixes and app improvements
TheLab 10.10
v10.10.0 Release v10.10.0
TheLab 10.9
v10.9.0 Release v10.9.0
TheLab 10.8
v10.8.7 Release v10.8.7
TheLab X
TheLab X (said TheLab Ten), is a version full migrated with Kotlin, and use a maximum of Kotlin features such as coroutines, suspend functions and Flows and so on