Provides an extensible framework for Odoo to do full text search, using PostgreSQL's full text search mechanism, on different models. It aims at least possible administration effort while still providing fast and high quality search results for users. The modular design enables administrators to offer just the full text search wanted and developers an easy way to add searches.
For Odoo 16.0 this has been significantly overhauled from the original OpenERP 6.1 / 7.0 implementation, using features that have since been added to PostgreSQL.
The original implementation was presented here: Open Days 2013
- Install the search module you are interested in (ie
to search in attachments), Installation might take some time, as existing rows in the database will be indexed.
Add the ftx_mixin to your inheritance, for instance like this:
class IrAttachment(models.Model): _name = "ir.attachment" _inherit = ["ir.attachment", "fts.mixin"]
Set the class attributes _proxy_search_field and _extra_columns:
_proxy_search_field = "content_tsvector" _extra_columns = ["mimetype"]
Import tthe TSVectorField field definition and add one or more fields: (the main search field must be set in the _proxy_search_field attribute)
from odoo.addons.fts_base.tsvector_field import TSVector ... content_tsvector = TSVector( indexed_columns=[ "index_content", ], help="FT Search on content",
It is possible to have multiple TSVector fields and search on them (add them to your search fields).
If you want to include your model in the global search over all supported models, override the fts_proxy model to add your model, and update the fts_proxy search view.
class FtsProxy(models.TransientModel): _inherit = "fts.proxy" res_model = fields.Selection( selection_add=[("ir.attachment", "Attachments")], # Register for FT Search ondelete={"ir.attachment": "cascade"}, )
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For commercial support, please contact Therp BV.