##Embedded System : Autonomous encryption station
- Thomas Boulier
- Anthony Calpas
- Camille Finand
- Aurélien Jolivard
- Antoine Marck
###Fair practices : Use of git, autotools, the present README.
- Cross-compil encrypt.c and decrypt.c for Armadeaus apf28.
- Have a device containing : encrypt, decrypt, mountKey.sh, possibly autoupdate.sh
- Have the daemon S99mount in /etc/init.d in the Armadeus.
- Boot the board.
- The LED should slowly blink : the board is in idle state.
- Plug the USB device.
- The daemon S99mount will launch mountKey.sh
- mountKey.sh will launch autoUpdate.sh and move encrypt & decrypt from the stick to the board.
- mountKey.sh will execute encrypt creating a file encrypted.xor from test
- mountKey.sh will execute decrypt creating a file decryptedFile from encrypted.xor
- The LED should quickly blink 3 times to indicate that the process achieved, then light off.
- You can unplug the stick.
- The board will then return in idle state, the LED should blink slowly again.
##Setup : (versions before 1.3)
- Create directory /be if it does not exist.
- Put mountKey.sh in it.
- Put binaries encrypt and decrypt in it
- Put daemon S99mount in /etc/init.d
- syncronize the RAM.
- Boot.
- [Log]
- The LED should slowly blink : the board is in idle state.
- Plug the USB stick.
- The board will enter in busy state : it will mount the stick, encrypt the file called "XXX", then unmount the stick.
- The LED should quickly blink 3 times to indicate that the process achieved, then light off.
- You can unplug the stick.
- The board will then return in idle state, the LED should blink slowly again.
##State of the several version :
###0.1 Version:
- Script run by init.d which detect a USB device connected on the card (check /dev/sda1 periodically)
- Mounting the device.
- Unmounting the device.
- The LED flashes 3 times.
###0.2 Version:
- Every n secondes,a long flash of the LED for each check.
###0.2.1 Version: After the mounting-unmounting, the system return in the idle state.
###1.0 Version:
Between mounting & unmounting, a encryption programm is called.
The encryption is the XorEncryption (cf https://github.com/KyleBanks/XOREncryption/tree/master/C)
The programm is a C programm, crosscompiled using https://github.com/pblottiere/armadeus, with make am28_defconfig
###1.1 Version:
- Decrypt the file "todecrypt.xor"
###1.2 Version:
- Encrypt the whole directory /be (unimplemented)
###1.3 Version:
- A bash autoupdate.sh on the device do the Setup process described higher.